- Heisei no Sato
Heisei no Sato (平成の郷 ) is a Japanese sweets maker located in Tokyo. Many of the sweets sell for 100 yen in Japanese supermarkets.
A selection of product names is given below in both Romaji and Japanese, and followed by a brief description.
- Genkijirushi no Tane to Mi (元気印の種と実 ). A mixture of seeds and nuts.
- Ajiwai Sarada (あじわいサラダ ). Round rice crackers (beika).
- Piinattsu Age (ピーナッツ揚 ). Small rectangular rice crackers (beika) with pieces of peanuts inside.
- Mikkusu Karinto (ミックスかりんと ). Assorted karinto (molded confectionery).
- Okaki Ebi (おかき海老 ). Rectangular rice crackers (beika) with a shrimp/prawn flavor.
- Ningyou Kasutera (人形カステラ ). Small castella cakes in the shape of figures.
The company has no homepage but its address is listed as follows (in Japanese).
Categories:- Food companies of Japan
- Japanese company stubs
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