Bellini (band)

Bellini (band)

Bellini is an international indie rock/math rock band composed of members from Girls Against Boys, Soulside, Don Caballero and Uzeda. This band was named for the Italian composer Vincenzo Bellini (1801-1835).

This band should not be confused with the German dance act "Bellini" comprising of two producers and three singer/dancers and famous for their football hit "Samba de Janeiro".


*Giovanna Cacciola - vocals
*Alexis Fleisig - drums
* Matthew Taylor - bass
*Agostino Tilotta - guitar
*Damon Che (drums - past)

Official releases

*"Snowing Sun", (Monitor Records, 2001)
*"Small Stones", (Temporary Residence Limited, 2005)
*"The Buffalo Song/Never Again 7", (Radio is Down, 2005)

External links

* [ Official Site]
* [ MySpace Site]
* [ Temporary Residence Limited]

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