List of fish families

List of fish families

This is a list of fish families sorted alphabetically by scientific name.

A - B - C - D - E - F -
G - H - I - J - K -
L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z----


Ab-Am - An-Ap - Ar-Au ----


* Abyssocottidae
* Acanthuridae
* Acestrorhynchidae
* Achiridae
* Achiropsettidae
* Acipenseridae
* Acropomatidae
* Adrianichthyidae
* Ageneiosidae
* Agonidae
* Akysidae
* Albulidae
* Alepisauridae
* Alepocephalidae
* Alestiidae
* Alopiidae
* Amarsipidae
* Ambassidae
* Amblycipitidae
* Amblyopsidae
* Amiidae
* Ammodytidae
* Amphiliidae
* Ambriidae


* Anabantidae
* Anablepidae
* Anacanthobatidae
* Anarhichadidae
* Anguillidae
* Anomalopidae
* Anoplogastridae
* Anoplopomatidae
* Anostomidae
* Anotopteridae
* Antennariidae
* Aphredoderidae
* Aphyonidae
* Apistidae
* Aploactinidae
* Aplocheilidae
* Aplodactylidae
* Apogonidae
* Apteronotidae


* Argentinidae
* Ariidae
* Ariommatidae
* Arripidae
* Artedidraconidae
* Aspredinidae
* Astroblepidae
* Ateleopodidae
* Atherinidae
* Atherinopsidae
* Auchenipteridae
* Aulopidae
* Aulorhynchidae
* Aulostomidae


* Bagridae
* Balistidae
* Balitoridae
* Banjosidae
* Barbourisiidae
* Bathyclupeidae
* Bathydraconidae
* Bathylagidae
* Bathylutichthyidae
* Bathymasteridae
* Batrachoididae
* Bedotiidae
* Belonidae
* Belontiidae
* Bembridae
* Berycidae
* Blenniidae
* Bothidae
* Bovichtidae
* Brachaeluridae
* Brachionichthyidae
* Bramidae
* Bregmacerotidae
* Bythitidae


Ca - Ce - Ch - Ci-Cu - Cy----


* Caesionidae
* Callanthiidae
* Callichthyidae
* Callionymidae
* Callorhinchidae
* Caproidae
* Caracanthidae
* Carangidae
* Carapidae
* Carcharhinidae
* Caristiidae
* Catostomidae
* Caulophrynidae


* Centracanthidae
* Centrarchidae
* Centriscidae
* Centrogenyidae
* Centrolophidae
* Centrophoridae
* Centrophrynidae
* Centropomidae
* Cepolidae
* Ceratiidae
* Ceratodontidae
* Cetomimidae
* Cetopsidae
* Cetorhinidae


* Chacidae
* Chaenopsidae
* Chaetodontidae
* Champsodontidae
* Chanidae
* Channichthyidae
* Channidae
* Characidae
* Chaudhuriidae
* Chaunacidae
* Cheilodactylidae
* Chiasmodontidae
* Chilodontidae
* Chimaeridae
* Chirocentridae
* Chironemidae
* Chlamydoselachidae
* Chlopsidae
* Chlorophthalmidae


* Cichlidae
* Cirrhitidae
* Citharidae
* Citharinidae
* Clariidae
* Clinidae
* Clupeidae
* Cobitidae
* Coiidae
* Colocongridae
* Comephoridae
* Congiopodidae
* Congridae
* Coryphaenidae
* Cottidae
* Cottocomephoridae
* Cranoglanididae
* Creediidae
* Crenuchidae
* Cryptacanthodidae
* Ctenoluciidae
* Curimatidae


* Cyclopteridae
* Cyematidae
* Cynodontidae
* Cynoglossidae
* Cyprinidae
* Cyprinodontidae


* Dactylopteridae
* Dactyloscopidae
* Dalatiidae
* Dasyatidae
* Dentatherinidae
* Denticipitidae
* Derichthyidae
* Diceratiidae
* Dichistiidae
* Dinolestidae
* Dinopercidae
* Diodontidae
* Diplomystidae
* Diretmidae
* Doradidae
* Draconettidae
* Drepaneidae


* Echeneidae
* Echinorhinidae
* Elassomatidae
* Electrophoridae
* Eleginopidae
* Eleotridae
* Elopidae
* Embiotocidae
* Emmelichthyidae
* Engraulidae
* Enoplosidae
* Ephippidae
* Epigonidae
* Erethistidae
* Ereuniidae
* Erythrinidae
* Esocidae
* Euclichthyidae
* Eurypharyngidae
* Evermannellidae
* Exocoetidae


* Fistulariidae
* Fundulidae


Ga-Gr - Gy----


* Gadidae
* Galaxiidae
* Gasteropelecidae
* Gasterosteidae
* Gempylidae
* Geotriidae
* Gerreidae
* Gibberichthyidae
* Gigantactinidae
* Giganturidae
* Ginglymostomatidae
* Glaucosomatidae
* Gnathanacanthidae
* Gobiesocidae
* Gobiidae
* Gonorynchidae
* Gonostomatidae
* Goodeidae
* Grammatidae
* Grammicolepididae


* Gymnarchidae
* Gymnotidae
* Gymnuridae
* Gyrinocheilidae


Ha-Ho - Hy----


* Haemulidae
* Halosauridae
* Harpagiferidae
* Helogeneidae
* Helostomatidae
* Hemigaleidae
* Hemiodontidae
* Hemiramphidae
* Hemiscylliidae
* Hemitripteridae
* Hepsetidae
* Heptapteridae
* Heterenchelyidae
* Heterodontidae
* Heteropneustidae
* Hexagrammidae
* Hexanchidae
* Hexatrygonidae
* Himantolophidae
* Hiodontidae
* Hispidoberycidae
* Holocentridae
* Hoplichthyidae


* Hypopomidae
* Hypoptychidae


* Icosteidae
* Ictaluridae
* Indostomidae
* Inermiidae
* Ipnopidae
* Istiophoridae


* Kneriidae
* Kraemeriidae
* Kuhliidae
* Kurtidae
* Kyphosidae


La-Li - Lo-Lu ----


* Labridae
* Labrisomidae
* Lactariidae
* Lamnidae
* Lampridae
* Latimeriidae
* Latridae
* Lebiasinidae
* Leiognathidae
* Lepidogalaxiidae
* Lepidosirenidae
* Lepisosteidae
* Leptobramidae
* Leptochariidae
* Leptochilichthyidae
* Leptoscopidae
* Lethrinidae
* Linophrynidae
* Liparidae


* Lobotidae
* Lophichthyidae
* Lophiidae
* Lophotidae
* Loricariidae
* Lotidae
* Luciocephalidae
* Lutjanidae
* Luvaridae


Ma-Mi - Mo-My----


* Macrouridae
* Malacanthidae
* Malapteruridae
* Mastacembelidae
* Megachasmidae
* Megalomycteridae
* Megalopidae
* Melamphaidae
* Melanocetidae
* Melanonidae
* Melanotaeniidae
* Menidae
* Merlucciidae
* Microdesmidae
* Microstomatidae
* Mirapinnidae
* Mitsukurinidae


* Mochokidae
* Molidae
* Monacanthidae
* Monocentridae
* Monodactylidae
* Monognathidae
* Moridae
* Moringuidae
* Mormyridae
* Moronidae
* Mugilidae
* Mullidae
* Muraenesocidae
* Muraenidae
* Muraenolepididae
* Myctophidae
* Myliobatidae
* Myrocongridae
* Myxinidae


* Nandidae
* Narcinidae
* Nematistiidae
* Nematogenyidae
* Nemichthyidae
* Nemipteridae
* Neoceratiidae
* Neoscopelidae
* Neosebastidae
* Nettastomatidae
* Nomeidae
* Normanichthyidae
* Notacanthidae
* Notocheiridae
* Notograptidae
* Notopteridae
* Notosudidae
* Nototheniidae


* Odacidae
* Odontaspididae
* Odontobutidae
* Ogcocephalidae
* Olyridae
* Omosudidae
* Oneirodidae
* Ophichthidae
* Ophidiidae
* Opisthoproctidae
* Opistognathidae
* Oplegnathidae
* Orectolobidae
* Oreosomatidae
* Osmeridae
* Osphronemidae
* Osteoglossidae
* Ostraciidae
* Ostracoberycidae


Pa-Pe - Ph-Pl - Po-Pr - Ps-Pt----


* Pangasiidae
* Pantodontidae
* Parabembridae
* Parabrotulidae
* Parakysidae
* Paralepididae
* Paralichthyidae
* Parascorpididae
* Parascylliidae
* Paraulopidae
* Parazenidae
* Parodontidae
* Pataecidae
* Pegasidae
* Pempheridae
* Pentacerotidae
* Percichthyidae
* Percidae
* Perciliidae
* Percophidae
* Percopsidae
* Peristediidae
* Petromyzontidae


* Phallostethidae
* Pholidae
* Pholidichthyidae
* Phosichthyidae
* Phractolaemidae
* Phycidae
* Pimelodidae
* Pinguipedidae
* Platycephalidae
* Platytroctidae
* Plecoglossidae
* Plectrogenidae
* Plesiobatidae
* Plesiopidae
* Pleuronectidae
* Plotosidae


* Poeciliidae
* Polycentridae
* Polymixiidae
* Polynemidae
* Polyodontidae
* Polyprionidae
* Polypteridae
* Pomacanthidae
* Pomacentridae
* Pomatomidae
* Potamotrygonidae
* Priacanthidae
* Pristidae
* Pristiophoridae
* Prochilodontidae
* Profundulidae
* Proscylliidae
* Protopteridae


* Psettodidae
* Pseudaphritidae
* Pseudocarchariidae
* Pseudochromidae
* Pseudomugilidae
* Pseudopimelodidae
* Pseudotriakidae
* Pseudotrichonotidae
* Psilorhynchidae
* Psychrolutidae
* Ptereleotridae
* Ptilichthyidae


* Rachycentridae
* Radiicephalidae
* Rajidae
* Regalecidae
* Retropinnidae
* Rhamphichthyidae
* Rhamphocottidae
* Rhincodontidae
* Rhinobatidae
* Rhinochimaeridae
* Rhyacichthyidae
* Rivulidae
* Rondeletiidae

Sa-Sc - Se-St - Su-Sy----


* Saccopharyngidae
* Salangidae
* Salmonidae
* Samaridae
* Scaridae
* Scatophagidae
* Schilbeidae
* Schindleriidae
* Sciaenidae
* Scoloplacidae
* Scomberesocidae
* Scombridae
* Scombrolabracidae
* Scombropidae
* Scopelarchidae
* Scophthalmidae
* Scorpaenidae
* Scyliorhinidae
* Scytalinidae


* Sebastidae
* Serranidae
* Serrivomeridae
* Setarchidae
* Siganidae
* Sillaginidae
* Siluridae
* Sisoridae
* Soleidae
* Solenostomidae
* Sparidae
* Sphyraenidae
* Sphyrnidae
* Squalidae
* Squatinidae
* Stegostomatidae
* Stephanoberycidae
* Sternoptychidae
* Sternopygidae
* Stichaeidae
* Stomiidae
* Stromateidae
* Stylephoridae


* Sundasalangidae
* Symphysanodontidae
* Synanceiidae
* Synaphobranchidae
* Synbranchidae
* Syngnathidae
* Synodontidae


* Telmatherinidae
* Terapontidae
* Tetrabrachiidae
* Tetragonuridae
* Tetraodontidae
* Tetrarogidae
* Thaumatichthyidae
* Torpedinidae
* Toxotidae
* Trachichthyidae
* Trachinidae
* Trachipteridae
* Triacanthidae
* Triacanthodidae
* Triakidae
* Trichiuridae
* Trichodontidae
* Trichomycteridae
* Trichonotidae
* Triglidae
* Triodontidae
* Tripterygiidae


* Umbridae
* Uranoscopidae
* Urolophidae


* Valenciidae
* Veliferidae


* Xenisthmidae
* Xiphiidae


* Zanclidae
* Zaniolepididae
* Zaproridae
* Zeidae
* Zenionidae
* Zoarcidae

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