

Infobox VG
title = FreeOrion

developer = The "FreeOrion" Development Team
publisher = The "FreeOrion" Project
designer =
engine =
released = release date and age|2008|06|27 (0.3.10)
genre = 4X, Turn-based strategy
modes = Multiplayer, single player
ratings =
platforms = Linux, Mac OS X, Windows
media = Free download
requirements =
input = Keyboard, mouse

"FreeOrion" is a multiplayer, turn-based strategy computer game, inspired by the "Master of Orion" series. It is free software under the GNU General Public License. It is a 4X game (explore, expand, exploit, exterminate), incorporates the nation-building elements of games such as "Europa Universalis 2" and features a versatile tactical combat engine. While its modular, open-source design allows for a significant degree of customization of the game engine and the story elements by the community, the FreeOrion team is dedicated to the construction of a living, breathing universe in a 'grand campaign' model.

Currently (v.0.3) the system does not support computer-based opponents to any significant extent but future development is anticipated.


Players take the helm of a newly-spaceborne Empire to explore and colonize the stars. Sometimes thought of as "Civilization" in space," "FreeOrion"'s design also provides for a tactical combat engine along the lines of "Homeworld" and the "Total War" series.

With the release of "FreeOrion" 0.3 on December 18th, 2005, a significant portion of "FreeOrion"'s foundation is complete. The "FreeOrion" development team is now focusing on the "FreeOrion" Tactical Combat Engine, and on providing content for the new Research and Production systems developed for v0.3. Future releases will include alien races, diplomacy, spying, and artificial intelligence. For more information, consult the [ "FreeOrion" roadmap] .

See also

* [ FreeOrion home page]
*List of open source games

External links

* [ "FreeOrion" homepage (wiki)]
* [ F.O.O.T. - FreeOrion Online Translations - multi-language localization project]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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