- Water tunnel (hydrodynamic)
A water tunnel is an experimental facility used for testing the
hydrodynamic behavior of submerged bodies in flowing water. It is very similar to a recirculatingwind tunnel but with water as the working fluid, and related phenomena are investigated, such as measuring the forces on scale models ofsubmarines or lift and drag onhydrofoil s. Water tunnels are sometimes used in place of wind tunnels to perform measurements because techniques like PIV are easier to implement in water. For many cases as long as theReynolds number is equivalent, the results are valid, whether a submerged water vehicle model is tested in air or an aerial vehicle is tested in water. For low Reynolds number flows, tunnels can be made to run oil instead of water. The advantage is that the increasedkinematic viscosity will allow the flow to be a faster speed (and thus easier to maintain stably) for a lower Reynolds number.Whereas in wind tunnels the driving force is usually sophisticated multiblade
propellers with adjustableblade pitch , in water and oil tunnels the fluid is circulated with pumps, effectively using a netpressure head difference to move the fluid rather than impartingmomentum on it directly. Thus the return section of water and oil tunnels does not need any flow management; typically it is just a pipe sized for the pump and desired flow speeds. The upstream section of a water tunnels generally consists of a pipe (outlet from the pump) with several holes along its side and with the end open followed by a series of coarse and fine screens to even the flow before the contraction into the test section. Wind tunnels may also have screens before the contraction, but in water tunnels they may be as fine as the screen used in window openings and screen doors.Additionally, many water tunnels are sealed and can reduce the internal static
pressure , to performcavitation studies. These are referred to as cavitation tunnels.Methods
Because it is a high-speed phenomenon, a special procedure is needed to visualize cavitation. The propeller, attached to a
dynamometer , is placed in the inflow, and its thrust and torque is measured at different ratios of propeller speed (number of revolutions) to inflow velocity. Astroboscope synchronized with the propeller speed "freezes" the cavitation bubble. By this, one can observe if the propeller would be damaged by cavitation. To ensuresimilarity to the full-scale propeller, the pressure is lowered, and the gas content of the water is controlled.Often, a tunnel will be co-located with other experimental facilities at a
Ship model basin .List of Cavitation Tunnels (Water Tunnels)
*"Australian Maritime College". AMC [ [http://www.amc.edu.au/ Discover your future at AMC | AMC ] ]
* "Tunnel de Cavitation" Ecole Navale, [ [http://www.ecole-navale.fr Ecole Navale ] ] Lanveoc
* "Grand Tunnel Hydrodynamique" Bassin d'Essais des Carènes, [ [http://www.bassin.fr cadre ] ] Val de ReuilGermany
* Multiple cavitation tunnels at the Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Schiffbau, [http://www.tu-berlin.de/vws/w3vwsde/w3facide/w3faciuk.htm|] Berlin
* Large Cavitation tunnel at Hamburg Ship Model Basin, [ [http://www.hsva.de HSVA - Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt ] ] HamburgIran
* "Cavitation Tunnel" of Sharif University Of Technology, [http://mech.sharif.edu/~mel/CAVITATIONAL%20TUNEL.html] Tehran
The Netherlands
* Large Cavitation Tunnel and High Speed Cavitation Tunnel at Maritime Research Institute Netherlands in
Wageningen Norway
* "Cavitation Lab" NTNU, The
Norwegian University of Science and Technology , [ [http://www.ivt.ntnu.no/imt/forskning/lab/cavitation.php Cavitation lab | IMT, IVT- NTNU ] ] Trondheimpain
*CEHIPAR (Canal de Experiencias Hidrodinámicas de El Pardo), [http://www.cehipar.es/cehiparweb/index.php?lang=english] , El Pardo (Madrid), Spain.
* The Large Cavitation Tunnel at
National Taiwan Ocean University , Keelung, TaiwanUnited Kingdom
Emerson Cavitation Tunnel ,"University of Newcastle upon Tyne . [http://www.ncl.ac.uk/marine/about/facilities/emerson.htm]United States
* The Garfield Thomas Water Tunnel The
Pennsylvania State University , [ [http://www.arl.psu.edu/facilities/gtwt.html GTWT ] ] State College, PA
* The William B. Morgan Large Cavitation Channel, [ [http://www.dt.navy.mil/our_capabilities/facilities/5004/5004.html Large Cavitation Channel (LCC) ] ] Memphis, TNReferences
External links
* [http://www.rollinghillsresearch.com/Water_Tunnels/Model_0710.html Description of a commercial water tunnel] showing the inlet baffle, flow conditioning screens, and converging section.
* [http://www.flometrics.com/services/prosphere/wtflovs.htm Contains a nice picture] of a water tunnel with PVC pipe and turbopump.
*These show the clear difference between a [http://www.eldinc.com/cgi-bin/StandardWindTunnel.pl?id=12 recirculating wind tunnel] and a [http://www.eldinc.com/cgi-bin/WaterTunnel.pl?id=3 water tunnel] .
* [http://www.measurementsci.com/products_flowLab.html A miniature water tunnel] whose return section is simply a reservoir tub with asump pump . Flow rate is controlled by constricting the flow on the outlet of the pump with a valve.
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