1828 in art

1828 in art

List of years in Art



*Thomas Cole - "The Garden of Eden"


* May 10 - James McDougal Hart, painter (d. 1901)
* May 11 - Alfred Stevens, painter (d. 1906)
* May 12 - Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Pre-Raphaelite painter (d. 1882)
* June 20 - John Wharlton Bunney, Pre-Raphaelite painter (d. 1882)
* Pietro Pezzati - Italian mural painter who painted many religious painting in churches (d. 1890)
* Jan Wnęk, carpenter and sculptor (aviation accident) (d. 1869)
* Jervis McEntee, painter of the Hudson River School (d. 1891)
* Elie Delaunay, painter (d. 1891)
* Adolf Schreyer, German painter (d. 1899)


*April 16 - Francisco Goya, painter (b. 1746)
*July 9 - Gilbert Stuart, American painter (b. 1755)
*July 15 - Jean Antoine Houdon, French neoclassical sculptor (b. 1741)
*September 28 - Richard Parkes Bonington, landscape painter (b. 1802)
*November 8 - Thomas Bewick, engraver (b. 1753)
* Sakai Hōitsu - Japanese painter of the Rinpa school (b. 1761)
* Wilhelmina Krafft - Swedish painter and portrait miniaturist (b. 1778)
* Giuseppe Levati - Italian painter and designer of the late-Baroque and Neoclassicism period (b. 1739)
* Christian August Lorentzen - Danish painter (b. 1746)
* Joseph Rebell - Austrian landcsape painter (b. 1787)
* Anne Seymour Damer - English sculptor (b. 1748)

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