Stephen Dando-Collins

Stephen Dando-Collins

Stephen Dando-Collins is an Australian historian and novelist, with books centered around Antiquity, American history, British history, Australian history, and French history. He worked in advertising in Australia and Britain as a graphic designer, copywriter, creative director, and senior advertising agency executive. An independent marketing consultant for some years, he ran the Australian operations of an American market research company before moving to Noosa Heads, and then to the Tamar Valley in Tasmania, where he was born, and where he now writes full time.


* "Tycoon's War: How Cornelius Vanderbilt Invaded a Country to Overthrow America's Most Famous Military Adventurer" (September 1, 2008)
* "Caesar's Legion: The Epic Saga of Julius Caesar's Elite Tenth Legion and the Armies of Rome" (January 18, 2002)
* "Nero's Killing Machine : The True Story of Rome's Remarkable 14th Legion" (November 1, 2004)
* "The Inquest" (February 22, 2005)
* "Standing Bear Is a Person: The True Story of a Native American's Quest for Justice" (September 30, 2005)
* "Cleopatra's Kidnappers : How Caesars Sixth Legion Gave Egypt to Rome and Rome to Caesar" (October 28, 2005)
* "Mark Antony's Heroes: How the Third Gallica Legion Saved an Apostle and Created an Emperor" (November 1, 2006)
* "Blood of the Caesars: How the Murder of Germanicus Led to the Fall of Rome" (February 1, 2008)
* "Captain Bligh's Other Mutiny: The True Story of the Military Coup That Turned Australia into a Two-Year Rebel Republic" (October 1, 2007, Australia & New Zealand only)
* "Pasteur's Gambit: Louis Pasteur, the Australasian Rabbit Plague & a Ten Million Dollar Prize" (September 1, 2008, Australia & New Zealand only)

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