Volume and surface elements in different co-ordinate systems
- Volume and surface elements in different co-ordinate systems
This page outlines the value of different volume and surface elements in several different coordinate systems.
Note that in the surface area elements dS, the radius r is not a variable but a constant evaluated at the particular value, hence the absence of the dr differential term.
These elements are computed according to following parametrizations:
Spherical coordinates::x}=r , sin heta , cosvarphi quad :y}=r , sin heta , sinvarphi quad , heta in left(0,pi
ight),, varphiin left(0,2pi
ight) quad :z}=r , cos heta quad
Cylindrical coordinates:
:x =
ho cos varphiquad :y =
ho sin varphi quad , varphiin left(0,2pi
ight) quad :z = z quad
See also
* Line integral
* Volume integral
* Surface integral
* Spherical coordinates
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