


image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Eleutherodactylus mimus."
name = Eleutherodactylus
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Lissamphibia
ordo = Anura
subordo = Neobatrachia
superfamilia = Hyloidea
familia = Leptodactylidae
subfamilia = Eleutherodactylinae
genus = "Eleutherodactylus"
genus_authority = Duméril and Bibron, 1841
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = Many, see text.

"Eleutherodactylus" is a diverse genus of leptodactylid frogs. This is typically described as the largest vertebrate genus on Earth, with over 700 speciescite web |url=http://amphibiaweb.org/lists/Leptodactylidae.shtml | title=AmphibiaWeb: Information on Amphibian Biology and Conservation | accessdate=2007-06-17 | publisher=University of California, Berkeley, CA] , new ones being discovered almost every year.Fact|date=June 2007 "Sensu stricto", however, it should exclude clades with distributions south of the Panama Canal. Many species are commonly known as "rain frogs" or "tink frogs" for their sharp, high-pitched, insect-link calls. The best known species is the Common Coquí ("Eleutherodactylus coqui"), which is a national symbol in Puerto Rico, and a notorious invasive species in Hawaii. Two species in this genus, "E. limbatus" and "E. iberia", are the smallest known frogs, measuring only mm. [ [http://www.cfrar.com/amphibianfacts.htm The Center for Reptile and Amphibian Research: Interesting Facts About Amphibians ] ]


The name "Eleutherodactylus" is derived from the Greek words for free-toed. Most species are small, slender, and cryptically colored, with 3-5 free toes. A few, such as the possibly extinct Web-footed Coquí ("Eleutherodactylus karlschmidti") of Puerto Rico, have completely webbed feet. Many species, for example Cook's Robber Frog, ("E. cooki"), also of Puerto Rico, exhibit sexual dimorphism in size and color.

Distribution and habitat

Species of "Eleutherodactylus" are found throughout the Neotropics, including the southern United States, Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean. Additionally, the Common Coquí ("E. coqui") has been introduced to several islands in the Hawaiian archipelago and elsewhere in the Pacific.cite web|title=Eleutherodactylus coqui (amphibian) at the Global Invasive Species Database|url=http://www.issg.org/database/species/ecology.asp?si=105&fr=1&sts>|accessdate=2007-06-06] .

They may be terrestrial, arboreal, or aquatic, typically living in forests or riparian areas, and feeding primarily feed upon arthropods. Many "Eleutherodactylus" species have highly restricted ranges and are found on only one island or in one or a few localities. Even some of these restricted species can occur at very high densities.

Reproduction and development

All species of "Eleutherodactylus" are characterized by direct development, in which eggs hatch directly into small frogs, completely bypassing the tadpole stage. This adaptation may be largely responsible for their ecological and evolutionary success. Most species of "Eleutherodactylus" are characterized by parental behaviors such as egg guarding by either the male or female parent. In some cases, even young froglets are attended by parents. Another extinct Puerto Rican species, the Golden coquí ("Eleutherodactylus jasperi"), gave birth to live young.


The basis of forming this genus has been morphological, but sequence comparisons of protein-encoding DNA, mitochondrial DNA, and ribosomal RNA have shown that geographic range is a much more consistent predictor of cladistics for this group of frogs. The climbing habits characteristic of many species have evolved independently. All true members of the genus have been clustered into subgenera, but many less related species require more genetic data before they are to be officially classified elsewhere. The theory that the Eleutherodactyline colonisation of Central America and the Caribbean from their origins in South America occurred during the Cretaceous has fallen out of favor. The fossil record combined with molecular clock analyses indicate that the subgenera were probably founded by small groups of individuals by flotsam dispersal during the Eocene or Oligocene. Land bridges would have been limited to facilitating dispersal between West Indian islands, however the Oligocene division of Hispaniola and Cuba resulted in further speciation. The distribution of subgenus "Syrrhopus" is most likely due to a secondary dispersal to Central America from the Greater Antilles during the Miocene. The formation of the Panama Isthmus during the Pliocene has caused some intercontinental distribution among the clades, although only twenty "South American frogs" have ever made it northwards after the original colonisation. cite journal | author=Heinicke, M.P., W.E. Duellman & S.B. Hedges | year=2007 | title=Major Caribbean and Central American frog faunas originated by ancient oceanic dispersal |journal = Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. | volume=104 | issue=24 | pages=100927 | doi=10.1073/pnas.0611051104]


West Indian (Subgenus "Eleutherodactylus")

* "E. (E.) abbotti" Cochran, 1923
* "E. (E.) amplinympha" Kaiser, Green & Schmid, 1994
* "E. (E.) antillensis" Reinhardt & Lütken, 1863
* "E. (E.) audanti" Cochran, 1934
* "E. (E.) auriculatoides" Noble, 1923
* "E. (E.) auriculatus" Cope, 1862
* "E. (E.) barlagnei" Lynch, 1965
* "E. (E.) bartonsmithi" Schwartz, 1960
* "E. (E.) brittoni" Schmidt, 1920
* "E. (E.) cochranae" Grant, 1932
* "E. (E.) cooki" Grant, 1932
* "E. (E.) coqui" Thomas, 1966
* "E. (E.) eileenae" Dunn, 1926
* "E. (E.) eneidae" Rivero, 1959
* "E. (E.) flavescens" Noble, 1923
* "E. (E.) fowleri" Schwartz, 1973
* "E. (E.) glamyrus" Estrada & Hedges, 1997
* "E. (E.) gryllus" Schmidt, 1920
* "E. (E.) guantanamera" Hedges, Estrada & Thomas, 1992
* "E. (E.) haitianus" Barbour, 1942
* "E. (E.) hedricki" Rivero, 1963
* "E. (E.) ionthus" Schwartz, 1960
* "E. (E.) jasperi" Drewry & Jones, 1976
* "E. (E.) johnstonei" Barbour, 1914
* "E. (E.) juanariveroi" Ríos, 2004
* "E. (E.) karlschmidti" Grant, 1931
* "E. (E.) lamprotes" Schwartz, 1973
* "E. (E.) leberi" Schwartz, 1965
* "E. (E.) locustus" Schmidt, 1920
* "E. (E.) mariposa" Hedges, Estrada & Thomas, 1992
* "E. (E.) martinicensis" Tschudi, 1838
* "E. (E.) melacara" Hedges, Estrada & Thomas, 1992
* "E. (E.) minutus" Noble, 1923
* "E. (E.) montanus" Schmidt, 1919
* "E. (E.) parabates" Schwartz, 1964
* "E. (E.) patriciae" Schwartz, 1965
* "E. (E.) pinchoni" Schwartz, 1967
* "E. (E.) pituinus" Schwartz, 1965
* "E. (E.) poolei" Cochran, 1938
* "E. (E.) portoricensis" Schmidt, 1927
* "E. (E.) principalis" Estrada & Hedges, 1997
* "E. (E.) richmondi" Stejneger, 1904
* "E. (E.) ronaldi" Schwartz, 1960
* "E. (E.) schwartzi" Thomas, 1966
* "E. (E.) unicolor" Stejneger, 1904
* "E. (E.) varians" Gundlach & Peters, 1864
* "E. (E.) wetmorei" Cochran, 1932
* "E. (E.) wightmanae" Schmidt, 1920

West Indian (Subgenus "Euhyas")

* "E. (Eu.) acmonis" Schwartz, 1960
* "E. (Eu.) adelus" Diaz, Cadiz & Hedges, 2003
* "E. (Eu.) albipes" Barbour & Shreve, 1937
* "E. (Eu.) alcoae" Schwartz, 1971
* "E. (Eu.) alticola" Lynn, 1937
* "E. (Eu.) amadeus" Hedges, Thomas & Franz, 1987
* "E. (Eu.) andrewsi" Lynn, 1937
* "E. (Eu.) apostates" Schwartz, 1973
* "E. (Eu.) armstrongi" Noble & Hassler, 1933
* "E. (Eu.) atknisi" Dunn, 1925
* "E. (Eu.) bakeri" Cochran, 1935
* "E. (Eu.) blairhedgesi" Estrada, Díaz & Rodriguez, 1998
* "E. (Eu.) bresslerae" Schwartz, 1960
* "E. (Eu.) brevirostris" Shreve, 1936
* "E. (Eu.) caribe" Hedges & Thomas, 1992
* "E. (Eu.) casparii" Dunn, 1926
* "E. (Eu.) cavernicola" Lynn, 1954
* "E. (Eu.) corona" Hedges & Thomas, 1992
* "E. (Eu.) cubanus" Barbour, 1942
* "E. (Eu.) cundalli" Dunn, 1926
* "E. (Eu.) cuneatus" Cope, 1862
* "E. (Eu.) darlingtoni" Cochran, 1935
* "E. (Eu.) dimidiatus" Cope, 1862
* "E. (Eu.) dolomedes" Hedges & Thomas, 1992
* "E. (Eu.) emiliae" Dunn, 1926
* "E. (Eu.) etheridgei" Schwartz, 1958
* "E. (Eu.) eunaster" Schwartz, 1973
* "E. (Eu.) furcyensis" Shreve & Williams, 1963
* "E. (Eu.) fuscus" Lynn & Dent, 1943
* "E. (Eu.) glandulifer" Cochran, 1935
* "E. (Eu.) glanduliferoides" Shreve, 1936
* "E. (Eu.) glaphycompus" Schwartz, 1973
* "E. (Eu.) glaucoreius" Schwartz & Fowler, 1973
* "E. (Eu.) goini" Schwartz, 1960
* "E. (Eu.) gossei" Dunn, 1926
* "E. (Eu.) grabhami" Dunn, 1926
* "Eleutherodactylus grahami" Schwartz, 1979
* "E. (Eu.) greyi" Dunn, 1926
* "E. (Eu.) griphus" Crombie, 1986
* "E. (Eu.) guanahacabibes" Estrada & Rodriguez, 1985
* "E. (Eu.) gundlachi" Schmidt, 1920
* "E. (Eu.) heminota" Shreve & Williams, 1963
* "E. (Eu.) iberia" Estrada & Hedges, 1996
* "E. (Eu.) intermedius" Barbour & Shreve, 1937
* "E. (Eu.) jamaicensis" Barbour, 1910
* "E. (Eu.) jaumei" Estrada & Alonso, 1997
* "E. (Eu.) jugans" Cochran, 1937
* "E. (Eu.) junori" Dunn, 1926
* "E. (Eu.) klinikowskii" Schwartz, 1959
* "E. (Eu.) lentus" Cope, 1862
* "E. (Eu.) leoncei" Shreve & Williams, 1963
* "E. (Eu.) limbatus" Cope, 1862
* "E. (Eu.) lucioi" Schwartz, 1980
* "E. (Eu.) luteolus" Gosse, 1851
* "E. (Eu.) maestrensis" Díaz, Cádiz & Navarro, 2005
* "E. (Eu.) michaelschmidi" Díaz, Cádiz & Navarro, 2007
* "E. (Eu.) monensis" Meerwarth, 1901
* "E. (Eu.) nubicola" Dunn, 1926
* "E. (Eu.) orcutti" Dunn, 1928
* "E. (Eu.) orientalis" Barbour & Shreve, 1937
* "E. (Eu.) oxyrhyncus" Duméril & Bibron, 1841
* "E. (Eu.) pantoni" Dunn, 1926
* "E. (Eu.) paulsoni" Schwartz, 1964
* "E. (Eu.) pentasyringos" Schwartz & Fowler, 1973
* "E. (Eu.) pezopetrus" Schwartz, 1960
* "E. (Eu.) pictissimus" Cochran, 1935
* "E. (Eu.) pinarensis" Dunn, 1926
* "E. (Eu.) planirostris" Cope, 1862
* "E. (Eu.) probolaeus" Schwartz, 1965
* "E. (Eu.) rhodesi" Schwartz, 1980
* "E. (Eu.) ricordii" Duméril & Bibron, 1841
* "E. (Eu.) riparius" Estrada & Hedges, 1998
* "E. (Eu.) rivularis" Diaz, Estrada & Hedges, 2001
* "E. (Eu.) rogersi" Goin, 1955
* "E. (Eu.) rufifemroralis" Noble & Hassler, 1933
* "E. (Eu.) schmidti" Noble, 1923
* "E. (Eu.) sciagraphus" Schwartz, 1973
* "E. (Eu.) semipalmatus" Shreve, 1936
* "E. (Eu.) simulans" Diaz & Fong, 2001
* "E. (Eu.) sisyphodemus" Crombie, 1977
* "E. (Eu.) tetajulia" Estrada & Hedges, 1996
* "E. (Eu.) thomasi" Schwartz, 1959
* "E. (Eu.) thorectes" Hedges, 1988
* "E. (Eu.) toa" Estrada & Hedges, 1991
* "E. (Eu.) tonyi" Estrada & Hedges, 1997
* "E. (Eu.) turquinensis" Barbour & Shreve, 1937
* "E. (Eu.) varleyi" Dunn, 1925
* "E. (Eu.) ventrilineatus" Shreve, 1936
* "E. (Eu.) warreni" Schwartz, 1976
* "E. (Eu.) winlandi" Barbour, 1914
* "E. (Eu.) zugi" Schwartz, 1958

Hispaniolan (subgenus "Pelorius")

* "E. (P.) chlorophenax" Schwartz, 1976
* "E. (P.) hypostenor" Schwartz, 1965
* "E. (P.) inoptatus" Barbour, 1914
* "E. (P.) nortoni" Schwartz, 1976
* "E. (P.) parapelates" Hedges & Thomas, 1987
* "E. (P.) ruthae" Noble, 1923

=North/Central American and Cuban (subgenus "Syrrhopus")=

* "E. (S.) albolabris" Lynch & Lescure, 1980
* "E. (S.) angustidigitorum" Taylor, 1940
* "E. (S.) cystingnathoides" Cope, 1877
* "E. (S.) dennisi" Lynch, 1970
* "E. (S.) dilatus" Davis & Dixon, 1955
* "E. (S.) grandis" Dixon, 1957
* "E. (S.) guttilatus" Cope, 1879
* "E. (S.) leprus" Cope, 1879
* "E. (S.) interorbitalis" Langebartel & Shannon, 1956
* "E. (S.) longipes" Baird, 1859
* "E. (S.) marnockii" Cope, 1878
* "E. (S.) maurus" Hedges, 1989
* "E. (S.) modestus" Taylor, 1942
* "E. (S.) nitidus" Peters, 1870
* "E. (S.) nivicolimae" Dixon & Webb, 1966
* "E. (S.) pallidus" Duellman, 1958
* "E. (S.) pipilans" Taylor, 1940
* "E. (S.) rubrimaculatus" Taylor & Smith, 1945
* "E. (S.) rufescens" Duellman & Dixon, 1959
* "E. (S.) saxatilis" Webb, 1962
* "E. (S.) symingtoni" Schwartz, 1957
* "E. (S.) syristes" Hoyt, 1965
* "E. (S.) teretistes" Duellman, 1958
* "E. (S.) verrucipes" Cope, 1885
* "E. (S.) verruculatus" Peters, 1870
* "E. (S.) zeus" Schwartz, 1958

Central American clade (genus/subgenus "Craugastor")

* "E. adamastus" Campbell, 1994
* "E. alfredi" Boulenger, 1898
* "E. amniscola" Campbell & Savage, 2000
* "E. anciano" Savage, McCranie & Wilson, 1988
* "E. andi" Savage, 1974
* "E. angelicus" Savage, 1975
* "E. aphanus" Campbell, 1994
* "E. augusti" Dugès, 1879
* "E. aurilegulus" Savage, McCranie & Wilson, 1988
* "E. azueroensis" Savage, 1975
* "E. batrachylus" Taylor, 1940
* "E. berkenbuschii" Peters, 1870
* "E. biporcatus" Peters, 1863
* "E. bocourti" Brocchi, 1877
* "E. bransfordii" Cope, 1886
* "E. brocchi" Boulenger, 1882
* "E. campbelli" Smith, 2005
* "E. catalinae" Campbell & Savage, 2000
* "E. chac" Savage, 1987
* "E. charadra" Campbell & Savage, 2000
* "E. chrysozetetes" McCranie, Savage & Wilson, 1989
* "E. coffeus" McCranie & Köhler, 1999
* "E. crassidigitus" Taylor, 1952
* "E. cruzi" McCranie, Savage & Wilson, 1989
* "E. cuaquero" Savage, 1980
* "E. cyanocthebius" McCranie & Smith, 2006
* "E. daryi" Ford & Savage, 1984
* "E. latens" Lynch, 1989
* "E. decoratus" Taylor, 1942
* "E. emcelae" Lynch, 1985
* "E. emleni" Dunn & Emlen, 1932
* "E. epochthidius" McCranie & Wilson, 1997
* "E. escoces" Savage, 1975
* "E. fecundus" McCranie & Wilson, 1997
* "E. fitzingeri" Schmidt, 1857
* "E. fleischmanni" Boettger, 1892
* "E. galacticorhinus" Canseco-Marquez & Smith, 2004
* "E. glaucus" Lynch, 1967
* "E. gollmeri" Peters, 1863
* "E. greggi" Bumzahem, 1955
* "E. guerreroensis" Lynch, 1967
* "E. gulosus" Cope, 1875
* "E. hobartsmithi" Taylor, 1937
* "E. inachus" Campbell & Savage, 2000
* "E. jota" Lynch, 1980
* "E. laevissimus" Werner, 1896
* "E. laticeps" Duméril, 1853
* "E. lauraster" Savage, McCranie & Espinal, 1996
* "E. lineatus" Brocchi, 1879
* "E. loki" Shannon & Werler, 1955
* "E. longirostris" Boulenger, 1898
* "E. matudai" Taylor, 1941
* "E. megacephalus" Cope, 1875
* "E. megalotympanum" Shannon & Werler, 1955
* "E. melanostictus" Cope, 1875
* "E. merendonensis" Schmidt, 1933
* "E. mexicanus" Brocchi, 1877
* "E. milesi" Schmidt, 1933
* "E. mimus" Taylor, 1955
* "E. monnichorum" Dunn, 1940
* "E. montanus" Dunn, 1940
* "E. myllomyllon" Savage, 2000
* "E. nefrens" Smith, 2005
* "E. noblei" Barbour & Dunn, 1921
* "E. obesus" Barbour, 1928
* "E. occidentalis" Taylor, 1941
* "E. olanchano" McCranie & Wilson, 1999
* "E. omiltemanus" Günther, 1900
* "E. omoaensis" McCranie & Wilson, 1997
* "E. opimus" Savage & Myers, 2002
* "E. palenque" Campbell & Savage, 2000
* "E. pechorum" McCranie & Wilson, 1999
* "E. pelorus" Campbell & Savage, 2000
* "E. persimilis" Barbour, 1926
* "E. phasma" Lips & Savage, 1996
* "E. podiciferus" Cope, 1875
* "E. polymniae" Campbell, Lamar & Hillis, 1989
* "E. polyptychus" Cope, 1886
* "E. pozo" Johnson & Savage, 1995
* "E. psephosypharus" Campbell, Savage & Meyer, 1994
* "E. punctariolus" Peters, 1863
* "E. pygmaeus" Taylor, 1937
* "E. raniformis" Boulenger, 1896
* "E. ranoides" Cope, 1886
* "E. rayo" Savage & DeWeese, 1979
* "E. rhodopsis" Cope, 1867
* "E. rhyacobatrachus" Campbell & Savage, 2000
* "E. rivulus" Campbell & Savage, 2000
* "E. rostralis" Werner, 1896
* "E. rugosus" Peters, 1873
* "E. rugulosus" Cope, 1870
* "E. rupinius" Campbell & Savage, 2000
* "E. sabrinus" Campbell & Savage, 2000
* "E. saltuarius" McCranie & Wilson, 1997
* "E. sandersoni" Schmidt, 1941
* "E. silvicola" Lynch, 1967
* "E. spatulatus" Smith, 1939
* "E. stadelmani" Schmidt, 1936
* "E. stejnegerianus" Cope, 1893
* "E. stuarti" Lynch, 1967
* "E. tabasarae" Savage, Hollingsworth, Lips & Jaslow, 2004
* "E. talamancae" Dunn, 1931
* "E. tarahumaraensis" Taylor, 1940
* "E. taurus" Taylor, 1958
* "E. taylori" Lynch, 1966
* "E. trachydermus" Campbell, 1994
* "E. underwoodi" Boulenger, 1896
* "E. uno" Savage, 1984
* "E. vocalis" Taylor, 1940
* "E. vulcani" Shannon & Werler, 1955
* "E. xucanebi" Stuart, 1941
* "E. yucatensis" Lynch, 1965

Northern South American Clade, marked for a move to genus "Pristimantis" Jiménez de la Espada, 1870

* "E. aaptus" Lynch & Lescure, 1980
* "E. acatallelus" Lynch & Ruiz-Carranza, 1983
* "E. acerus" Lynch & Duellman, 1980
* "E. achatinus" Boulenger, 1898
* "E. actinolaimus" Lynch & Rueda-Almonacid, 1998
* "E. actites" Lynch, 1979
* "E. acuminatus" Shreve, 1935
* "E. acutirostris" Lynch, 1984
* "E. aemulatus" Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch & Ardila-Robayo, 1997
* "E. affinis" Werner, 1899
* "E. alalocophus" Roa-Trujillo & Ruiz-Carranza, 1991
* "E. albericoi" Lynch & Ruiz-Carranza, 1996
* "E. altae" Dunn, 1942
* "E. altamazonicus" Barbour & Dunn, 1921
* "E. anemerus" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* "E. angustilineata" Lynch, 1998
* "E. aniptopalmatus" Duellman & Hedges, 2005
* "E. anolirex" Lynch, 1983
* "E. anotis" Walker & Test, 1955
* "E. anthrax" Lynch, 2001
* "E. apiculatus" Lynch & Burrowes, 1990
* "E. appendiculatus" Werner, 1894
* "E. aquilonaris" Lehr et al., 2007
* "E. aracamuni" Barrio-Amorós & Molina, 2006
* "E. ardalonychus" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* "E. ashkapara" Köhler, 2000
* "E. atrabracus" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* "E. atratus" Lynch, 1979
* "E. aurantiguttatus" Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch & Ardila-Robayo, 1997
* "E. aureolineatus" Guayasamin, Ron, Cisneros-Heredia, Lamar &McCracken, 2006
* "E. avicuporum" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* "E. avius" Myers & Donnelly, 1997
* "E. bacchus" Lynch, 1984
* "E. baiotis" Lynch, 1998
* "E. balionutus" Lynch, 1979
* "E. baryecuus" Lynch, 1979
* "E. batrachites" Lynch, 2003
* "E. bearsei" Duellman, 1992
* "E. bellator" Lehr et al., 2007
* "E. bellona" Lynch, 1992
* "E. bernali" Lynch, 1986
* "E. bicolor" Rueda-Almonacid & Lynch, 1983
* "E. bicumulus" Peters, 1863
* "E. bipunctatus" Duellman & Hedges, 2005
* "E. bisignatus" Werner, 1899
* "E. boconoensis" Rivero & Mayorga, 1973
* "E. bogotensis" Peters, 1863
* "E. boulengeri" Lynch, 1981
* "E. brevifrons" Lynch, 1981
* "E. briceni" Boulenger, 1903
* "E. bromeliaceus" Lynch, 1979
* "E. buccinator" Rodriguez, 1994
* "E. buckleyi" Boulenger, 1882
* "E. cabrerai" Cochran & Goin, 1970
* "E. cacao" Lynch, 1992
* "E. caeruleonotus" Lehr et al., 2007
* "E. cajamercensis" Barbour & Noble, 1920
* "E. calcaratus" Boulenger, 1908
* "E. calcarulatus" Lynch, 1976
* "E. caliginosus" Lynch, 1996
* "E. cantitans" Myers & Donnelly, 1996
* "E. capitonis" Lynch, 1998
* "E. caprifer" Lynch, 1977
* "E. carlossanchezi" Arroyo, 2007
* "E. carmelitae" Ruthven, 1922
* "E. carranguerorum" Lynch, 1994
* "E. carvalhoi" Lutz, 1952
* "E. caryophyllaceus" Barbour, 1928
* "E. cavernibardus" Myers & Donnelly, 1997
* "E. celator" Lynch, 1976
* "E. cerasinus" Cope, 1875
* "E. ceuthospilus" Duellman & Wild, 1993
* "E. chalceus" Peters, 1873
* "E. charlottevillensis" Kaiser, Dwyer, Feichtinger & Schmid, 1995
* "E. chiastonotus" Lynch & Hoogmoed, 1977
* "E. chloronotus" Lynch, 1969
* "E. chrysops" Lynch & Ruiz-Carranza, 1996
* "E. citriogaster" Duellman, 1992
* "E. colodactylus" Lynch, 1979
* "E. colomai" Lynch & Duellman, 1997
* "E. colostichos" La Marca & Smith, 1982
* "E. condor" Lynch & Duellman, 1980
* "E. conspicillatus" Günther, 1858
* "E. cordovae" Lehr & Duellman, 2007
* "E. corniger" Lynch & Suárez-Mayorga, 2003
* "E. corrugatus" Duellman, Lehr & Venegas, 2006
* "E. cosnipatae" Duellman, 1978
* "E. cremnobates" Lynch & Duellman, 1980
* "E. crenunguis" Lynch, 1976
* "E. crepitans" Bokermann, 1965
* "E. cristinae" Lynch & Ruiz-Carranza, 1985
* "E. coceoinguinis" Lynch, 1968
* "E. crucifer" Boulenger, 1899
* "E. cruciocularis" Lundberg, Aguilar et al., 2006
* "E. cruentus" Peters, 1873
* "E. cryophilius" Lynch, 1979
* "E. cryptomelas" Lynch, 1979
* "E. cuentasi" Lynch, 2003
* "E. cuneirostris" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* "E. curtipes" Boulenger, 1882
* "E. danae" Duellman, 1978
* "E. degener" Lynch & Duellman, 1997
* "E. deinops" Lynch, 1996
* "E. delicatus" Ruthven, 1917
* "E. delius" Duellman & Mendelson, 1995
* "E. devillei" Boulenger, 1880
* "E. diadematus" Jiménez de la Espada, 1875
* "E. doaphonus" Lynch, 1986
* "E. diastema" Cope, 1875
* "E. diogenes" Lynch & Ruiz-Carranza, 1996
* "E. dissimulatus" Lynch & Duellman, 1997
* "E. dorsopictus" Rivero & Serna, 1988
* "E. douglasi" Lynch, 1996
* "E. duellmani" Lynch, 1980
* "E. duende" Lynch, 2001
* "E. dundeei" Heyer & Muñoz, 1999
* "E. elegans" Peters, 1863
* "E. epacrus" Lynch & Suárez-Mayorga, 2000
* "E. eremitus" Lynch, 1980
* "E. eriphus" Lynch & Duellman, 1980
* "E. ernesti" Flores, 1987
* "E. erythropleura" Boulenger, 1896
* "E. esmereldas" Guayasamin, 2004
* "E. eugeniae" Lynch & Duellman, 1997
* "E. euphronides" Schwartz, 1967
* "E. erydactylus" Hedges & Schlüter, 1992
* "E. exoristus" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* "E. factiosus" Lynch & Rueda-Almonacid, 1998
* "E. fallax" Lynch & Rueda-Almonacid, 1999
* "E. fenestratus" Steindachner, 1864
* "E. festae" Peracca, 1904
* "E. fetosus" Lynch & Rueda-Almonacid, 1998
* "E. flavobracatus" Lundberg, Aguilar et al., 2006
* "E. floridus" Lynch & Duellman, 1997
* "E. frater" Werner, 1899
* "E. fraudator" Lynch & McDiarmid, 1987
* "E. gaigeae" Dunn, 1931
* "E. galdi" Jiménez de la Espada, 1871
* "E. ganonotus" Duellman & Lynch, 1988
* "E. gentryi" Lynch & Duellman, 1997
* "E. ginesi" Rivero, 1964
* "E. gladiator" Lynch, 1976
* "E. glandulosus" Boulenger, 1880
* "E. gracilis" Lynch, 1986
* "E. grandiceps" Lynch, 1984
* "E. gularis" Boulenger, 1898
* "E. gutturalis" Hoogmoed, Lynch & Lescure, 1977
* "E. hamiotae" Flores, 1994
* "E. hectus" Lynch & Burrowes, 1990
* "E. helvolus" Lynch & Rueda-Almonacid, 1998
* "E. hernandezi" Lynch & Ruiz-Carranza, 1983
* "E. huicundo" Guayasamin, Almeida-Reinoso & Nogales-Sornosa, 2004
* "E. hybotragus" Lynch, 1992
* "E. hylaeformis" Cope, 1875
* "E. ignicolor" Lynch & Duellman, 1980
* "E. illotus" Lynch & Duellman, 1997
* "E. imitatrix" Duellman, 1978
* "E. incanus" Lynch & Duellman, 1980
* "E. incertus" Lutz, 1927
* "E. incomptus" Lynch & Duellman, 1980
* "E. infraguttatus" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* "E. inguinalis" Parker, 1940
* "E. insignitus" Ruthven, 1917
* "E. inusitatus" Lynch & Duellman, 1980
* "E. ixalus" Lynch, 2003
* "E. jaimei" Lynch, 1992
* "E. johannesdei" Rivero & Serna, 1988
* "E. jorgevelosai" Lynch, 1994
* "E. juanchoi" Lynch, 1996
* "E. jubatus" Garcia & Lynch, 2006
* "E. kareliae" La Marca, 2005
* "E. katoptroides" Flores, 1988
* "E. kelephas" Lynch, 1998
* "E. kirklandi" Flores, 1985
* "E. labiosus" Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza & Ardila-Robayo, 1994
* "E. lacrimosus" Jiménez de la Espada, 1875
* "E. lancinii" Donoso-Barros, 1965
* "E. lanthanites" Lynch, 1975
* "E. lasalleorum" Lynch, 1995
* "E. laticlavus" Lynch & Burrowes, 1990
* "E. latidiscus" Boulenger, 1898
* "E. lemur" Lynch & Rueda-Almonacid, 1998
* "E. lentiginosus" Rivero, 1984
* "E. leoni" Lynch, 1976
* "E. leptolophus" Lynch, 1980
* "E. leucopus" Lynch, 1976
* "E. librarius" Flores & Vigle, 1994
* "E. lichenoides" Lynch & Rueda-Almonacid, 1997
* "E. lindae" Duellman, 1978
* "E. lirellus" Dwyer, 1995
* "E. lividus" Lynch & Duellman, 1980
* "E. llojsintuta" Köhler & Lötters, 1999
* "E. loustes" Lynch, 1979
* "E. luscombei" Duellman & Mendelson, 1995
* "E. luteolateralis" Lynch, 1976
* "E. lutitus" Lynch, 1984
* "E. lymani" Barbour & Noble, 1920
* "E. lynchi" Duellman & Simmons, 1977
* "E. lythrodes" Lynch & Lescure, 1980
* "E. maculosus" Lynch, 1991
* "E. malkini" Lynch, 1980
* "E. marahuaka" Fuentes-Ramos & Barrio-Amoros, 2004
* "E. marmoratus" Boulenger, 1900
* "E. mars" Lynch & Ruiz-Carranza, 1996
* "E. martiae" Lynch, 1974
* "E. medemi" Lynch, 1994
* "E. megalops" Ruthven, 1917
* "E. melanogaster" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* "E. melanoproctus" Rivero, 1984
* "E. memorans" Myers & Donnelly, 1997
* "E. mendax" Duellman, 1978
* "E. mercedesae" Lynch & McDiarmid, 1987
* "E. meridionalis" Lehr & Duellman, 2007
* "E. merostictus" Lynch, 1984
* "E. metabates" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* "E. miyatai" Lynch, 1984
* "E. mnionaetes" Lynch, 1998
* "E. modipeplus" Lynch, 1981
* "E. molybrignus" Lynch, 1986
* "E. mondolfii" Rivero, 1984
* "E. moro" Savage, 1965
* "E. muricatus" Lynch & Miyata, 1980
* "E. muscosus" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* "E. museosus" Ibáñez, Jaramillo & Arosemena, 1994
* "E. myersi" Goin & Cochran, 1963
* "E. myops" Lynch, 1998
* "E. nephophilus" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* "E. nervicus" Lynch, 1994
* "E. nicefori" Cochran & Goin, 1970
* "E. nigrogriseus" Andersson, 1945
* "E. nyctophylax" Lynch, 1976
* "E. obmutescens" Lynch, 1980
* "E. ocellatus" Lynch & Burrowes, 1990
* "E. ockendeni" Boulenger, 1912
* "E. ocreatus" Lynch, 1981
* "E. olivaceus" Köhler, Morales, Lötters, Reichle & Aparicio, 1998
* "E. orcesi" Lynch, 1972
* "E. orestes" Lynch, 1979
* "E. ornatissimus" Despax, 1911
* "E. ornatus" Lundberg, Aguilar et al., 2006
* "E. orpacobates" Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza & Ardila-Robayo, 1994
* "E. orphnolaimus" Lynch, 1970
* "E. ortizi" Guayasamin, Almeida-Reinoso & Nogales-Sornosa, 2004
* "E. padrecarlosi" Mueses-Cisneros, 2006
* "E. paisa" Lynch & Ardila-Robayo, 1999
* "E. palmeri" Boulenger, 1912
* "E. paramerus" Rivero, 1984
* "E. pardalinus" Lundberg, Aguilar et al., 2006
* "E. pardalis" Barbour, 1928
* "E. parectatus" Lynch & Rueda-Almonacid, 1998
* "E. parvillus" Lynch, 1976
* "E. partazensis" Andersson, 1945
* "E. pataikos" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* "E. paululus" Lynch, 1974
* "E. pecki" Duellman & Lynch, 1988
* "E. pedimontanus" La Marca, 2004
* "E. penelopus" Lynch & Rueda-Almonacid, 1999
* "E. peraticus" Lynch, 1980
* "E. percnopterus" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* "E. percultus" Lynch, 1979
* "E. permixtus" Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza & Ardila-Robayo, 1994
* "E. peruvianus" Melin, 1941
* "E. petersi" Lynch & Duellman, 1980
* "E. petrobardus" Duellman, 1991
* "E. phalarus" Lynch, 1998
* "E. philipi" Lynch & Duellman, 1995
* "E. phoxocephalus" Lynch, 1979
* "E. phragmipleuron" Rivero et Serna, 1988
* "E. piceus" Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza & Ardila-Robayo, 1996
* "E. pinguis" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* "E. pirrensis" Ibáñez & Crawford, 2004
* "E. platychilus" Lynch, 1996
* "E. platydactylus" Boulenger, 1903
* "E. pleurostriatus" Rivero, 1984
* "E. pluvicanorus" De la Riva & Lynch, 1997
* "E. polemistes" Lynch & Ardila-Robayo, 2004
* "E. polychrus" Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch & Ardila-Robayo, 1997
* "E. prolatus" Lynch & Duellman, 1980
* "E. prolixodiscus" Lynch, 1978
* "E. prosperens" Lynch, 1979
* "E. pruinatus" Myers & Donnelly, 1996
* "E. pseudoacuminatus" Shreve, 1935
* "E. pteridophilus" Lynch & Duellman, 1997
* "E. ptochus" Lynch, 1998
* "E. pugnax" Lynch, 1973
* "E. pulvinatus" Rivero, 1968
* "E. pycnodermis" Lynch, 1979
* "E. pyrrhomerus" Lynch, 1976
* "E. quantus" Lynch, 1998
* "E. quaquaversus" Lynch, 1974
* "E. quidditus" Lynch, 2001
* "E. quiquagesimus" Lynch & Trueb, 1980
* "E. racemus" Lynch, 1980
* "E. reclusas" Lynch, 2003
* "E. renjiforum" Lynch, 2000
* "E. repens" Lynch, 1984
* "E. restrepoi" Lynch, 1996
* "E. reticulatus" Walker & Test, 1955
* "E. rhabdocnemus" Duellman & Hedges, 2005
* "E. rhabdolaemus" Duellman, 1978
* "E. rhodoplichus" Duellman & Wild, 1993
* "E. rhodostichus" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* "E. ridens" Cope, 1866
* "E. riveroi" Lynch & La Marca, 1993
* "E. riveti" Despax, 1911
* "E. rosadoi" Flores, 1988
* "E. roseus" Boulenger, 1918
* "E. rozei" Rivero, 1961
* "E. rubicundus" Jiménez de la Espada, 1875
* "E. ruedai" Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch & Ardila-Robayo, 1997
* "E. ruficolis" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* "E. ruidus" Lynch, 1979
* "E. ruthveni" Lynch & Ruiz-Carranza, 1985
* "E. sagittulus" Lehr, Aguilar & Duellman, 2004
* "E. salaputium" Duellman, 1978
* "E. samaipatae" Köhler & Jungfer, 1995
* "E. sancaemartae" Ruthven, 1917
* "E. sanguineus" Lynch, 1998
* "E. satagius" Lynch, 1995
* "E. savagei" Pyburn & Lynch, 1981
* "E. schultei" Duellman, 1990
* "E. scitulus" Duellman, 1978
* "E. scoloblepharus" Lynch, 1991
* "E. scolodiscus" Lynch & Burrowes, 1990
* "E. scopaeus" Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza & Ardila-Robayo, 1996
* "E. serendipitus" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* "E. shrevei" Schwartz, 1967
* "E. signifer" Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch & Ardila-Robayo, 1997
* "E. silverstonei" Lynch & Ruiz-Carranza, 1996
* "E. simonbolivari" Wiens & Coloma, 1992
* "E. simonsii" Boulenger, 1900
* "E. simoteriscus" Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza & Ardila-Robayo, 1997
* "E. simoterus" Lynch, 1980
* "E. siopelus" Lynch & Burrowes, 1990
* "E. skydmainos" Flores & Rodriguez, 1997
* "E. sobetes" Lynch, 1980
* "E. spilogaster" Lynch, 1984
* "E. spinosus" Lynch, 1979
* "E. stenodiscus" Walker e& Test, 1955
* "E. sternothylax" Duellman & Wild, 1993
* "E. stictoboubonus" Duellman et al., 2006
* "E. stictogaster" Duellman & Hedges, 2005
* "E. subsigillatus" Boulenger, 1902
* "E. suetus" Lynch & Rueda-Almonacid, 1998
* "E. sulculus" Lynch & Burrowes, 1990
* "E. supernatis" Lynch, 1979
* "E. surdus" (Boulenger, 1882)
* "E. susaguae" Rueda-Almonacid, Lynch & Galvis, 2003
* "E. taciturnus" Lynch & Suárez-Mayorga, 2003
* "E. taeniatus" Boulenger, 1912
* "E. tamsitti" Cochran & Goin, 1970
* "E. tayrona" Lynch & Ruiz-Carranza, 1985
* "E. telefericus" La Marca, 2005
* "E. tenebrionis" Lynch & Miyata, 1980
* "E. terraebolivaris" Rivero, 1961
* "E. thectopternus" Lynch, 1975
* "E. thymalopsoides" Lynch, 1976
* "E. thymelensis" Lynch, 1972
* "E. tigrillo" Savage, 1997
* "E. tinker" Lynch, 2001
* "E. toftae" Duellman, 1978
* "E. torrenticola" Lynch & Rueda-Almonacid, 1998
* "E. trachyblepharis" Boulenger, 1918
* "E. tribulosus" Lynch & Rueda-Almonacid, 1997
* "E. truebae" Lynch & Duellman, 1997
* "E. tubernasus" Rivero, 1984
* "E. turpinorum" Hardy, 2001
* "E. turumiquirensis" Rivero, 1961
* "E. uisae" Lynch, 2003
* "E. unistrigatus" Günther, 1859
* "E. uranobates" Lynch, 1991
* "E. urichi" Boettger, 1894
* "E. vanadise" La Marca, 1984
* "E. variabilis" Lynch, 1968
* "E. veletis" Lynch & Rueda-Almonacid, 1997
* "E. ventrimarmoratus" Boulenger, 1912
* "E. verecundus" Lynch & Burrowes, 1990
* "E. versicolor" Lynch, 1979
* "E. vertebralis" Boulenger, 1886
* "E. vicarius" Lynch & Ruiz-Carranza, 1983
* "E. vidua" Lynch, 1979
* "E. viejas" Lynch & Rueda-Almonacid, 1999
* "E. vilarsi" Melin, 1941
* "E. viridicans" Lynch, 1977
* "E. viridis" Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch & Ardila-Robayo, 1997
* "E. vocator" Taylor, 1955
* "E. wagteri" Venegas, 2007
* "E. walkeri" Lynch, 1974
* "E. wiensi" Duellman & Wild, 1993
* "E. w-nigrum" Boettger, 1892
* "E. xeniolum" Lynch, 2001
* "Eleutherodactylus xestus" Lynch, 1995
* "E. xylochobates" Lynch & Ruiz-Carranza, 1996
* "E. yaviensis" Myers & Donnelly, 1996
* "E. zeuctotylus" Lynch & Hoogmoed, 1977
* "E. zimmermanae" Heyer & Hardy, 1991
* "E. zophus" Lynch & Ardila-Robayo, 1999

Less closely related groups

outheast Brazil Clade, now in genus "Ischnocnema"

* "E. epipedus" Heyer, 1984
* "E. erythromerus" Heyer, 1984
* "E. gualteri" Lutz, 1974
* "E. guentheri" Steindachner, 1864
* "E. hoehnei" Lutz, 1958
* "E. holti" Cochran, 1948
* "E. izecksohni" Caramaschi & Kisteumacher, 1989
* "E. juipoca" Sazima & Cardoso, 1978
* "E. nasutus" Lutz, 1925
* "E. oeus" Heyer, 1984
* "E. parvus" Girard, 1853
* "E. pusillus" Bokermann, 1967
* "E. vinhai" Bokermann, 1975Possibly also included in this genus are:
*"E. bilineata" Bokerman, 1975
*"E. bolbodactyla" Lutz, 1925
*"E. gehrti" Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926
*"E. henselii" Peters, 1870
*"E. holti" Cochran, 1948
*"E. lactea" Miranda-Ribeiro, 1923
*"E. manezinho" Garcia, 1996
*"E. nigriventris" Lutz, 1925
*"E. octavioi" Bokerman, 1965
*"E. paranaensis" Langone & Segalla, 1996
*"E. paulodutrai" Bokerman, 1975
*"E. ramagii" Boulenger, 1888
*"E. randorum" Heyer, 1985
*"E. sambaqui" Castanho & Haddad, 2000
*"E. spanios" Heyer, 1985
*"E. venancioi" Lutz, 1958
*"E. verrucosa" Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862

Possibly renaming to genus "Limnophys"

* "E. anatipes" Lynch & Myers, 1983
* "E. anomalus" Boulenger, 1898
* "E. bufoniformis" Boulenger, 1896
* "E. cadenai" Lynch, 1986
* "E. cerastes" Lynch, 1975
* "E. cheiroplethus" Lynch, 1990
* "E. cornutus" Jiménez de la Espada, 1871
* "E. helonotus" Lynch, 1975
* "E. ingeri" Cochran & Goin, 1961
* "E. laticorpus" Myers and Lynch, 1997
* "E. necerus" Lynch, 1975
* "E. necopinus" Lynch, 1997
* "E. ruizi" Lynch, 1981
* "E. sulcatus" Cope, 1874
* "E. zygodactylus" Lynch & Myers, 1983

pecies needing new generic names, some possibly "Phrynopus"

* ""E." adercus" Lynch, 2003
* ""E." araiodactylus" Duellman & Pramuk, 1999
* ""E." babax" Lynch, 1989
* ""E." binotatus" Spix, 1824
* ""E." dolops" Lynch & Duellman, 1980
* ""E." elassodiscus" Lynch, 1973
* ""E." fallaciosus" Duellman, 2000
* ""E." flavomaculatus" Parker, 1938
* ""E." latens" Lynch, 1989
* ""E." lucida" Cannatella, 1984
* ""E." lundbergi" Lehr, 2005
* ""E." mantipus" Boulenger, 1908
* ""E." nebulanastes" Cannatella, 1984
* ""E." nigrovittatus" Andersson, 1945
* ""E." plicifer" Boulenger, 1888

=Resemble "Oreobates", the Southeast Brazil Clade, and ""E." nigrovittatus", but require genetic data=

* ""E." cruralis" Boulenger, 1902
* ""E." discoidalis" Peracca, 1895
* ""E." heterodactylus" Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937
* ""E." ibischi" Reichle, Lötters & De la Riva, 2001
* ""E." madidi" Padial, Gonzáles, and De la Riva, 2005
* ""E." pereger" Lynch, 1975
* ""E." zongoensis" Reichle & Köhler, 1997

=Other speciesFact|date=June 2007=

* "Eleutherodactylus counouspeus" Schwartz, 1964
* "Eleutherodactylus colonensis" Mueses-Cisneros, 2007
* "Eleutherodactylus dixoni" Lynch, 1991
* "Eleutherodactylus karcharias" Flores & Rodriguez, 1997
* "Eleutherodactylus petersorum" Lynch, 1991
* "Eleutherodactylus sartori" Lynch, 1965
* "Eleutherodactylus trepidotus" Lynch, 1968

Some newly-described species were never formally placed in "Eleutherodactylus":
* "Pristimantis dendrobatoides" Means & Savage, 2007
* "Pristimantis jester" Means & Savage, 2007
* "Pristimantis leucorrhinus" Boano, Mazzotti & Sindaco, 2008
* "Pristimantis saltissimus" Means & Savage, 2007
* "Strabomantis aramunha" Cassimiro, Verdade & Rodrigues, 2008


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