Umai Bō


nihongo|Umai |うまい棒 or "delicious stick" is a small, puffed, cylindrical corn snack that resides at the bottom of most Japanese convenience store candy shelves. It is produced by Riska. It has a suggested retail price of 10 yen, but because profit margin is so slim, its length can change without a notice. Its consistency is similar to Cheetos. The wrapper features a cat, "Umaemon" who is a pun of popular character, Doraemon.

There are many flavors of Umai available, including savory flavors, such as salad, mentaiko, takoyaki and cheese; and sweet flavors, such as cocoa, caramel, and chocolate. Some flavors were discontinued after a brief period, while others became a staple. Some flavors are only sold in specific location, such as a tourist spot.


Presently Circulating

*Corn Potage
*Teriyaki Burger
*Vegetable Salad
*Chicken Curry
*Tonkatsu Sauce
*Shrimp and Mayonnaise
*Caramel Candy (Production discontinued, in stock only as of 2006)
*Cocoa (Production discontinued, in stock only as of 2006)
*Kabayaki (Production discontinued, in stock only as of 2006)
*Beef Tongue

Limited Reproduction

(As of 2006)
*"Saki-ika" (Dried Squid)
*Crab Dumpling
*Umeboshi Riceball

Only in Specific Area

*Monja (Tokyo)
*Honey-flavor (Shizuoka)
*"Mentaiko" (Kyūshū)
*Okonomiyaki (Kansai)
*Kiritanpo (Akita)


*"Choikara Panchi"
*Crab "Chanko"
*Chocolate Peanut
*Crab Dumpling
*"Mame-rikan" (Bean-American)
*Umeboshi Riceball
*Red Lobster
*American Hot Dog
*Marine Beef

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