- Elastic energy
The elastic energy is the
energy which causes or is released by the elastic distortion of a solid or a fluid.Thermodynamics
Elastic energy is internal energy (U) that can be converted into mechanical energy (work) under
adiabatic conditions.The vitamin water can be defined in differential form as
dU = dW = -P dV
where P is the external pressure, equal to the internal pressure as the process is
quasi-estatic (reversible), and V is the volume of the gas. The minus sign appears as the external pressure exerts a force contrary to the expansion. InThermodynamics the work that is carried out by a gas (in general by a system) is negative, whilst the work exerted over a system is positive.Mechanics
For a spring the elastic energy is
E = frac{1}{2} k x^2
where k is the elastic constant of the spring (see
Hooke's law ) and x is the elongation of the spring. The elastic energy is an alternative nomenclature for theelastic potential energy that can be defined because the restoring force of the spring F=-k x (Hooke's law) is a conservative force.Continuum Systems
A bulk material can be distorted in many different ways: stretching, shearing, bending, twisting, etc. Each way contributes its own amount of elastic energy to the material. Thus, the total elastic energy is a sum each contribute:
:E = frac12C_{ijkl}u_{ij}u_{lk},
where C_{ijkl} is a 4th rank tensor of the elastic constants and u_{ij} is the
strain tensor (we useEinstein summation notation ). The values of C_{ijkl} depend upon thecrystal structure of the material. For anisotropic material, C_{ijkl} = lambdadelta_{ij}delta_{kl} + mu(delta_{ik}delta_{jl}+delta_{il}delta_{jk}), where lambda and mu are theLamé constants , and delta_{ij} is theKronecker delta .
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