- Robert L. Hirsch
:"See also:
Hirsch report Dr. Robert L. Hirsch is a former senior
energy program adviser forScience Applications International Corporation and is a Senior Energy Advisor at MISI and a consultant in energy, technology, and management. His primary experience is in research, development, and commercial applications. He has managed technology programs in oil and natural gas exploration and , petroleum refining,synthetic fuel s,fusion ,fission , renewables, defense technologies,chemical analysis , and basicresearch .He has served on numerous advisory committees related to
energy development , and he is the principle author of the report "", which was written for theUnited States Department of Energy .Hirsch directed the
US fusion energy program during the 1970s evolution of the Atomic Energy Commission (including initiation of theTokamak Fusion Test Reactor ), through the Energy Research and Development Administration to the present Department of Energy. In addition to his role in development of fusion energy by magnetic confinement, Hirsch was also interested in inertially confined fusion.His previous management positions include:
*Senior Energy Program Advisor, SAIC (World oil production)
*Senior Energy Analyst,RAND (Various energy studies)
*Vice President of theElectric Power Research Institute (EPRI).
*Vice President and Manager of Research and Technical Services for Atlantic Richfield Co. (ARCO ) (Oil and gas exploration and production).
*Founder and CEO ofAPTI , a roughly $50 million/year company now owned byBAE Systems . (Commercial & Defense Department technologies).
*Manager ofExxon ’s synthetic fuels research laboratory.
*Manager of Petroleum Exploratory Research at Exxon. (Refining R & D).
*Assistant Administrator of the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) responsible for renewables, fusion, geothermal and basic research. (Presidential Appointment).
*Director of fusion research at theU.S. Atomic Energy Commission and ERDA.Hirsch has served as a consultant and on advisory committees for government and industry. He holds 14 patents and has over 50 publications in the energy field. He is past Chairman of the Board on Energy and Environmental Systems of the National Research Council, the operating arm of the National Academies, has served on a number of National Research Council committees, and is a National Associate of the National Academies. In recent years, he has focused on problems associated with the peaking of world conventional oil production and its mitigation.
External links
* cite news
title = The Energy Plateau
url = http://www.pur.com/pubs/1361.cfm
first = Robert
last = Hirsch
publisher = Public Utilities Reports, Inc.
date =1996-03-01
* cite news
title = Shaping the peak of world oil production
url = http://www.worldoil.com/magazine/magazine_detail.asp?ART_ID=2695
first = Robert
last = Hirsch
publisher = WorldOil.com
date = October 2005
* cite web
title = "A Significant Period of Discomfort"
author = Interview with Robert Hirsch on Peak Oil:
url = http://knowledge.allianz.com/en/globalissues/safety_security/energy_security/hirsch_peak_oil_production.html
publisher = Allianz Knowledge Site, June 2008
* cite news
title = Dr. Robert L. Hirsch joins ASPO-USA advisory board
url = http://www.aspo-usa.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=22&Itemid=76
publisher = ASPO-USA
date =2006-02-22
* cite web
title = Speakers, October 2007 conference
url = http://www.aspousa.org/aspousa3/speakers.cfm?bid=210
publisher = ASPO-USA
date = October 17-20, 2007
* cite news
url = http://www.virginia.edu/uvatoday/newsRelease.php?id=3386
title = Energy Expert Robert Hirsch to Lecture on Peaking of World Oil Production
date = November 28, 2007
publisher = U. Va. Today
* cite news
url = http://c-ville.com/index.php?cat=141404064432695&ShowArticle_ID=11430312070511101
title = Energy expert warns about peak oil
author = Scott Weaver
date = 12/04/2007 - 12/10/2007
publisher = C-VILLE
* cite web
title = Dr. Robert L. Hirsch, Senior Energy Advisor at MISI, Feb. 2008
url = http://www.financialsense.com/Experts/2008/Hirsch.html
* cite web
title = "Energy Roundtable", February 2, 2008
url = http://www.financialsense.com/Experts/roundtable/2008/0202.html
* cite web
title = Dr. Robert L. Hirsch Keynote Speech 2008 Alternative Fuels & Vehicles National Conference & Exposition, Las Vegas
url = http://www.theautochannel.com/news/2008/05/23/087923.html
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