- Generating set
mathematics , the expressions generator, generate, generated by and generating set can have several closely related technical meanings:
* Generating set of an algebra: If "A" is a ring and "B" is an "A"-algebra , then "S" generates "B" if the only sub-"A"-algebra of "B" containing "S" is "B" itself.
*Generating set of a group : A set of group elements which are not contained in any subgroup of the group other than the entire group itself. See alsogroup presentation .
* Generating set of a ring: A subset "S" of a ring "A" generates "A" if the onlysubring of "A" containing "S" is "A" itself.
* Generating set of an ideal in a ring.
* Generator is invoked incategory theory . Usually the intended meaning will be clear from context.* In
topology , a collection of sets which generate the topology is called asubbase .
*Generating set of a topological algebra : "S" is a generating set of atopological algebra "A" if the smallest closedsubalgebra of "A" containing "S" is "A" itself* Elements of the
Lie algebra to aLie group are sometimes referred to as "generators of the group," especially by physicists. The Lie algebra can be thought of as generating the group at least locally by exponentiation, but the Lie algebra does not form a generating set in the strict sense.
* The generator of anycontinuous symmetry implied byNoether's theorem , with the generators of a Lie group being a special case. In this case, a generator is sometimes called a charge orNoether charge , in analogy to theelectric charge being the generator of theU(1) symmetry group ofelectromagnetism . Thus, for example, thecolor charge s ofquark s are the generators of theSU(3) color symmetry inquantum chromodynamics . More precisely, "charge" should apply only the toroot system of a Lie group.
* In stochastic analysis, anItō diffusion or more generalItō process has an infinitesimal generator.
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