San Francisco Tetlanohcan

San Francisco Tetlanohcan

San Francisco Tetlanohcan is a town in the Mexican state of Tlaxcala, at the foot of the La Malinche dormant volcano. San Francisco Tetlanohcan has a population of 10,000 inhabitants, and is located about 20 minutes east of the state capital, Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala.


Located in the Mexican central Plateau to 2,420 meters above sea level, the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan locates in an axis of geographical coordinateses between the 19 degrees 16 minutes North latitude and 98 degrees 10 minutes west longitude.

Located to the south of the state, the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan to the north with the municipality of Santa Ana Chiautempan, to the south with the municipality of Teolocholco, to the east with the municipality of Huamantla and to the west with the municipality of the Magdalena Tlaltelulco.


Historical review

Pre-Hispanic time

The development of this establishment is deeply tie to the one of Chiautempan; the events that in him follow one another as of the pre-Hispanic time maintain narrow relation with which they are pronounced in the señoríos of Chiautempan and Comalteapa.

Francisco Javier Muñoz, cronista of Santa Ana Chiautempan, aims that at the pre-Hispanic time the first settlers settled down themselves in the tip of the Malinche, and later happened to the montecito that is known like “chiche”, being transferred momentarily to the site where even is and the zone of the Club of Lions, to arrive finally, to the place that at the moment occupies San Francisco Tetlanohcan, where the districts of Xolalpan (on the center), Majtlacuahuajkan (place of encinos) and Aquiáhuac settled down (water that are above).

Nevertheless, taking care of the reference to Comalteapa, Chiautempan it could be present either from Texcalac behind schedule, agrees to consider that the existence of establishments in the area that at the moment occupies San Francisco Tetlanohcan, or could occur or between the years from the 900 to the 1100 d.c., establishments that from the evidences available, would be identified with stays, villages and microvillages.

The Colony. - Against this background, San Francisco Tetlanohcan, like Santa Ana Chiautempan, is in the administrative plane under the jurisdiction of Ocotelulco and comprises the doctrine of Chiautempan, one of the few that count at the beginning of the Colony with a franciscano convent, same that is constructed from 1569 to 1585, and that it lodges two friars - one of who is preaching; convent that is elevated as one of the manifestations to express the triumph of the Christianity on the pagan forms of adoration.

In San Francisco Tetlanohcan she will be constructed between centuries XVI and XVII, a church dedicated to San Francisco, with own volcanic stones of the region - due to his location in the skirts of the Malinche-, tepetates and brick; all she makes suppose that she constitutes in the first years a visit church, hypothesis without sufficient documentary reference.

Chiautempan at the end of the colonial time already shows the category of party and Integra by six towns, six properties and seven farms, and lodges a total of 2 785 Indians, responds to the fact that most of the property that in her are located, they are of small dimenciones. Not thus in the case of the property of San Nicholas Tochapan, located in the environs of San Francisco Tetlanohcan and the Magdalena Tlaltelulco, whose surface includes 86 cavalries (3 968 You have.).

Towards century XVII in her one takes care, in quality of laborers or gañanes, a high percentage of the indigenous population of Tetlanohcan; mainly of that it is seen in the necessity to sell his earth or simply undressed of its property. The property is property of Joseph Lopez Arevalo and presents/displays a value of $28 000, of which $20 000 are of censuses in favor of different owners; it counts in addition on ninety aperados oxen. Between the years that go from 1763 to 1788, the towns of Tetlanohcan and San Bernardino Contla carry out a series of disputes, in relation to the distraction of the wood and resin which they extract of the encinos, in the skirt of the mountain.

Century XIX

Independence. - The life in Tetlanohcan deeply continues bound to the events that follow one another in Chiautempan. References are not had on the participation of Tetlanohcan in the armed warfare, which does not discard the fact that some settlers have integrated themselves of particular way to the insurgency, before the inconformidad that prevailed in all the country by the dominion of the Spaniards and the economic situation in whom lived the immense mass of indigenous farmers, as well as by the few opportunities that had Creoles and mestizos to accede to prestige positions, within the governmental positions and the private businesses.

San Francisco Tetlanohcan will observe the federalist and centralist struggles between that are alternated interminable for the young nation. The internal divisions make prey easy of the intervention of the neighbor of the north, that takes control of more than half of its territory.

The Porfiriato. - But everything was not prosperity, nor the progress had benefitted the population as a whole. At the end of century XIX and principles of the XX, the workers and farmers of Tlaxcala, between which are not few inhabitants of San Francisco Tetlanohcan, they protest by the conditions of work to whom they were subject, like long days of work and low wages. The earth despoliation that the neighbors had suffered of Tetlanohcan takes them to participate in two operations of collective purchases, first of them is carried out in 1888 and participate in addition neighboring to Acuitlapilco, which considers the payment of $653 by the property Santa Barbara. The second operation in that they only participate settler in Tetlanohcan, is carried out in 1899 and represents the purchase of the Malintzi property in $13 000.

Century XX

The Mexican Revolution. - The armed group that was the auxiliary guard of Tetlanohcan, arm armed of the landowners of the region, participated in more than an occasion in direct confrontations with the competing groups to the regime; this guard will have to serve his in the occasion of the celebrations mother countries of the 16 of September 1910.

Contemporary time. - At the moment in the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan it is continued cultivating the maize and fríjol, others live on the cattle ranch and complement their income with the artisan and commercial activities.

San Francisco Tetlanohcan is connected to an ample system of ground communication lineses that unite it with the towns of Axotla of Monte, San Luis Teolocholco and the Magdalena Tlaltelulco, and with the towns of the Malinche like San Isidro Buensuceso, Mazatecochco, Teolocholco and Juan Cuamatzi.The economy of the town is based on the maize culture, as well as the minerals that to them the region provides, bovine and wool cattle ranch. In addition it counts on clothes factories, elaboradoras of block and commercial establishments like bakeries, tortillerías, slaughters and glasswares, etc. As far as his political participation, San Francisco Tetlanohcan it comprised of the municipality of Santa Ana Chiautempan until 1995, when it is elevated to him in municipality.

Chronology of Historical Facts


Event1995 18 of August, the congress of the State of Tlaxcala decree to San Francisco Tetlanohcan like a new municipality of the State.Source: H. City council, 1999-2002.AVERAGE PHYSICISTLocation

Located in the Mexican central Plateau to 2 420 meters on the level of the sea, the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan locates in an axis of geographical coordinateses between the 19 degrees 16 minutes North latitude and 98 degrees 10 minutes west longitude.

Located to the south of the state, the municipality of San Francisco copretty Tetlanohcan to the north with the municipality of Santa Ana Chiautempan, to the south with the municipality of Teolocholco, to the copretty east with the municipality of Huamantla and to the west with the municipality of the Magdalena Tlaltelulco.

San Francisco Tetlanohcan


In agreement with the information of the National Institute of Statistic, Geography and Computer science, the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan includes/understands a surface of 50,300 kilometers square, which represents the 1,24 percent of the total of the state territory, which ascends to 4 060,923 kilometers square.


Three forms characteristic of relief appear in the municipality: Zones victims, whom the 10,0 percent of the total surface includes and they are located in the part orients of the municipality and in the gorges that furrow the municipal territory. Semiflat zones, that with a 25,0 percent of the surface, are located in the central part of the municipality. Flat zones, that include the 65,0 percent of the surface and they are located in the western part of the municipality.


The hydrographic resources in general are little, nevertheless exist volume streams during the time of rains, as well as flowing, wells for potable water extraction and irrigation.


In the municipality the climate considers subhumid tempering, with rain regime in the months of May, July, August and September. The warmest months are April and May. The wind direction in general is of north to the south and of the west to the northwest, the registered annual average temperature fluctuates of 6,4 like minim to 22,7 degrees Celsius like Maxima. During the year, diverse temperatures appear. During the weather that includes the months of June, July, August and September the precipitation average in the municipality is greater to the 100 millimeters

Main Ecosystems


The totality of the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan is in the volcano of the Malinche, for that reason its vegetation is arranged in several altitudinales layers, in the inferior part is the encino forest (laeta Quercus, obtusata Q., Q. crassipes), that often are coexisting with ocote Chinese (Pinus leiophylla); a little above the encino of great leaf (rough Q.) is associate to madroño (Arbutus jalapensis) and to the real pine (Pinus montezumae), in addition to the white pine (Pinus pseudostrobus) and to ailite (Alnus jurollensis). This layer is shared with species of smaller stature as huejote (Salix paradoxa) and tepozán (parviflora Buddleia).

Between the 2 800 and 3 500 M.s, of altitude is the forest of oyamel (religious Abies), tree whose glass is similar to the one of a cone and that characterizes by its majesty and beauty; by above of this forest of oyamel is a forest of pine of stop (Pinus hartwegii), same that marks the superior limit of the arboreal vegetation, since above, before arriving at the top of the mountain, only is the well-known vegetation like desert of height or alpine zacatonal to an altitude superior to the 4 300 M.s

Something excellent in the top of the mountain, is the presence of a small tree, whose common name he is junípero or cedrillo dwarfed (monticola Juniperus), shrub that presents/displays crawling habit and commonly it grows in rocky and cold sites.

It is important to emphasize that the average density of the hoisted one in the volcano of the Malinche, is of 205 individuals by hectare and the 61,5 percent of hoisted his is coniferous and the 38,5 percent is hojosas, besides to almost present/display in the totality of their surface pasturing and fire tracks.


Despite the growth and accelerated expansion of the urban spot, in the territory of the municipality, still it is common to find some type of wild fauna like for example rabbit (Silvilagus floridanus) and hare (Lepus californicus). In the plain birds and reptiles like the quail (Cyrtonix montezumae), picapinos, viper of bell (Crotalus sp) and scorpion.

Characteristics and Use of Suelo

Type of ground

The grounds exist in the territory of the state type cambisoles, litosoles, andosoles, regosoles, gleysoles, fluvisoles, vertisoles, solonchaks, to ranker, rendzinas, serosoles and histosoles. In the territory of the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan four great types of grounds are noticed: cambisoles, fluvisoles, regosoles, and andosoles. They correspond to cambisoles, those translocated piroclásticos sediment grounds, frequently with horizons duripan or tepetate. The grounds fluvisoles, these include/understand developed and deep alluvial sediments little. The grounds regosoles, are of loose sediments, very little developed, deep, with horizon To ócrico. Finally, the grounds andosoles come from piroclásticos sediments, developed of average depth deep very loose generally well.

ociety Profile

Ethnic groups

During the year of 1995, the total of the population of 5 years and more promoted 7 328 people; of this total, the 20,9 speak some indigenous language. In this respect, it is possible to be said that this percentage is elevated with respect to other municipalities of the organization. In the graph 4c, can be appreciated that the language that predominates in the municipality is the Nahuatl.

According to the results that I present/display II the Count of Population and House in the 2005, in the municipality they inhabit a total of 1.164 people who speak some indigenous language.

Demographic evolution

Total population

The municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan was created in August 1995, reason why in order to have an historical reference for the year of 1990, the information that it had when will be taken it was a locality for aims of this section. According to the statistical information for the year of 1990, San Francisco Tetlanohcan was integrated like a locality of the municipality of Santa Ana Chiautempan, who counted on a population of 6 609 inhabitants.

However, in agreement with data of the Count of Population and House of the INEGI, in 1995 he had a population of 8 422 inhabitants, number that represented the 0,9 percent of the total. In this respect, it is important to indicate that as of that year, he passed to be municipality released of the municipality of Chiautempan.

It is important to indicate that for year 2000, in agreement with the preliminary results of the General Census of Population and House conducted by the INEGI, a total of 9.076 inhabitants existed in the municipality, of who 4.376 are men and 4.700 are women; this represents 48% of masculine sex and 52% of feminine sex.

Rate of growth

The rate of growth of the population in the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan is high with respect to the state average. In period 1990/95, a rate of growth of 4,4 annual percents is registered, number that compared with the state one which it was of 2,7, turns out to be superior. to persist this tendency the municipality will duplicate its population in 15.9 years. In as much the state as a whole it would do it in 25.9 years.

Urban and Rural population

In agreement with the definition of the National Institute of Statistic, Geography and Computer science, (INEGI), the urban population is the one that lives in localities on more than 2 500 inhabitants and the rural population the one that lives in localities of less than 2 500 inhabitants. According to the previous thing, it is possible to be mentioned that this municipality is practically urban, since only had 8 rural inhabitants.

Density of population

The municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan has a density of low population. The data of the Count of Population and House of the INEGI, show that for the year of 1995 the density of 167,44 population is of inferior number to the state one, that was of 217,66 inhabitants by square kilometer.

Population by age and sex

As far as the population by sex, this municipality has more women than men. During the period that goes from 1990 to 1995, the average of inhabitants of masculine sex, represented the 49,1 percent of the total, in as much the population of feminine sex obtained the 50,9 percent. This demographic reality is from the differences in mortality by sex.

The pyramid of ages is an indicator that shows the behavior of the structure of the population of ages. The information available in this respect, indicates that the young population predominates. Thus, for 1995 the 52,0 percent of the population was located between 0 and 19 years; the 43,4 percent was between the 20 and 64 years and the 4,6 remaining percent between the 65 and more years.

Rate of natality

In agreement with the numbers of the National Institute of Statistic, Geography and Computer science the rate of natality of the municipality, in the year of 1996 was of 33,4 births by each 1 000 inhabitants, greater number to the one than it registered the state, that was of 30,3 births by each 1 000 inhabitants.

Rate of general mortality and infantile mortality

In 1996 the rate of general mortality of the municipality ascended to 5,6 deaths by each 1 000 inhabitants, whereas in the state was of 4,9 deaths by each 1 000 inhabitants. In proportion in the municipality there are more deaths than in the state.

Infantile mortality in 1996, registered a rate of 75,8 deaths by each 1 000 born children alive, too much elevated number with respect to the state average, which was of 29,2 deaths by each 1 000 been born children alive. In this respect it is possible to be said that this rate of infantile mortality is elevated of the state.

According to the results that I present/display II the Count of Population and House in the 2005, the municipality counts on a total of 10.029 inhabitants.

ocial Infrastructure and Communications


In this interjection, a brief analysis of the main indicators appears to know the level academic the population of the municipality of Calpulalpan.

Centro de Bachillerato de Educación Tecnológica Agropecuario

Students, educational personnel and schools in order courses

The scholastic infrastructure of the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan, was integrated with 11 schools in the diverse educative levels in cycle 1995/96.

Level Enrolled students Existing students Approved students Withdrawn students Educational personnel

Schools Preescolar 288 288 288 241 13

4 Primary 1 538 1 518 1 437 243 50 4Secondary 562





2Baccalaureate 320





1Total 2 708

2 636

2 405



11Source: INEGI. Statistical yearbook of the State of Tlaxcala, edition 1999.

Indigenous students, educational personnel and schools at beginning of courses

The municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan, counts for scholastic cycle 1999/200, with two indigenous schools in the prescholastic level, located in the localities of Matlacahuaca and San Nicholas Tochapan.





Name of the Centerof Work Preescolar

118 23

118 23


Juan of the BarrierOlin YolistliSource: USET 2000. Indigenous Preescolar students, courses 1999-2000.

Population of 6 to 14 years that know to read and to write

According to the information available, it is possible to be said that in 1995 the total of the population of 6 to 14 years promoted 2 067 people. Of this total, 1 879 inhabitants knew to read and to write; 185 did not know and 3 not specified. The previous thing indicates that in this municipality, the 90,9 percent of this population knows to read and to write.

Population of 15 years and more according to condition of alfabetismo

For 1995, the population of 15 years and more of the municipality added a total of 5 005 inhabitants. Of this total, 4 341 were alfabetas, not specified illiterate 655 and 9. The previous thing indicates that the index of alfabetismo in the municipality for 1995, reached the 86,7 percent, inferior number to the state average, that was of 91,2 percents.


The municipality counts on a municipal public library, located in Hidalgo street s/n. In 1998 this library I contemplate 6 439 documents, for lconsulta of 5 249 users.


The health is a state of physical and mental well-being of the man. For that reason, the conditions of health of a community reflect the level of development of their inhabitants and help to a greater growth of their economy.

Infrastructure of the Sector

In agreement with the information that provides the Statistical Yearbook of the State of Tlaxcala, edition 1999, in the municipality of San FranciscoTetlahohcan, the health infrastructure is satisfied by a unit of external consultation of the Public Organism Decentralized Health of Tlaxcala. It is possible to indicate that in the municipality it is not counted on units of social security.

Usuary population

In 1998, the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan, the Public Organism Decentralized Health of Tlaxcala; it took care of 3.703 people. As well the system for the Integral Development of Familia (DIF), took care of 120 people.

Medical personnel

In 1998, in the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan, 3 doctors of the Public Organism Decentralized Health of Tlaxcala, they are the person in charge to give attention to the population.


In the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan, according to the information provided by the Secretariat of Commerce and Industrial Promotion SECOFI, for 1998 the demand of supply in the municipality is covered through two Conasupo stores.


The house is a factor important to reach the well-being of the population. To count on a physical space is a vital element for the familiar integration that is translated in the healthy development of the community.

House and its occupants

The numbers that provide the Count of Population and House of 1995, show that the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan, tapeworm in this year 1.536 particular houses, the 0,9 percent of the state total. The average of occupants by house was of 5,5, superior to the registered one at state level that was of 5.1.

It is possible to indicate, that in 2000, according to the preliminary data of the General Census of Population and House, conducted by the INEGI, until then, existed in the municipality 1.711 houses in which in average they inhabit 5,30 people in each one.

According to the results that I present/display II the Count of Population and House in the 2005, in the municipality they count on a total of 1.966 houses of which 1.963 are particular.

ervices Public

The services that have the houses in their interior constitute an element of social welfare. In this section a brief analysis of the services of tubed water appears, drainage and electrical energy that have the houses of the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan.

Benefit of services public potable water and drainage

The municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan counts on a total of 3 systems that supply of potable water to the population, integrated by 5 deep wells. These systems offer domiciliary services to 1 026 domestic takings.


System of Controlof Contamination of Water

Sources of Supplyingof Potable Water

System of Potable Water Pick up

Systems of DrainageCNA








1995Tomas Domiciliary






Unloadings1 026






506Source: COPLADET. Cover of services public in the State, 1999.

Electrification in towns

The service of electrical energy that receives the municipality, provides to the Federal Commission of electricity this energy to it is distributed through domiciliary takings, commercial takings, industrial takings and takings of other users. For 1999, the total of takings in the municipality, appears in the following graph.

ElectrificaciónSource: COPLADET.Cobertura of services public in the State, 1999.

Routes of Communication

The municipality counts on state highways and rural ways, that a suitable communication between its towns allows.

Main FederalPaved

Nourishing StatePaved

Rural waysHad

Total Kms-



25.9Source: INEGI. Statistical yearbook of the State of Tlaxcala, edition 1999.

This way the municipalities of the state count on an important infrastructure of transport that facilitates the growth of the local economies and the regional markets, that are satisfied to localities pertaining to the adjacent states.

Carretera Chiautempan-Tetlanohcan

By another one paDe agreement with the data of Statistical Yearbook of the State of Tlaxcala, edition 1999, the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan, counts on a post office.

Economic Activity

Main Products, Sectors and Services


Seeded surface

In San Francisco Tetlanohcan, the surface seeded in 1996 was of 820 hectares in cyclical cultures that represent the 0,3 percent of the state total. The total of the surface was constituted by weather earth. The seeded surface almost destined in its totality to the grain maize, since it absorbed the 98,3 percent of the total of the cyclical cultures whereas to frijol the 1,7 remaining percent of the seeded surface were destined.

Harvested surface, yields and production

As it were mentioned previously, the agricultural activity in the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan, is little significant with respect to the one of the state. In 1996, the harvested surface rose to 820 hectares, the 0,3 percent of the organization. Of that total, 806 hectares dedicated to the culture of the maize and 14 hectares to the culture of frijol. In relation to the productivity of agriculture, the grain maize of the municipality had a smaller yield to the state average; nevertheless in the case of frijol, the productivity was greater.

Volume and value of the production

In which one talks about the production of the agricultural branch, in the year of 1996, 612 tons of grain maize obtained a total of 1 and 14 tons of frijol. A high proportion of the seeded surface is fertilized by the own agricultural producers, despite is necessary to receive more technical attendance.The total value of the production of the municipality added 3,3 million weights, the grain maize was the culture that obtained a greater participation in this value, when reaching the 96,6 percent.

Cattle ranch

For the year of 1996, according to data of the Delegation of SAGAR in the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan, the population of bovine cattle ascended to 609 heads; this amount represents the 0,5 percent of the total of existing heads in the state; also they were registered for that year, 407 heads of pig cattle and 29 beehives that mean only the 0,2 and 0,3 percent of the state total.


In the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan, during the year of 1996, it was obtained a capture of 180 kilograms of fish having corresponded 120 kilograms to potbellied carp and 60 kilograms to carp mirror. The fishing was made in 2 jagüeyes.

Economically Active population

It is possible to indicate that the numbers that appear on economically active population, only take how historical reference, because for 1990 San Francisco Tetlanohcan were integrated like locality of the municipality of Santa Ana Chiautempan.

In this sense and in agreement with data of the Census of Population and House of 1990, San Francisco Tetlanohcan, 470 people, number had an economically active population of 1 that represented the 22,2 percent of the total of the population and the 42,0 percent of the total population economically inactive era. For the state as a whole, these numbers are not similar, the 26,8 percent was economically active and the 39,9 inactive percent.

Population of 12 years or more occupied by activity sector

On the base of this historical reference it can say that the Census of Population and House revealed that the locality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan, had a population occupied in 1990, of 1 357 people, of who the 44,9 percent of this one was dedicated to the farming activities, the 27,2 percent corresponded to the industry and the 25,6 percent to the tertiary sector. These data show that the main activity in the municipality is the farming one generating therefore the greater amount of uses.

Población Económicamente ActivaSource: INEGI. Results of XI the General Census of Population and House, 1990 INEGI.ATTRACTIVE CULTURAL AND TOURISTHistorical monuments

Temple San Francisco. - The time of its construction was during century XIX, its architectonic plant has the Latin cross form, cupola in cruise of octagonal plant. The main facade and the walls are of stone, the walls have a thickness of a meter; the cover is of marinates and has the vaulted form (in excess tube); the access door is of original wood; in the superior part is a niche with the image of santo patrono of the town and in the superior part of the facade a small square construction exists that has in the central part of the main facade a clock.

Templo de San Francisco

Account with a tower of two bodies, the same architectonic form, arcs of average point and bells to the center. It is come to ruin with a cupola with linternilla and a forged iron cross.

Capilla de San Francisco

Property of San Nicholas Tochapa. - This property was constructed during centuries XVIII and XIX. The spaces whereupon counted are: troje, tinacal, chapel and corrals, the main type of activity to which it was dedicated was pulquera agriculturist and. At the present time this property is in ruins; however, it is possible to be appreciated that he was constructed in two levels and that the wide one of the 70 walls was of cms., is located in lomerío located in highway of terracería Muñoztla-Saint Francisco Tetlanohcan of north to the south to the height of km, 1 of the colony San Nicholas Tochapa.

Exhacienda de San Nicolás.

Celebrations, Music, Dances and Traditions

In the State of Tlaxcala the dances and traditional typical music, are related fundamentally to the pagan religious festividades and the festividades of the carnival. Both are part of the communitarian and historical identity of the town tlaxcalteca.

Music and the dances are inherited from a generation to another one or as dancing or as it interprets, although those that participate directly are really reduced groups of people, a great part of the population of each community traditionally participates like spectator or collaterally in the organization and preparation of the festejos.

Festejos of carnival. - The carnival is made Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Huehues begins to dance in center of the population near the noon and finishes to the 18 or 19 hours. They rest four days and they make the closing to following Sunday of carnival. In the Municipality of San Francisco, the litters of huehues dancing groups are essential part of the festejos of the carnival. The musical support is the responsibility of a band of wind, the name of sones musical executed always correspond to the plot of the well-known representation like the “game of seat”, “the long and short embassies”, “battles”, “moans “, among others.

Festejos to patrono of place. - At night, to the 24 hours, the feligreses, accompanied by a group of mariachis, safe of rockets and repique of bells, intone “the Mañanitas” in the temple in honor to San Francisco.

Celebration of all saints. - This celebration is dedicated to the bores of the deads that, according to beliefs of the population, return to enjoy the offering that is placed to them. Some people begin to celebrate to their deceaseds from the 28 of October, that is dedicated to that they died in misfortune; it is placed veladoras to them, blessed water and the crossings placed in the place are adorned with flowers in where they perished. The 29 dedicate it to the children who died without baptizing; the 30 to the children who died before being born. All the bores in general are celebrated 1º of November and the 2, the late children and the adult deceaseds,respectively.


In the municipality diverse textile articles of great colorful are elaborated, among them emphasize the wool sarapes, gabanes of fine working, wool blankets and the most famous original forecastles of the state.


The typical subjects of gossip that are enjoyed in all the houses of the municipality, and mainly during the fair of San Francisco Tetlanohcan, are the long or white mass of guajolote, rice, tamales, frijoles and tortillas.GOVERNMENTMain Localities

San Francisco Tetlanohcan, municipal head, with a population of 6 609 inhabitants their main activities is in agriculture, cattle ranch and Forestry.

Characterization of the City council

According to the established thing in article 87 of the Political Constitution of the Free and Sovereign State of Tlaxcala; the City councils will be made up of President Municipal, a Receiver and the Regidores that the Law determines, named every three years in direct election described by the Congress in the terms that the own Law prescribes.

Ayuntamiento 1999-2002

Presidente MunicipalSíndico7 Regidores de Representación Proporcional

Presidencia municipal de Tetlanohcan

Para analizar y resolver los problemas del municipio y para vigilar que se ejecuten las disposiciones y acuerdos del ayuntamiento, se conforman las comisiones administrativas necesarias. Art. 37 y38 de la Ley Orgánica Municipal.

Comisiones del Ayuntamiento

ResponsibleComisión de Hacienda SíndicoComisión de Gobernación Presidente MunicipalComisión de Educación Pública Primer RegidorComisión de Salud Pública y Desarrollo Social SegundoRegidorComisión de Desarrollo Urbano Obras Públicas y Ecología Tercer RegidorComisión de Desarrollo Agropecuario Cuarto RegidorComisión de Fomento Industrial Comercial Turístico yArtesanal Quinto RegidorComisión de Protección y Control de Patrimonio Municipal Sexto RegidorComisión de Seguridad Pública Vialidad y Transporte Séptimo RegidorFuente: H. Ayuntamiento, 1999-2002 =Extension=

In agreement with the information of the National Institute of Statistic, Geography and Computer science, the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan includes a surface of 50,300 kilometers square, which represents the 1.24 percent of the total of the state territory, which ascends to 4,060,923 kilometers square.


The main street in the town is Calle Hildalgo. At the bottom of Calle Hildalgo is a church and field that was used for fiestas and bullfights during the year. In February 2007, the field is in the process of being converted into a park.

Every October, for the Feast of San Francisco, the town parties for a week, with carnival rides, mariachi bands, and processions. All week long, they parade through the streets of the town.

From the Agave plants, a home brew of pulque is created and enjoyed by the locals. It definitely is an acquired taste. And the mosquitos have to be "blown" off the top of the drink, before imbibing.

See also

*La Malinche

External links

* San Francisco Tetlanohcan] (Enciclopedia de los Municipios de México)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • San Francisco Tetlanohcan — Admin ASC 2 Code Orig. name San Francisco Tetlanohcan Country and Admin Code MX.29.050 MX …   World countries Adminstrative division ASC I-II

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