- Hymnus Eucharisticus
The Hymnus Eucharisticus is a traditional
hymn sung by the Magdalen College choir (boy choristers fromMagdalen College School nearby) atOxford ,England . The hymn is sung from the gallery of the college's Great Hall (the dining room) during important college occasions.In addition, and more publicly, it is also sung from
Magdalen Tower at 6am every1 May , a tradition of more than 500 years. This initiates the annualMay Morning celebrations inOxford . Large crowds gather in the High Street and onMagdalen Bridge to listen. The sound is very faint although more recently amplification has been used. The crowds then disperse for other celebratory activities such as Morris Dancing.The music is composed by Benjamin Rogers, "Doctor of Musique of the University of Oxon, 1685" and is entered on a folio bearing the date 1673 indicating that it may have been written prior to that date. The lyrics were alleged to have been written by Dr. Nathaniel Ingelo, to be sung "at the civic feast at Guildhall on the 5th July, 1660, while the king and the other royal personages were at dinner" however, the words of Ingelo's hymn differ significantly. [ [ The Maudeleyne Grace] accessed 11 August 2006.]
The "Hymnus Eucharisticus" appears in several movies and television programs, including most notably,
Richard Attenborough 's film "Shadowlands " (1993), on the later years ofC.S. Lewis , starring SirAnthony Hopkins (as Lewis) andDebra Winger .Lyrics
Te Deum Patrem colimus,
Te laudibus prosequimur,
qui corpus cibo reficis,
coelesti mentem gratia.Te adoramus, O Jesu,
Te, Fili unigenite,
Te, qui non dedignatus es
subire claustra Virginis.Actus in crucem, factus est
irato Deo victima
per te, Salvator unice
vitae spes nobis rediit.Tibi, aeterne Spiritus
cuius afflatu peperit
infantem Deum Maria,
aeternum benedicimus.Triune Deus, hominum
salutis auctor optime,
immensum hoc mysterium
orante lingua canimus.Notes
External links
* [http://www.magd.ox.ac.uk/history/cc_hymnus.shtml "Hymnus Eucharisticus"] and [http://www.magd.ox.ac.uk/purchase/may_morning.shtml Music for a May Morning] information from Magdalen College
* " [http://www.bbc.co.uk/paintingtheweather/csv/painting/magdalen.shtml May Morning, Magdalen Tower] " byWilliam Holman Hunt (1890 )
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/oxford/culture/2003/04/mayday_gallery.shtml Oxford's May Morning] from theBBC , 2003
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.