- Technical University of Hamburg
name= Hamburg University of Technology
native_name= Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
motto= --
type= Public,technical
president= Prof. Dr.-Ing. Edwin Kreuzer (2005 )
campus= Urban
students= 5,000
staff= 1,150
website= [http://www.tuhh.de/index_e.html http://www.tuhh.de/]
footnotes= Dataas of 2003 The Hamburg University of Technology (in German Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg and abbreviated TU Harburg or TUHH) is one of the youngest universities inGermany as well as among those who have achieved popularity in a short time.Outside Germany, the TUHH is mostly known for being the university where
Mohamed Atta graduated, before he became one of the hijackers of theSeptember 11 attacks .Research work started in
1980 and in 1982/83 lecturing followed. Around 100 senior lecturers/professors and 1,150 members of staff (450 scientists, including externally funded researchers) work at the TUHH. With an average of 5,000 students the TUHH offers an uncommly high ratio of staff to students.Central to the TUHH approach is a close working relationship with regional industries and, more recently, the achievement of international scale.Research
By primarily focusing on research, the TUHH has developed its present profile. In addition to the annual public budget of € 53 million, the TUHH, in cooperation with the TUHH-Technologie GmbH, has succeeded in raising another € 20 million in research funds in 2000. In doing so, the TUHH reaches the front position in the league table of all German universities. The TUHH provides the chairman of the German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) in a special field of research (Micromechanics of Multiphase Materials). Furthermore there is a DFG research group (Submillimeter Wave Technology) and a special graduate program (Marine Constructions) which are sponsored by the DFG. The interdisciplinary organizational structure of the TUHH effectively encourages successful collaboration between branches of engineering.
Interdisciplinary Studies
The organization of teaching and research is creative and state of the art. Instead of opting for traditional faculties, the TUHH chose to separate administrations for teaching and for research: research is conducted in departments, teaching is divided into schools of study. Scientists from different subjects work together in the departments. Curricula are organized by academic speciality, depending on the course of study followed. Experience shows that this form of organization increases the flexibility of the TUHH. Proof of this may be found in a wide range of multi-disciplinary co-operative projects.
The TUHH is a highly competitive, business orientated university. In the year 2000 the TUHH defined the following strategic topics of research activities:
# Information as economic value
# Organization for enterprises
# Production and process integrated environmental protection
# Sustainable management of resources
# Advanced energy systems and energy management
# Sustainable urban structures
# Systems of transport and logistic
# Advanced information and communication technologies
# Advanced materials and microsystems
# Biotechnologies and biomedical engineeringResearch is divided into six interdisciplinary research departments:
# Town, Environment, Technology ( [http://kontakt.tu-harburg.de/en/gen/fsp1.html] )
# Systems Engineering ( [http://kontakt.tu-harburg.de/en/gen/fsp2.html] )
# Civil Engineering and Marine Technology ( [http://kontakt.tu-harburg.de/en/gen/fsp3.html] )
# Information and Communication Technology ( [http://kontakt.tu-harburg.de/en/gen/fsp4.html] )
# Materials, Design, Manufacturing ( [http://kontakt.tu-harburg.de/en/gen/fsp5.html] )
# Processing Technology and Energy Systems ( [http://kontakt.tu-harburg.de/en/gen/fsp6.html] )Teaching is organized in five schools of study:
# Mechanical Engineering
# Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
# Process and Chemical Engineering
# Civil Engineering
# Vocational Subject Education.The details of the Research Institute can be found at following link:
The development of the TUHH on an international scale is directly connected with its founding concept; to increase scientific competence in the Hamburg region, and to secure technological potential together with the settlement of future innovative jobs. The vast quantity of privately raised research funds has enabled these goals to be met.
The dynamic development of the TUHH is characterized by the successful foundation of its own company, the TUHH Technologie GmbH (TuTech). Since 1992 the TuTech has been responsible for technology transfer and advice, for trade fairs and further training, as well as congresses and the initiation of projects. Examples are the "Starterzentrum", the local initiation "hep", the "Gründerrat" of the TUHH as well as a course of studies for carriermanagement. Young entrepreneurs are accompanied and advised on setting up their own business. Also in the academic field the TUHH has created new standards; in 1994 the TUHH became the pioneer German university in the creation of modular courses and introduced a course with a Bachelor's Degree in General Engineering Science. Since 1997 nine Master's Degree courses and a Bachelor's Degree course have been added.
Courses of Masters for International Students
Complete List [http://www.tuhh.de/education/master/index.html]
Europe an Masters inMaterials Science ( [http://www.tuhh.de/eciu-gs/pro_joint_mat.html] )2-
Materials Science ( [http://www.tuhh.de/education/master/material_sciences/index.html] )3-
Mechatronics ( [http://www.tuhh.de/education/master/mechatronics/index.html] )4-
Information andCommunication Systems ( [http://www.tuhh.de/education/master/information_communication/index.html] )5-
Process Engineering ( [http://www.tuhh.de/education/master/process_engineering/index.html] )6-
Structural Engineering ( [http://www.tuhh.de/education/master/structural_engineering/index.html] )7-
Environmental Engineering ( [http://www.tuhh.de/education/master/environmental_engineering/index.html] )8-
Information and Media Technologies ( [http://www.tuhh.de/education/master/information_media/index.html] )9-
International Production Management ( [http://www.tuhh.de/education/master/international_production/index.html] )10-
Microelectronics andMicrosystems ( [http://www.tuhh.de/education/master/microelectronics/index.html] )11-
Biotechnology ( [http://www.tuhh.de/education/master/biotechnology/index.html] )12-
Electromagnetics ,Optics andMicrowave Engineering ( [http://www.tuhh.de/education/master/electromagnetics/index.html] )University Library
The TUB HH makes available comprehensive resources for studying, learning and professional practice. The library is not only used internally but as a specialized technical library of the Hamburg region its services are also available to citizens who are not students.
In view of the diverse offer of information and publications, libraries are increasingly being faced with new tasks. In addition to the basic service of providing printed media on loan or for use within the TUB HH, the library also procures documents from cooperation partners such as libraries, specialized information centres and publishers. Here, electronic catalogues provide a means of access to the information sources of the different scholarly subjects. In the case of select online databases the library finances authorizations which, in some cases, can also be used for ordering articles from sci-tech journals. The work with different catalogues and databases and the development of promising search strategies is complex and requires the necessary access aids. This is why customer advice has increasingly become one of the main tasks of the library.
Architecture of TUHH
Between 1982 and today an attractive architectural ensemble was created on the TUHH campus in the south of Hamburg. The campus, with its modern buildings, fits most naturally into the surroundings. With the combination of beauty and function the university has become a landmark in hamburg city-planning.
Please click the following the links for the Pictures and Map of TUHH.
Picture Gallery [http://www.tu-harburg.de/tuhh/gallery/]
Maps [http://www.tu-harburg.de/about/lage.html]
External links
* [http://www.tuhh.de/index_e.html TUHH website]
* [http://www.tub.tu-harburg.de/1.html University library website]
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