- F₄
mathematics , F4 is the name of aLie group and also itsLie algebra mathfrak{f}_4. It is one of the five exceptionalsimple Lie group s. "F"4 has rank 4 and dimension 52. The compact form is simply connected and itsouter automorphism group is thetrivial group . Itsfundamental representation is 26-dimensional.The compact real form of F4 is the
isometry group of a 16-dimensionalRiemannian manifold known as the 'octonionicprojective plane ', OP2. This can be seen systematically using a construction known as the "magic square", due toHans Freudenthal andJacques Tits .There are 3 real forms: a compact one, a split one, and a third one.
The "F"4 Lie algebra may be constructed by adding 16 generators transforming as a
spinor to the 36-dimensional Lie algebra so(9), in analogy with the construction of E8.Algebra
Dynkin diagram Roots of F4
:pm 1,pm 1,0,0)
:pm 1,0,pm 1,0)
:pm 1,0,0,pm 1)
:0,pm 1,pm 1,0)
:0,pm 1,0,pm 1)
:0,0,pm 1,pm 1)
:pm 1,0,0,0)
:0,pm 1,0,0)
:0,0,pm 1,0)
:0,0,0,pm 1)
:left(pmfrac{1}{2},pmfrac{1}{2},pmfrac{1}{2},pmfrac{1}{2} ight)
Simple roots:0,1,-1,0)
:left(frac{1}{2},-frac{1}{2},-frac{1}{2},-frac{1}{2} ight)
Weyl/Coxeter group
Its Weyl/Coxeter group is the
symmetry group of the24-cell .Cartan matrix :egin{pmatrix}2&-1&0&0\-1&2&-2&0\0&-1&2&-1\0&0&-1&2end{pmatrix}
F4 lattice
The F4 lattice is a four dimensional
body-centered cubic lattice (i.e. the union of twohypercubic lattice s, each lying in the center of the other). They form a ring called theHurwitz quaternion ring. The 24 Hurwitz quaternions of norm 1 form the24-cell .ee also
Exceptional Jordan algebra References
John Baez , "The Octonions", Section 4.2: F4, [http://www.ams.org/bull/2002-39-02/S0273-0979-01-00934-X/home.html Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 39 (2002), 145-205] . Online HTML version at http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/octonions/node15.html.
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