Satō Tetsutarō

Satō Tetsutarō

Infobox Military Person
name=Satō Tetsutarō
lived= 22 August 1866 - 4 March 1942 [Nishida, Imperial Japanese Navy]
placeofbirth=Tsuruoka, Dewa province, Japan
placeofdeath=Tokyo, Japan

caption= Japanese Admiral Satō Tetsutarō
allegiance=Empire of Japan
branch=navy|Empire of Japan
serviceyears=1887 - 1931
rank=Vice Admiral
battles=First Sino-Japanese War
*Battle of the Yalu
Russo-Japanese War
*Battle off Ulsan
*Battle of Tsushima
World War I
laterwork=House of Peers
nihongo|Tetsutarō Satō |佐藤鉄太郎|Satō Tetsutarō|extra= 22 August 1866 – 4 March 1942 was a Japanese military theorist and an admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy.


Early career

Born in the Tsuruoka domain, Dewa Province (present day Tsuruoka city, Yamagata prefecture), Satō graduated from the 14th class of the Imperial Japanese Naval Academy in 1887, ranked 5th of 45 cadets. He served as midshipman on the corvette "Tsukuba", cruiser "Naniwa" and corvette "Yamato". On being commissioned an ensign, he was assigned to the gunboat "Chokai", becoming chief navigator by 1890. After his promotion to lieutenant in 1892, he served as chief navigator aboard the gunboat "Akagi".

First Sino-Japanese War

At the time of the First Sino-Japanese War, Sato was still assigned to "Akagi". He took command of the vessel when its captain was killed during the Battle of the Yalu on 17 September 1894. Sato himself was wounded in the battle. Afterwards, he served as chief navigator on "Naniwa".

On the conclusion of the war, Satō's talents and heroism were awarded with an assignment to the staff of Admiral Yamamoto Gonnohyōe's staff within the Navy Ministry's Naval Affairs Department.

Satō was sent to study naval strategy in the United Kingdom from 1899-1901 and in the United States from 1901 - 1902. Upon his return to Japan, he published "On the Defense of the Empire" while an instructor at the Naval War College, which advocated the Navy as the main force of national security and military strength. He was also appointed executive officer of the cruiser "Miyako". After his promotion to commander in 1902, he was executive officer on "Itsukushima" and "Izumo".

Russo-Japanese War

During the Russo-Japanese War, Satō served as a staff officer of the IJN 2nd Fleet under Vice Admiral Kamimura Hikonojō. While aboard the 2nd Fleet flagship "Izumo", Sato took part in the Battle off Ulsan and the Battle of Tsushima. Following the war, Satō was executive officer on the battleship "Asahi", and was then given his first command: the gunboat "Tatsuta"; however, he returned within a year to the Naval War College as an advanced student, and later served as an instructor from 1906 to 1908.

Naval theorist

After winning promotion to captain in 1907, Satō published several revised editions and expanded on his initial 1903 thesis including "History of Naval Defense" (1907), "History of the Empire's Defense" (1908), and the "Revised History of the Empire's Defense" (1912). Satō has been called "the Mahan of Japan", as his writings emphasized that the key to Japan's safety was denial of power projection by hypothetical enemies (such as the United States), into waters adjacent to the Japanese home islands.

Satō's works, along with documents of the Navy Ministry regarding policy, would form the basis of the Japanese naval expansion into the East Indies, using elements from naval plans developed by United States Navy Admiral Alfred T. Mahan and Royal Navy Vice Admiral Philip Howard Colomb. He also began urging the Japanese government to maintain at least a 70% capital ship level over the United States, Japan's hypothetical rival.

Satō was promoted to rear admiral in 1912, while at the Navy War College, as well as serving at sea between 1908 until 1914 as captain of the "Soya" and "Aso".

The following year after Japan's entry into World War I, Satō was appointed Vice Chief of the Navy General Staff in 1915, and promoted to vice admiral the next year while serving as president of the Navy War College.

Leaving the Navy War College in 1920, Satō commanded the Maizuru Naval District before being placed on the inactive list in 1922.

Named to the House of Peers in 1934, Satō was a major opponent to Japan's participation in the Washington Naval Treaty (and thus a member of the Fleet Faction following World War I until his death in 1942.



*cite book
last = Dupuy
first = Trevor N
authorlink =
coauthors =
year = 1992
title = The Harper Encyclopedia of Military Biography
publisher = HarperCollins
location = New York
id = 0-7858-0437-4

*cite book
last = Rose
first = Lisle A.
authorlink =
coauthors =
year = 2006
title = Power at Sea: The Age of Navalism 1890-1918
publisher = University of Missouri Press
location =
id = 082621701X

*cite book
last = Rose
first = Lisle A.
authorlink =
coauthors =
year = 2006
title = Power at Sea: The Breaking Storm, 1919-1945
publisher = University of Missouri Press
location =
id = 0826217028

External links

*cite web
last = Nishida
first = Hiroshi
url =
title = Imperial Japanese Navy
accessdate = 2007-02-25


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