Tolpuddle Martyrs — The Tolpuddle Martyrs were a group of 19th century British labourers who were arrested for and convicted of swearing a secret oath as members of the Friendly Society of Agricultural Labourers . The rules of the society show it was clearly… … Wikipedia
Tolpuddle Martyrs festival — The Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival is an annual free festival held in Dorset, England, which celebrates the memory of the Tolpuddle Martyrs. The event is a celebration of trade unionism and labour politics organised by the Dorset Committee of the… … Wikipedia
Tolpuddle Martyrs — the name given to six farm workers from the village of Tolpuddle in Dorset, England, when they were found guilty in 1834 of illegal trade union activity. They were punished by being sent to Australia for seven years. There were many protests… … Universalium
Tolpuddle Martyrs — Tol|pud|dle Mar|tyrs a group of six English farm workers who were put in jail for organizing a ↑trade union (=organization that represents workers) in Tolpuddle, Dorset, in 1833 4. The were sent to Australia as criminals, but many people… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Tolpuddle Martyrs — /ˌtɒlpʌdl ˈmatəz/ (say .tolpudl mahtuhz) plural noun a name given to six men from the village of Tolpuddle in Dorset, England, who were transported to Australia in 1834 for unlawfully administering oaths of loyalty to a union which they had… …
TOLPUDDLE — … Useful english dictionary
Mártires de Tolpuddle — Conmemoración del día de los Mártires de Tolpuddle en 2005. Los Mártires de Tolpuddle fueron un grupo de trabajadores de Gran Bretaña que en 1834 fueron apresados y condenados por haber hecho un juramento secreto como integrantes de la Sociedad… … Wikipedia Español
(the) Tolpuddle Martyrs — the Tolpuddle Martyrs UK [ˌtɒlpʌd(ə)l ˈmɑː(r)tə(r)z] US [ˌtɑlpʌd(ə)l ˈmɑrtərz] a group of 19th century English farm workers who formed a trade union (=an organization that represents workers in discussions with employers) and as a result were… … Useful english dictionary
the Tolpuddle Martyrs — UK [ˌtɒlpʌd(ə)l ˈmɑː(r)tə(r)z] / US [ˌtɑlpʌd(ə)l ˈmɑrtərz] a group of 19th century English farm workers who formed a trade union (= an organization that represents workers in discussions with employers) and as a result were officially punished by … English dictionary
Толпаддл — (Tolpuddle)Tolpuddle, деревня в графстве Дорсетшир, Англия, ставшая известной благодаря толпаддлским мученикам – шести сельскохозяйственным рабочим, объединившимся в один из первых профсоюзов, чтобы добиваться увеличения заработной платы. В… … Страны мира. Словарь