Ruhi Institute

Ruhi Institute

The Ruhi Institute is a Bahá'í educational institution, operating under the guidance of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Colombia, which dedicates its efforts to the development of human resources for the spiritual, social, and cultural development of the Colombian people. Although its center is in the town of Puerto Tejada in the department of Cauca, its area of influence includes the majority of the rural areas of Colombia and is being gradually extended to several other countries in Latin America. The Ruhi Foundation was established as a non-governmental organization in 1992, although its efforts have been evolving since the 1970s.

Like any other institution involved in the process of education for development, the Ruhi Institute has formulated its strategies within a special framework and a philosophy of social change, development and education. In this case, that understanding has emerged from a consistent effort to apply Bahá'í principles to the analysis of social conditions. The Ruhi Institute curriculum is currently being used across the world by Bahá'ís in study circles.

Ruhi Institute materials

The curriculum of the Ruhi Institute aims, in its entirety, at achieving three overall objectives: providing insights into spiritual matters, imparting knowledge about the Bahá'í Faith, and helping to develop specific acts of service.

Each study circle using the Ruhi method involves at least one tutor, with generally 3-10 participants. Rigidity is avoided, so each gathering may be different from the next, or different between countries and cities.

The materials prepared by the Ruhi Institute focus on the Bahá'í Writings by assisting participants to understand the Texts on three different levels. The first level is that of basic comprehension--understanding the meanings of the words and sentences. Towards this end, participants formulate questions whose answers are direct quotes from the Texts, in order to gain a literal understanding of the meanings and context of various quotes. The second level relates to the application of the Texts to various real-world situations. For example, this would entail examining simple daily acts (lying about one's taxes, cheating on an exam) in light of the Bahá'í emphasis on truthfulness. Finally, the third level deals with the implications of the various quotations on other aspects of Bahá'í belief.

There are currently seven books in the first sequence of courses, with two more in development. Each book is broken up into 3 units comprised of many sections. Tutors are encouraged to apply the arts, using music, games, crafts, and such during the training. Each book has one or more practices that can be done outside of the training. For example, the third book trains people to give children's classes, and the practice is to give an actual class. Also encouraged throughout the books is the practice of memorizing passages and prayers.

It is suggested, but not necessary, to take the books in their numbered order. The requirements vary between countries on which books are required before becoming a facilitator.

Book 1: Reflections on the Life of the Spirit

:"See [ course outline] ."This first and shortest book of the sequence is divided into three units with different themes:
#Understanding the Bahá'í Writings
#Life and Death

This book can be used as an introduction to people investigating the Faith, or as a study of fundamental principles by people already familiar with the teachings.

One practice for this book is to visit two people, and study a prayer with them.

Book 2: Arising to Serve

:"See [ course outline] ."The second book in the sequence involves community life and teaching. Units include:
#The Joy of Teaching
#Deepening Themes
#Introducing Bahá'í Beliefs

This book aims at developing specific acts of service. Providing tools to raise up human resources capable of fostering the growth of the Bahá'í Community with efficiency and love.

One practice for this book is to visit a few people and practice one of the deepening themes learned in the second unit.

Book 3: Teaching Children's Classes, Grade 1

:"See [ course outline] ."The third book in the sequence is designed to develop the capabilities needed to conduct children's classes. The units include:
#Some Principles of Bahá'í Education
#Lessons for Children's Classes, Grade 1
#Conducting Classes for Children

This book reviews the importance of education, and gives tools for teachers. The classes include games, songs, and various arts and crafts. The practice for this book is to offer a children's class.

A second book, branching off of this subject, has been designated as book 3A. It adds material for children's classes, grade 2.

Book 4: The Twin Manifestations

:"See [ course outline] ."The fourth book in the sequence is taken to acquire a thorough understanding of the lives of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh.
#The Greatness of this Day
#The Life of the Báb
#The Life of Bahá'u'lláh

This book reviews the importance of the Bahá'í revelation, and retells many of the famous stories of the two founding prophets of the Bahá'í Faith.

One practice is to visit a friend, and share a story from the book.

Book 5: Releasing the Powers of Junior Youth

The fifth book in the sequence trains individuals to facilitate Junior Youth groups, which are for ages 11-14. As of June 2006 the book only exists in a pre-publication edition while development of the material is still in progress. After completing book five, people use a separate strand of books to work with the junior youth. Several of these courses are being developed around the world:

Series 1: Continuation of Bahá'í Children's classes (6 titles planned):*"Spirit of Faith" (age 12)::Focus: the purpose of existence.

Series 2: Language (6 titles planned)):*"Breezes of Confirmation" (ages 11-12)::Focus: developing the capacities of youth.:*"Walking the Straight Path" (ages 13-14)::Focus: skills needed to express oneself, and translating high ideals into pure deeds.:*"Drawing on the Power of the Word" (age 14)::Focus: the power of expression and its moral implications.

Series 3: Science and mathematics (6 titles planned):*This series still has to be developed. It focuses on rational thinking.

Series 4: Living in society (6 titles planned):*"Glimmerings of Hope" (ages 11-12)::Focus: help youth to make difficult choices.:*"Learning about Excellence" (age 14)::Focus: adapting to rapid social change

Many of these books are not directly related to Bahá'í subjects, but rather serve as a source of moral education and character development for young people.

Book 6: Teaching the Cause

:"See [ course outline] ."The sixth book in the sequence is a continuation of the theme of the second book, which is teaching.
#The Spiritual Nature of Teaching
#The Qualities and Attitudes of the Teacher
#The Act of Teaching

This book is intended to enhance the participants' understanding of the spiritual significance of teaching, and the attributes that a teacher of the Cause should strive to acquire.

One practice is to participate in a teaching campaign.

Book 7: Walking Together on a Path of Service

:"See [ course outline] ."The seventh book of the sequence is designed to give its participants the ability to tutor their own study circles for the first six books.
#The Spiritual Path
#Becoming a Tutor of Books 1-6
#Promoting the Arts at the Grassroots

This book teaches of the spiritual dynamics of service. It gives tools and practice to those people interested in becoming tutors.

The practice of this book is to tutor a study circle.

Book 8: The Covenant

The eighth book of the sequence is still in development.
#The Covenant of God
#The Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh
#Bahá'í Administration

Book 9: Family Prosperity

The ninth book of the sequence is still in development.
#Bahá'í Family Life
#Giving: The Spiritual Basis of Prosperity

External links

* [ The Ruhi Institute: Statement of Purpose and Methods]
* [ Ruhi Resources]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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