- List of Kriegsmarine ships
The list of Kriegsmarine ships includes all
ship s commissioned into theKriegsmarine , the Germannavy of theThird Reich period, during its existence from 1935 to the conclusion ofWorld War II in 1945.See the
list of naval ships of Germany for ships in German service throughout the country's history.Capital Ships
Battleship s/"Schlachtschiff"* "Bismarck" class (42,000 tons, 8 x 380 mm guns)
** "Bismarck", 1939
** "Tirpitz", 1939
* "Scharnhorst" class (35,000 tons, 9 x 280 mm guns)
** "Gneisenau", 1936
** "Scharnhorst", 1936Pre-Dreadnoughts /"Linienschiffe"*
Deutschland class battleship (15,000 tons, 4 x 280mm guns)
** "Schleswig-Holstein", 1906
** "Schlesien", 1906Heavy cruiser s/"Schwere Kreuzer"* "Deutschland" class (12,000 tons, 6 x 280 mm guns)
** "Lützow (ex-Deutschland)", 1931
** "Admiral Graf Spee", 1933
** "Admiral Scheer", 1934
* "Admiral Hipper" class (14,000 tons, 8 x 203 mm guns)
** "Admiral Hipper", 1937
** "Blücher", 1937
** "Prinz Eugen", 1938Light cruiser s/"Leichte Kreuzer"* "Emden" class (6,000 tons, 8 x 150 mm guns)
** "Emden", 1925
* "K" class (7,200 tons, 9 x 150 mm guns)
** "Königsberg", 1925
** "Karlsruhe", 1927
** "Köln", 1928
* "Leipzig" class (8,000 tons, 9 x 150 mm guns)
** "Leipzig", 1929
** "Nürnberg", 1934
=Destroyer s and Torpedo boats=Destroyers/"Zerstörer"
* Zerstörer/Typ 1934 (3,155 tons, 5 × 127 mm guns)
** Z1 "Leberecht Maas" 1937
** Z2 "Georg Thiele" 1937
** Z3 "Max Schultz" 1937
** Z4 "Richard Beitzen" 1937
* Zerstörer/Typ 1934 A
** Z5 "Paul Jacobi"
** Z6 "Theodor Riedel"
** Z7 "Hermann Schoemann"
** Z8 "Bruno Heinemann"
** Z9 "Wolfgang Zenker"
** Z10 "Hans Lody"
** Z11 "Bernd von Arnim"
** Z12 "Erich Giese"
** Z13 "Erich Koellner"
** Z14 "Friedrich Ihn"
** Z15 "Erich Steinbrinck"
** Z16 "Friedrich Eckoldt"
* Zerstörer/Typ 1936
** Z17 "Diether von Roeder"
** Z18 "Hans Lüdemann"
** Z19 "Hermann Künne"
** Z20 "Karl Galster"
** Z21 "Wilhelm Heidkamp"
** Z22 "Anton Schmitt"
* Zerstörer/Typ 1936 A(Narvik)
** Z23 through Z30
* Zerstörer/Typ 1936 A (Mob)
** Z31 through Z34
** Z37 through Z39
* Zerstörer/Typ 1936 B
** Z35 through Z36
** Z43 through Z45Torpedo boats/"Flottentorpedoboot"
* Torpedoboot 1923 (Raubvogel) (900 tons, 3 x 105 mm guns)
** Möwe
** Falke
** Greif
** Kondor
** Albatros
** Seeadler
* Torpedoboot 1924 (Raubtier) (950 tons, 3 x 105 mm guns)
** Wolf
** Iltis
** Jaguar
** Leopard
** Luchs
** Tiger
* Torpedoboot 1935 (1,090 tons, 1 x 105 mm gun)
** T1 through T12
* Torpedoboot 1937 (1,150 tons, 1 x 105 mm gun)
** T13 through T21
* Flottentorpedoboot 1939 (Elbing) (1,750 tons, 4 x 105 mm guns)
** T22 through T36Auxiliary cruiser s/"Hilfskreuzer"* "Orion"
* "Atlantis"
* "Widder"
* "Thor"
* "Pinguin"
* "Stier"
* "Komet"
* "Kormoran"
* "Michel"
* "Coronel"
* "Hansa"Mine Warfare Craft
Minelayer s/"Minenleger"* "Tannenberg" 1935 (5,500 tons, 3 x 150mm guns, 460 mines)
* "Brandenburg" 1936 (3,900 tons, 3 x 105mm guns, 250 mines)
* "Lothringen" 1941 (2,000 tons, 2 x 88mm guns, 200 mines)
* "Niedersachsen" 1934 (1,800 tons, 2 x 105mm guns, 260 mines
* "Drache" 1924 (1,800 tons, 2 x 88mm guns, 120 mines)
* "Oldenburg" 1934 (1,200 tons, 2 x 88mm guns, 145 mines
* "Kamerun" 1939 (370 tons, 2 x 88mm guns, 100 mines)
* "Togo" 1939 (370 tons, 2 x 88mm guns, 100 mines)
* "Kiebitz " 1943Pathmaker s/"Sperrbrecher"* Sperrbrecher 1 - Sperrbrecher 100 (5,000 tons, 2 x 88mm guns)
=Minesweepers/"Minensuchboot"=* M1935 class (875 tons, 2 x 105mm guns)
** M1 - M69
* M1940 class (775 tons, 1 x 105mm gun)
** M70 - M196
* M1943 class (825 tons, 2 x 105mm guns)
** M197 - M214
=R Boats/"Raumboote"=* "R1 class" 1929 (60 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 6 mines
** R1 - R16
* "R17 class" 1934 (115 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 12 mines)
** R17 - R24
* "R25 class" 1938 (110 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 12 mines)
** R25 - R40
* "R41 class" 1939 (125 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 12 mines)
** R41 - R129
* "R130 class" 1940 (150 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 12 mines)
** R130 - R150
* "R151 class" 1940 (125 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 12 mines)
** R151 - R217
* "R218 class" 1942 (140 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 16 mines)
** R218 - R300
* "R301 class" 1942 (160 tons, 1 x 88mm gun, 16 mines, 2 torpedo tubes)
** R301 - R312Mine-hunters/"Küstenminenleger"
* KM1 - KM36
mall craft
=E-Boat (MTB)s/"Schnellboot"=* "S-1 class" (50 tons, 1 x 20mm gun, 2 torpedo tubes)
** S1 - S25
* "S-26 class" (75 tons, 1 x 20mm gun, 2 torpedo tubes)
** S26 - S29
* "S-30 class" (80 tons, 1 x 20mm gun, 2 torpedo tubes)
** S30 - S37
* "S-38 class" (80 tons, 1 x 20mm gun, 2 torpedo tubes)
** S38 - S60
* "S-38b class" (90 tons, 2 x 20mm guns, 2 torpedo tubes)
** S61 - S99
* "S-100 class" (100 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 2 torpedo tubes)
** S100 - S150
* "S-151 class" (100 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 2 torpedo tubes)
** S151 - S205U-boat s/"Unterseeboote"Training subs
* Type I Unterseeboote
** U25 and U26Coastal subs
* Type IIA Unterseeboote
** U1 through U6
* Type IIB Unterseeboote
** U7 through U24
** U120 and U121
* Type IIC Unterseeboote
** U56 through U63
* Type IID Unterseeboote
** U137 through U152
* Type XVIIB Unterseeboote
** U1405 through U1407Ocean-going subs
* Type VIIA Unterseeboote
** U27 through U36
* Type VIIB Unterseeboote
** U45 through U55
** U73 through U76
** U83 through U87
** U99 through U102
* Type VIIC Unterseeboote
** U69 through U72
** U77 through U82
** U88 through U98
** U132 through U136
** U201 through U212
** U221 through U232
** U235 through U291
** U301 through U316
** U331 through U394
** U396 through U458
** U465 through U486
** U551 through U683
** U701 through U722
** U731 through U768
** U771 through U779
** U821 through U822
** U825 and U826
** U901 through U907
** U921 through U928
** U951 through U994
** U1051 through U1058
** U1101 and U1102
** U1131 and U1132
** U1161 and U1162
** U1191 through U1210
* Type VIIC 41 Unterseeboote
** U292 through U300
** U317 through U328
** U827 and U828
** U929 and U930
** U995 through U1010
** U1013 through U1025
** U1063 through U1065
** U1103 through U1110
** U1163 through U1172
** U1271 through U1279
** U1301 through U1308
* Type IXA Unterseeboote
** U37 through U44
* Type IXB Unterseeboote
** U64 and U65
** U103 through U111
** U122 through U124
* Type IXC Unterseeboote
** U66 through U68
** U125 through U131
** U153 through U166
** U171 through U176
** U501 through U524
* Type IXC 40 Unterseeboote
** U167 through U170
** U183 through U194
** U525 through U550
** U801 through U806
** U841 through U846
** U853 through U858
** U877 through U899
** U1221 through U1235
* Type IXD Unterseeboote
** U177 through U182
** U195 through U200
** U847 through U852
** U859 through U864
** U871 through U876Minelaying subs
* Type VIID Unterseeboote
** U213 through U218
* Type XB Unterseeboote
** U116 through U119upply subs
* Type VIIF Unterseeboote
** U1059 through U1062
* Type IXD /42 Unterseeboot
** U883 and U884
* Type XB Unterseeboote
** U219 and U220
** U233 and U234
* Type XIV Unterseeboote
** U459 through U464
** U487 through U490Electric boats
* Type XXI Unterseeboote
** U2501 through U2531
** U2533 through U2548
** U2551 and U2552
** U3001 through U3044
** U3501 through U3530
* Type XXIII Unterseeboote
** U2321 through U2371
** U4701 through U4707
** U4709 through U4712Midget Submarines
Seehund (17 tons, 2 x torpedoes)
** 138 commissioned
* Hecht (Training)
** 53 commissioned
* Bider (6.5 tons, 2 x torpedoes)
** 324 commissioned
*Molch (11 tons, 2 x torpedoes)
** 393 commissioned
*Delphin (Prototype)
** 3 commissioned
*Seeteufel (Prototype)
** 1 commissioned
*Schwertwal (Prototype)
** 1 commissionedHuman Torpedoes
Neger (1 x torpedo)
** 200 commissioned
* Marder (3 tons, 1 x torpedo)
** 500 commissioned
* Hai (Prototype)
** 1 commissionedAuxiliary ships
Troop Ships
* "
Cap Arcona ", 1927
* "Deutschland", 1923
* "Goya", 1940
* "Steuben", 1923
* "Wilhelm Gustloff", 1937Artillery Training Ships/"Artillerieschulschiffe"
* "Bremse" 1933 (1,800 tons, 4 x 127mm guns, 280 mines)
* "Brummer" 1934 (3,000 tons, 8 x 105mm guns, 480 mines)
* "Admiral Hugo Zeye ", 1942Radio-Controlled Targets
Braunschweig class battleship
** "Hessen", 1900
*Wittelsbach class battleship
** "Zahringen", 1898ail Training Ships/"Segelschulschiffe"
* Segelschulschiff "Niobe", 1913
* Segelschulschiff "Gorch Fock", 1933 (Russian training ship "Tovarishch ")
* Segelschulschiff "Horst Wessel", 1936 (US Coast Guard Ship "Eagle")
* Segelschulschiff "Albert Leo Schlageter", 1937 (Portuguese training ship "Sagres II ")Floating AA Batteries/"Schwimmende Flakbatterien"
* Scout Cruiser "Arcona"
* Scout Cruiser "Medusa"
* Dutch Coastal Defense Battleship "Gelderland"
* Norwegian Coastal Defense Battleship "Tordenskjöld"
* Norwegian Coastal Defense Battleship "Harald Haarfagre"
=Escorts/"Flottenbegleiter"=* "F class" (700 tons, 2 x 105mm guns)
**F1 - F10Gunboats/"Leichte Schnellboote"
* LS1 - LS12
Captured foreign warships
A significant number of foreign warships were captured and recommissioned into the Kriegsmarine. Some were never completted.
* French battleship "Clemenceau", captured 1941, launched 1943 (never completed)
* Soviet battleship "Sovetskaya Ukraina", laid down 1938, captured 1941 (never completed)Unfinished Ships
Aircraft carrier s* "Graf Zeppelin" class
** "Graf Zeppelin", launched 1938 (never completed)
** "Flugzeugträger B", never launchedHeavy cruiser s* "Seydlitz", (uncompleted, intended for conversion into light aircraft carrier, but never completed)
* "Lützow", (sold uncompleted to Soviet Union in 1939)Destroyer s* Zerstörer 1936C
* Zerstörer 1938A/Ac
* Zerstörer 1938B
* Zerstörer 1942: Z51 launched 1944, but bombed and never completed
* Zerstörer 1944
* Zerstörer 1945
* Spähkreuzer* Flottentorpedoboot 1940 (Never completed)
* Flottentorpedoboot 1941 (Never completed)
* Flottentorpedoboot 1944 (Never completed)And a multitude of other ships: Escorts, Gunboats, Landing Crafts, Fleet Tenders, AA Batteries, Training Ships, Auxiliary Ships, Patrol Boats, Minelayers, Mine Hunters, Fast Torpedo Attack Boats (
E-Boats ) and some more.
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