- Event generator
Event generators are
software libraries that generate simulated high-energyparticle physics events [ [http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.nucl.55.090704.151505 M. L. Mangano & T. J. Stelzer, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 55, 555 (2005).] ] [ [http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0403045 M. A. Dobbs "et al.", hep-ph/0403045.] ] .They randomly generate events as those produced inparticle accelerators ,collider experiments or during the initial phases of the Universe creation.Events come in different types called "processes" as discussed in theAutomatic calculation of particle interaction or decay article.Despite the simple structure of the tree-level perturbative
quantum field theory description of thecollision and decay processes in an event, the observed high-energy process usually contains significant amount of modifications, likephoton andgluon "bremsstrahlung " or loop diagram corrections, that usually are too complex to be easily evaluated in real calculations directly on the diagrammatic level. Furthermore, the non-perturbative nature of QCDbound state s makes it necessary to include information that are outside the perturbative quantum field theory, and well beyond present ability of computation inlattice QCD . And in collisional systems more complex than a fewlepton s andhadron s (e.g. heavy-ion collisions), the collective behavior of the system would involve a phenomenological description that also cannot be easily obtained from the fundamental field theory by a simple calculus.Any realistic test of the underlying physical process in a
particle accelerator experiment , therefore, requires an adequate inclusion of these complex behaviors surrounding the actual process. Based on the fact that in most processes, afactorization of the full process into individual problems is possible (which means a negligible effect frominterference ), these individual processes are calculated separately, and the probabilistic branching between them are performed usingMonte Carlo method s.The final-state particles generated by event generators can be fed into the detector simulation, allowing a precise prediction and verification for the entire system of experimental setup. However, as the detector simulation is usually a complex and computationally expensive task, simple event analysis techniques are also performed directly on event generator results.
A typical hadronic event generator simulates the following subprocesses:
* Initial-state composition and substructure
* Initial-state showers
* The hard process
*Resonance decay
* Final-state showers
* Accompanying semi-hard processes
*Hadronization and further decayA typical heavy-ion event generator usually can be less strict in simulating the rare and rather negligible processes found in a hadronic generator, but would need to simulate the following subprocesses, in addition to those in a hadronic generator:
* Nuclear initial-state
* High multiplicity, soft processes
* In-medium energy loss
* Collective behavior of the medium "(not handled properly by any generators sofar)"Partly due to historic reasons, most event generators are written in
FORTRAN 77 , with a fewC++ generators slowly emerging in recent years. TheParticle Data Group maintains a standard for designatingStandard Model particles and resonances withinteger code s in event generators (also known as the "PDG code").List of event generators
The major event generators that are used by current experiments are:
Hadronic event generators [ [http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=a042790 T. Sjöstrand, "Monte Carlo generators for the LHC (1/4)", CERN Lecture (2005),] p. 22]
*PYTHIA (formerly Pythia/Jetset)
* [http://hepwww.rl.ac.uk/theory/seymour/herwig/ HERWIG]
* [http://www.hep.fsu.edu/~isajet/ ISAJET]
* [http://projects.hepforge.org/sherpa/dokuwiki/doku.php SHERPA]Heavy ion event generators
* [http://www-nsdth.lbl.gov/~xnwang/hijing/ HIJING]Neutrino event generators
* [http://www.genie-mc.org GENIE]Specialized event generators
* [http://borut.home.cern.ch/borut/ AcerMC] – LHC background processes
* [http://mlm.home.cern.ch/mlm/alpgen/ ALPGEN] – multiple parton processes
* [http://www.thep.lu.se/~leif/ariadne/ Ariadne] – QCD cascade with Color Dipole Model
* [http://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/theory/webber/MCatNLO/ MC@NLO] – parton shower with next-to-leading-order QCD matrix elements
* [http://hepforge.cedar.ac.uk/jimmy/ JIMMY] – multiple parton processes"Meta-generator"
*CompHEP – automatic evaluation of tree level matrix elements for event generation or export into other event generatorsReferences
External links
* [http://pdg.lbl.gov/2006/mcdata/mc_particle_id_contents.html 2006 Monte Carlo Number Scheme] , from the
2006 Review of Particle Physics .
* [http://www.desy.de/~heramc/mclist.html List of Monte Carlo Programs] – fromDESY
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.