RSM may refer to:

* RSM International, a worldwide network of professional services firms providing tax, accounting, consulting, and specialist advisory services
* RSM McGladrey, a tax, accounting and consulting firm based in Bloomington, Minnesota, USA
* R. Stevie Moore, an American singer-songwriter
* Rajah Solaiman Movement, a Filipino Islamic organisation, reputed to be armed
* Rancho Santa Margarita, California, a city in California, USA
* RapidShare Manager, tool to upload and download files from
* Regimental Sergeant Major, a warrant officer appointment in the British and most Commonwealth armies and the Royal Marines
* Religious Order of the Sisters of Mercy, an order of Catholic women
* Renault Samsung Motors, a South Korean motor manufacturer
* Republic of San Marino (ISO country code)
* Response surface methodology, the use of a set of designed experiments to obtain an optimal response
* Reynolds stress model, for modeling turbulence in fluid dynamics
* Rotterdam School of Management, the business school of Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands
* Route Switch Module, a component of a powered device that provides network routing services
* Royal Saskatchewan Museum, a museum in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
* Royal School of Mines, an institute of higher education in London, England
* Royal Society of Medicine, a British medical society
* Russian School of Mathematics, an after-school mathematical education program based in Massachusetts, USA
* Radioamaterski Sojuz na Makedonija, an amateur radio organization in the Republic of Macedonia

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