- Resolution (policy debate)
policy debate , a resolution or topic is a normative statement which the affirmative team affirms and the negative team negates. Resolutions are selected annually by affiliated schools.At the college level, a number of topics are proposed and interested parties write 'topic papers' discussing the pros and cons of that individual topic. Each school then gets one vote on the topic. The single topic area voted on then has a number of proposed topic wordings, one is chosen, and it is debated by affiliated students nationally for the entire season.
The high school policy debate topic is selected annually under the auspices of the National Federation of State High School Association's Speech, Debate, and Theater Association. The [http://www.nfhs.org/scriptcontent/Va_Custom/vimdisplays/contentpagedisplay.cfm?content_ID=346 topic process] calls for two rounds of voting, the first narrowing down five initial choices to two, and the second selecting the final resolution. In each round, each state has a vote, the
National Forensic League has a vote, and theNational Catholic Forensic League has a vote. Each state's activities association has its own process for determining the state's vote.Recent National Policy Debate High School Resolutions
(2008-2009) Resolved: The
United States federal government should substantially increasealternative energy incentives in the United States.(2007-2008) Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its public health assistance to Sub-Saharan
Africa .(2006-2007) Resolved: The United States federal government should establish a policy substantially increasing the number of persons serving in one or more of the following national service programs:
AmeriCorps ,Citizen Corps ,Senior Corps ,Peace Corps , Learn and Serve America, and/or theArmed Forces .(2005-2006) Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially decrease its authority either to detain without charge or to search without
probable cause .(2004-2005) Resolved: That the United States federal government should establish a foreign policy substantially increasing its support of
United Nations peacekeeping operations.(2003-2004) Resolved: That the United States federal government should establish an ocean policy substantially increasing protection of marine natural resources.
(2002-2003) Resolved: That the United States federal government should substantially increase public health services for
mental health care in the United States.(2001-2002) Resolved: That the United States federal government should establish a foreign policy significantly limiting the use of
weapons of mass destruction .(2000-2001) Resolved: That the United States federal government should significantly increase protection of privacy in the United States in one or more of the following areas: employment, medical records, consumer information,
search and seizure .(1999-2000) Resolved: That the federal government should establish an
education policy to significantly increase academic achievement insecondary schools in the United States.(1998-1999) Resolved: That the United States should substantially change its
foreign policy towardRussia (1997-1998) Resolved: That the federal government should establish a policy to substantially increase
renewable energy use in the United States(1996-1997) Resolved: That the federal government should establish a program to substantially reduce juvenile crime in the United States
(1995-1996) Resolved: That the United States government should substantially change its foreign policy toward the
People’s Republic of China .(1994-1995) Resolved: That the United States government should substantially strengthen regulation of immigration to the United States.
(1993-1994) Resolved: That the federal government should guarantee comprehensive
national health insurance to all United States citizens.(1992-1993) Resolved: That the United States government should reduce worldwide
pollution through its trade and/or aid policies.(1991-1992) Resolved: That the federal government should significantly increase social services to
homeless individuals in the United States.(1990-1991) Resolved: That the United States government should significantly increase
space exploration beyond the Earth'smesosphere .(1989-1990) Resolved: That the federal government should adopt a nationwide policy to decrease overcrowding in
prisons andjails in theUnited States.(1988-1989) Resolved: That the federal government should implement a comprehensive program to guarantee
retirement security for UnitedStates citizens over age 65.(1987-88) Resolved: That the United States government should adopt a policy to increase political stability in
Latin America .(1986-87) Resolved: That the federal government should implement a comprehensive longterm agricultural policy in the United States.
(1985-1986) Resolved: That the federal government should establish a comprehensive national policy to protect the quality of
water in theUnited States.(1984-1985) Resolved: That the federal government should provide employment for all employable United States
citizens living inpoverty.(1983-1984) Resolved: That the United States should establish uniform rules governing the procedure of all
criminal courts in the nation.(1982-1983) Resolved: That the United States should significantly curtail its
arms sales to other countries.(1981-1982) Resolved: That the federal government should establish minimum educational standards for elementary and
secondary schools in the United States.(1980-1981) Resolved: That the federal government should initiate and enforce safety guarantees on
consumer goods .(1979-1980) Resolved: That the United States should significantly change its
foreign trade policies.(1978-1979) Resolved: That the federal government should establish a comprehensive program to significantly increase the
energy independence of the United States.(1977-1978) Resolved: That the federal government should establish a comprehensive program to regulate the
health care system in the United States.(1976-1977) Resolved: That a comprehensive program of
penal reform should be adopted throughout the United States.(1975-1976) Resolved: That the development and allocation of scarce world resources should be controlled by an international organization.
(1974-1975) Resolved: That the United States should significantly change the method of selecting presidential and vice-presidential candidates.
(1973-1974) Resolved: That the federal government should guarantee a minimum annual income to each family unit.
(1972-1973) Resolved: That governmental financial support for all public and secondary education in the United States be provided exclusively by the federal government
(1971-1972) Resolved: That the
jury system in the United States should be significantly changed1971Resolved: That the federal government should establish, finance, and administer programs to control air and/or
water pollution in the United States.1970Resolved: That Congress should prohibit unilateral United States military intervention in foreign countries.
1969Resolved: That the United States should establish a system of compulsory service by all citizens.
1968Resolved: That Congress should establish uniform regulations to control criminal investigation procedures.
1967Resolved: That the foreign aid program of the United States should be limited to non-military assistance.
1966Resolved: That the federal government should adopt a program of compulsory arbitration in labor-management disputes in basic industries.
1965Resolved: That nuclear weapons should becontrolled by an international organization.
1964Resolved: That Social Security benefits shouldbe extended to include complete medical care.
1963 Resolved: That the United States shouldpromote a Common Market for the westernhemisphere.
1962Resolved: That the federal government should equalize educational opportunity by means of grants to the states for public elementary and secondary education.
1961Resolved: That the United Nations should be significantly strengthened.
1960Resolved: That the federal government shouldsubstantially increase its regulation of laborunions.
1959Resolved: That the United States should adoptthe essential features of the British system ofeducation.
1958Resolved: That United States foreign aidshould be substantially increased.
1957Resolved: That the federal government shouldsustain the prices of major agricultural productsat not less than 90% of parity.
1956Resolved: That governmental subsidies shouldbe granted according to need to high schoolgraduates who qualify for additional training.
1955Resolved: That the federal government shouldinitiate a policy of free trade among nationsfriendly to the United States.
1954Resolved: That the President of the UnitedStates should be elected by the direct vote ofthe people.
1953Resolved: That the Atlantic Pact nationsshould form a federal union.
1952Resolved: That all American citizens shouldbe subject to conscription for essentialservice in time of war.
1951Resolved: That the American people shouldreject the welfare state.
1950Resolved: That the president of the UnitedStates should be elected by the direct vote ofthe people.
1949Resolved: That the United States now berevised into a Federal World Government.
1948Resolved: That the federal governmentshould require arbitration of labor disputes inall basic American industries.
1947Resolved: That the federal governmentshould provide a system of complete medicalcare available to all citizens at publicexpense.
1946Resolved: That every able-bodied male citizen of the United States should have one year of full-time military training beforeattaining age 24.
1945Resolved: That the legal voting age should be reduced to eighteen years.
1944Resolved: That the United States should join in reconstituting the League of Nations.
1943Resolved: That a federal world government should be established.
1942Resolved: That every able-bodied malecitizen in the United States should berequired to have one year of full-timemilitary training before attaining the presentdraft age.
1941Resolved: That the power of the federalgovernment should be increased.
1940Resolved: That the federal government shouldown and operate the railroads.
1939Resolved: That the United States shouldestablish an alliance with Great Britain.
1938Resolved: That the several states should adopt aunicameral system of legislation.
1937Resolved: That all electric utilities should begovernmentally owned and operated.
1936Resolved: That the several states should enactlegislation providing for a system of completemedical service available to all citizens atpublic expense.
1935Resolved: That the federal government shouldadopt the policy of equalizing educationalopportunity throughout the nation by means ofannual grants to the several states for publicelementary and secondary education.
1934Resolved: That the United States should adoptthe essential features of the British system ofradio control and operation.
1933Resolved: That at least one half of all state andlocal revenues should be derived from sourcesother than tangible property.
1932Resolved: That the several states should enactlegislation providing for compulsoryunemployment insurance.
1931Resolved: That chain stores are detrimental tothe best interests of the American public.
1930Resolved: That installment buying of personalproperty as now practiced in the United Statesis both socially and economically desirable.
1929Resolved: That the English cabinet method oflegislation is more efficient than the committeesystem is in the United States.
1928Resolved: That a federal department ofeducation should be created with a secretary inthe president's cabinet.
Recent CEDA-NDT Intercollegiate Resolutions
(2007-2008) Resolved: The United States Federal Government should increase its constructive engagement with the government of one or more of the following countries: Afghanistan, Iran, Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority, and Syria, and it should include offering them a security guarantee(s) and/or a substantial increase in foreign assistance.
(2006-2007) Resolved: The United States Supreme Court should overrule one or more of the following decisions:
Planned Parenthood v. Casey , 505 U.S. 833 (1992);Ex parte Quirin , 317 U.S. 1 (1942);U.S. v. Morrison , 529 U.S. 598 (2000);Milliken v. Bradley , 418 U.S. 717 (1974).(2005-2006) Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase diplomatic and economic pressure on the People's Republic of China in one or more of the following areas: trade, human rights, weapons nonproliferation, Taiwan.
(2004-2005) Resolved: The United States federal government should establish an energypolicy requiring a substantial reduction in the total non-governmentalconsumption of fossil fuels in the United States.
(2003-2004) Resolved: The United States federal government should enact one or more of the following:
* Withdrawal of its World Trade Organization complaint against the European Union’s restrictions on genetically modified foods;
* A substantial increase in its government-to-government economic and/or conflict prevention assistance to Turkey and/or Greece;
* Full withdrawal from theNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization ;
* Removal of its barriers to and encouragement of substantial European Union and/or North Atlantic Treaty Organization participation in peacekeeping in Iraq and reconstruction in Iraq;
* Removal of its tactical nuclear weapons from Europe;
* Harmonization of its intellectual property law with the European Union in the area of human DNA sequences;
* Rescission of all or nearly all agriculture subsidy increases in the 2002 Farm Bill.(2002-2003) Resolved: The United States federal government should ratify or accede to, and implement, one or more of the following:
* The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty;
* The Kyoto Protocol;
* The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court;
* The Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights aiming at the Abolition of the Death Penalty;
* The Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Strategic Offensive Reductions, if not ratified by the United States.(2001-2002) Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase federal control throughout Indian Country in one or more of the following areas: child welfare, criminal justice, employment, environmental protection, gaming, resource management, taxation.
(2000-2001) Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its development assistance, including government to government assistance, within the Greater Horn of Africa.
Specific wording and spelling of terms used in the CEDA-NDT resolutions can be found here: http://www.wfu.edu/organizations/NDT/HistoricalLists/topics.html
Recent NFA-LD intercollegiate resolutions
(2008-2009) Resolved: That the United States Federal Government should substantially increase its constructive engagement with Cuba.
(2007-2008) Resolved: That the United States Federal Government should substantially increase assistance to the Greater Horn of Africa in one of the following areas: economic development, human rights protection, or public health.
(2006-2007) Resolved: That the United States Federal Government should adopt a policy to significantly increase the production of energy from renewable sources.
(2005-2006) Resolved: That the United States federal government should adopt a policy to increase the protection of human rights in one or more of the following nations: Tibet, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, East Timor, Indonesia, Philippines, and/or Pakistan.
(2004-2005) Resolved: That the United States federal government should significantly reform the criminal justice system.
(2003-2004) Resolved: That the United States federal government should substantially increase environmental regulations on industrial pollution
(2002-2003) Resolved: That the United States federal government should significantly increase assistance to United States residents living below the poverty line.
(2001-2002) Resolved: That the United States federal government should significantly alter its policy for combating international terrorism.
(2000-2001) Resolved: That the United States federal government should significantly increase restrictions on civil lawsuits.
(1999-2000) Resolved: That the United States federal government should increase restrictions on the development, use, and/or sale of genetically modified organisms.
(1998-1999) Resolved: That the US federal government should significantly increase its regulation of electronically mediated communication.
(1997-1998) Resolved: That the United States federal government should significantly change its foreign policy toward Taiwan.
For more information on NFA-LD history and the event, visit: http://www.nationalforensics.org and follow the NFA-LD links.
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