

Infobox Philippine province
name = Kalinga
sealfile = Ph_seal_kalinga.png region = Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)
capital = Tabuk City
founded = February 14, 1995
pop2000 = 174,023
pop2000rank = 11th smallest
popden2000 = 56
popden2000rank = 6th lowest
areakm2 = 3,119.7
arearank = 42nd largest
hucities = 0
componentcities = 1
municipalities = 7
barangays = 152
districts = 1
languages = Kalinga, Ilocano, Tagalog
governor = Floydelia Diasen (Lakas-CMD)
locatormapfile = Ph_locator_map_kalinga.png

Kalinga is a landlocked province of the Philippines in the Cordillera Administrative Region in Luzon. Its capital is Tabuk and borders Mountain Province to the south, Abra to the west, Isabela to the east, Cagayan to the northeast, and Apayao to the north. Prior to 1995, Kalinga and Apayao used to be a single province named "Kalinga-Apayao", until they were split into two to better service the needs of individual native tribes in the provinces.

People and culture

See below. See also Igorot


Rice farming including pigs and vegetables, basket and metal working: largely subsistence. Forestry, with attendant land degradation.



Kalinga Provincial government [http://www.kalinga.gov.ph/]

Kalinga is subdivided into 1 city and 7 municipalities.




The topography of Kalinga province is rugged and sloping with mountain peaks ranging from 1,500 to 2,500 meters in height. The provinces geographic feature on the western portion is characterized by sharp crested interlinking peaks of steep slopes, isolated flatlands, plateaus and valleys. The eastern portion is generally rolling and gradually sloping foothills.

The province is drained mainly by the Chico River with headwater originating from Mt. Province and empties into the Cagayan River.The Chico River has several tributaries: Bunog River in Tinglayan in the south, the Tanudan and Biga Rivers in the east, Pasil River in the middle, Mabaca and Saltan Rivers in the north. Several small lakes can also be found in Kalinga. These water resources if to be tapped could provide abundant sources for power generation, fishing, irrigation and for domestic use.

The province enjoys an average temperature ranging from 17 to 22 degrees Celsius and Type III weather patterns. The dry season extends from November to April. The rest of the year is considered rainy. The heaviest rains usually occur in the months of July to October.

A larger portion of the province is open grassland suitable for pasture, but the higher elevation in the west is forested by rich pine trees. Rizal and Tabuk with their flatlands are the biggest rice producers. Next in rice production are the mountainous areasthe rice terraces of Balbalan, Lubuagan, Pasil, Pinukpuk, Tinglayan, and Tanudan.


There are many sub tribes in the province. The strong sense of tribal membership and filial loyalty results to occasional tribal war. The Kalingas were able to maintain their culture despite the occupation of the Spaniards, Japanese and Americans due to the mountainous terrain and warrior-culture of the people. Unknown to many, the last stand of President Emilio Aguinaldo (First President of the Philippines) was in this province, in the municipality of Lubuagan commemorated by the Aguinaldo museum in the said municipality.

The people of Kalinga are the most extensive rice farmers of the Cordillera peoples, having been blessed with some of the most suitable land for both wet and dry rice farming. Except for the Ifugaos, the Kalingas are the most extensive terrace builders in the country. The Kalingas are also skilled potters with pot making concentrated in the lower Chico River Valley. They are also excellent in basket and loom weaving and metal works.

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