

Bellini may refer to:

*Bellini (cocktail), an alcoholic beverage
*A family of Italian painters, the most famous of which is Giovanni Bellini (c.1430/1516). His father was Jacopo Bellini and his brother was Gentile Bellini.
*Filippo Bellini, an Italian painter
*Hilderaldo Bellini, a Brazilian football (soccer) player
*Lorenzo Bellini (1643/1704), an Italian physician and anatomist
*Vincenzo Bellini (1801/1835), a Sicilian opera composer
*Jason Bellini, an American journalist
*Jarrett Bellini, an American writer
*Paul Bellini, a Canadian comedy writer and television actor.
*Bellini (band), an international indie rock band composed of members from Girls Against Boys, Don Caballero and Uzeda
*Francesco Bellini, Luxembourgian footballer
*The Bellini Brothers (also just Bellini), a German dance duo better known as Paffendorf

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  • Bellini — • Giacomo (Jacopo) Bellini, father of Gentile and Giovanni Bellini. Teacher of his sons who were the chief founders of the Venetian school of painting Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Bellini     Bellini …   Catholic encyclopedia

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