Soto uke

Soto uke

A soto uke is a karate blocking technique used for blocking mid-level incoming attacks. It is traslated as "inner block", which comes from the block's final resting point centered on the blocker's body.

Soto uke is performed by bringing one hand to the ear, keeping the elbow raised, and sweeping the arm down and out towards the center of the body. The preparatory step of raising the arm gives the block more momentum, making it somewhat painful to encounter. A different application involves extending the non-blocking hand in front before performing the block. This represents grabbing the attacker's arm. The motion termed the block, then, is actually meant to break the arm, which would explain the necessity of the extra momentum.

It is debated whether this block should be termed an uchi uke, or outer block, instead, which would refer to the way it begins outside of the body's line. To avoid confusion between different naming systems, this block is sometimes called an "outside-to-inside block" which describes the motion.

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