sensory nerve — noun a nerve that passes impulses from receptors toward or to the central nervous system • Syn: ↑afferent nerve, ↑afferent • Derivationally related forms: ↑afferent (for: ↑afferent) • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
sensory nerve — a nerve that carries information inwards, from an outlying part of the body towards the central nervous system. Different sensory nerves convey information about temperature, pain, touch, taste, etc., to the brain. Compare motor nerve. * * *… … Medical dictionary
sensory nerve — a nerve that carries information inwards, from an outlying part of the body towards the central nervous system. Different sensory nerves convey information about temperature, pain, touch, taste, etc., to the brain. Compare: motor nerve … The new mediacal dictionary
sensory nerve — n. afferent nerve that carries impulses from receptors toward and to the central nervous … English contemporary dictionary
compound sensory nerve action potential — sensory nerve action p … Medical dictionary
Nerve fiber — Latin neurofibra MeSH Nerve+Fibers Code TA A14.0.00.001 A nerve fiber is a threadlike extension of a nerve cell and consists of an axon … Wikipedia
sensory potential — sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) a compound nerve action potential recorded from a sensory nerve or from the sensory branch of a mixed nerve. Called also compound sensory nerve action p … Medical dictionary
Nerve fascicle — Transverse section of human tibial nerve … Wikipedia
nerve ending — n the structure in which the distal end of the axon of a nerve fiber terminates called also nerve end * * * the final part (terminal) of one of the branches of a nerve fibre, where a neurone makes contact either with another neurone at a synapse… … Medical dictionary
nerve growth factor — nerve′ growth fac tor n. phl biochem. a protein that promotes the growth, organization, and maintenance of sympathetic and some sensory nerve cells Abbr.: NGF • Etymology: 1965–70 … From formal English to slang