Pedro Berruguete

Pedro Berruguete

Pedro Berruguete (c. 1450 – 1504) was a Spanish painter, his art is regarded as a transitional style between gothic and renaissance. Born in Paredes de Nava, Spain, he went to Italy in 1480 and worked in Federigo da Montefeltro's court in Urbino. He came back Spain 1482 and painted in several cities as Sevilla, Toledo and Ávila. He was father of an important sculptor, Alonso Berruguete, considered the most important sculptor in Renaissance Spain.


* Brown, Jonothan (1991)."The Golden Age of Painting in Spain". Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-4760-6
* Campbell, Gordon (2003) "Berruguete, Pedro (c. 1450-c. 1500)" "The Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance" Oxford University Press, Oxford;
* Chilvers, Ian and Osborne, Harold (eds.) (1988) "Berruguete, Pedro (d. 1504)" "The Oxford Dictionary of Art" Oxford University Press, Oxford;
* Langmuir, Erika and Lynton, Norbert (2000) "Berruguete, Pedro (d. 1504)" "The Yale Dictionary of Art and Artists" Yale University Press, New Haven, CT;
* Osborne, Harold (ed.) (1970) "Berruguete, Pedro (d. c. 1503)" "The Oxford Companion to Art" Oxford University Press, Clarendon Press, Oxford, England;
* Myers, Bernard S. (ed.) (1969) "Berruguete, Pedro" "McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Art" McGraw-Hill, New York;
* Parry, Melanie (ed.) (1997) "Berruguete, Pedro (1450-1504)" "Chambers Biographical Dictionary" Sixth edition, Larousse Kingfisher Chambers, New York;

External links

* [ Pedro Berruguete] at the Web Gallery of Art

* - A Spanish language website established on the 5th centennial of his death in 2004; however, it is no longer extant. It may be viewed at [*/* Web Archive] with available images starting at page 89.

Gallery of Pedro Berruguete's works

Click on image for larger version.


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