List of military unit mottoes by country

List of military unit mottoes by country



Republic of China(Taiwan)

Republic of China Armed Force
*防衛固守有效嚇阻(fang-wei-gu-shou, yo-siao-he-zu): persistent defense, effective intimidation.
*決戰境外(jue-jhan-jin-wai): decisive battle outside of national boundary.
*Republic of China Army
**Aviation and Special Operation Command
***高山低頭海水讓路(gao-shan-di-tou, hai-shui-ran-lu): the mountain bows, the ocean splits.
***生為空特人死為空特魂(sheng-wei-kon-teh-ren, sih-wei-kon-teh-huen): live as kon-teh persons, die as kon-teh spirits.(空特kon-teh is abbreviation of Aviation and Special Warfare Command)
*Republic of China Navy
**(jhong, yi): loyalty and justice.
**見敵必戰(jien-di-bi-jhan): battle we must when enemy in sight.
**Republic of China Marine Corps
***一日陸戰隊終生陸戰隊(yi-rih-lu-jhan-duei, jhong-sheng-lu-jhan-duei): marine for a day, marine for whole life.
***不怕苦不怕難不怕死(bu-pa-ku, bu-pa-nan, bu-pa-sih): fear no challenge, fear no pain, fear no death.
***永遠忠誠(yon-yuen-jhong-cheng): ever loyal.
*Republic of China Air Force
**無空防即無國防(wu-kon-fan-ji-wu-guo-fan): without air defense there is no national defense.
*Republic of China Military Police
**忠誠憲兵(jhong-cheng-hsien-bin): loyal military police.
*Military Academy
**貪生怕死勿入此門升官發財請走他路(tan-sheng-pa-sih-mo-ru-cih-men, sheng-guan-fa-cai-cing-zou-ta-lu): (those who are) afraid of death do not enter this door, (those who wish) for promotion and wealth please take other path.



* Indonesian Army: kartika eka paksi
* Indonesian Navy: Jalesveva Jayamahe ("In ocean we are glorious")
* Indonesian Air Force: swa buana paksa


* Israeli Defence Forces
** Givati Brigade: Yehidat Sgula (A Unit of Virtue , also means: purple - the brigade's beret color)
** Israeli Armored Corps: Ha-Adam She-ba-Tank Yenatze'ah (The Man In The Tank [is the one who] Shall Win)
** Israeli Armored Corps: Ba-makom bo ya'atsru ha-zchalim, sham yikava ha gvool ( [in the place] where the [tank] tracks will stop, the border line would be decided [marked/drawn] )
** Israeli Artillery Corps: Bli Siyua, Ha-chir Lo Yanua (Without Support, the Infantry Won't Move)
** Israeli Artillery Corps: artilerya malkat Hakrav (Hebrew:ארטילריה מלכת הקרב) (Artillery is the queen of Battle)
** Israeli Artillery Corps: Khirnik beTaut Akhat Horeg Khirnik Ekhad, Totkhanim beTaut Akhat Horgim Asara Khirnikim (Hebrew: חי"רניק בטעות אחת הורג חי"רניק,תותחנים בטעות אחת הורגים עשרה חי"רניקים) ( If An infantryman does in one mistake he kills only another infantryman, If Artillery does one mistake they kill ten infantrymen)
** Israeli Engineering Corps: Tamid Rishonim (Always First)
** Israeli Engineering Corps: Et ha-Kashe Naase Hayom, Et ha-Bilti Efshari Naase Machar (Hebrew: את הקשה נעשה היום, את הבלתי אפשרי נעשה מחר) (The hard - we shall do today, the impossible - we shall do tomorrow)
** Israeli Education and Youth Corps Am boneh Tzava Boneh Am (Hebrew: צבא בונה עם בונה צבא) (A Nation builds an Army [which] builds a Nation)
** Israeli Intelligence Corps: Lecha Dumiya Tehila (Silence is praise to You; Psalms 65:2)
** Israeli Medical Corps: Ha-metsil nefesh achat, keilu hetsil olam shalem (he who saves one soul, saves a whole world)
** Israeli Navy: Vayerd MeYam Ad Yam, Uminahar Ad Afsey Aretz, Lefanav Yichreu Tziyim (He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. Navies shall bow before him; Psalm 72:8,9)
** Nahal Brigade: Hayitaron ha-Enoshi (Human Advantage)
** Paratroopers Brigade: Nizom, Novil, Ne'haveh Dugma VeNenaze'ah (We shall Innovate, Lead, Set an Example - and Win)
** Sayeret Matkal: Mi Sheme'ez, Menatze'ah (מי שמעז מנצח)(Who Dares Wins)
* Mossad: Be'ein Tachbulot Yipol Am, Uteshua Berov Yoetz (Where no counsel is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety; Proverbs 11:14)
* SHABAK: Magen Ve-Lo Yira'e (Defender Who Shall Not Have Fear / Defender Who Shall Not Be Seen)
* Shayetet 13 She'hagalim mitchazkim , hachazakim mitgalim (כשהגלים מתחזקים החזקים מתגלים) (When the waves grow stronger, the strong men are revealed).



*Pakistan Army پاک فوج motto: "Iman, Taqwa, Jihad fi Sabilillah". Translated into English, it means "Faith, Piety and Fight in the path of God".


ri Lanka


* Livgardet: Possunt nec posse videntur (They can what it seems they cannot)
* Norbottens regemente: De hava aldrig svikit eller för egen del tappat (They have never failed or for their own part lost)
* Artilleriregementet: Ultima ratio regum (The last resort of kings)
* Luftvärnsregementet: Semper metam contingimus (We always reach our goals)
* Livregementets husarer: Pergite!(Forward!)

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