- Legislative Consent Motion
A Legislative Consent Motion (also known as a Sewel motion) is a parliamentary motion passed by the
Scottish Parliament , in which it agrees that theParliament of the United Kingdom may passlegislation on a devolved issue extending toScotland , over which the Scottish Parliament has regular legislative authority.Background
Scotland Act 1998 devolved many issues relating to legislation for Scotland to the Scottish Parliament. The UK Parliament maintainsParliamentary sovereignty and may legislate on any issue relating to theUnited Kingdom , with or without the permission of the devolved assemblies and parliaments.The motions were named after Lord Sewel, then Parliamentary
Under-Secretary of State for Scotland who announced the policy in theHouse of Lords during the passage of the Scotland Act 1998. Noting that the Act recognised the Parliamentary sovereignty of the UK Parliament, he said that the UK Government::"would expect a convention to be established that Westminster would not normally legislate with regard to devolved matters in Scotland without the consent of the Scottish Parliament."
The Scottish Parliament has no say in how the UK Parliament legislates on
reserved matters (those matters that were not devolved by the Scotland Act 1998).Use and application
There are two uses for a Legislative Consent/Sewel motion:
# It is used when the UK Parliament is considering legislation extending only (or having provisions extending only) to
England and Wales , and the Scottish Parliament, being in agreement with those provisions, wishes for the UK Parliament to extend them to Scotland. This saves the need for separate, similar legislation to be passed by the Scottish Parliament.
# It is also used when Westminster is considering legislation applying to Scotland but which relates to both devolved and reserved matters, where it would otherwise be necessary for the Scottish Parliament to legislate to complete the jigsaw.As well as legislation about devolved matters, the convention extends to cases where UK Bills give functions to Scottish Executive, including in reserved areas, or which seek to change the boundary between reserved and devolved matters.
The intention was for the motions to be used for non-controversial matters, for the purposes of legislative economy and for clarity. It has been used for more controversial matters, where the
Scottish Government does not wish to have the Scottish Parliament to consider the issue in detail, to avoid the political consequences, and to keep the legislative bickering to Westminster only.Guidance on the use of Legislative Consent Motions for
Whitehall Departments is set out in Devolution Guidance Note 10.The Scottish Parliamentary procedure is specified in Chapter 9B of the Parliament's Standing Orders.
Current situation and review
In 2005 the Procedures Committee undertook an inquiry into the use of Sewel motions, and heard evidence from Lord Sewel,
Henry McLeish (the formerFirst Minister of Scotland ), andAnne McGuire MP (the ParliamentaryUnder-Secretary of State for Scotland ). Following the review, the motions were retitled Legislative Consent Motions and the procedures enshrined in the Parliament's Standing Orders.As of
15 October 2006 , 73 Legislative Consent/Sewel motions had been passed by the Scottish Parliament.External links
* [http://www.dca.gov.uk/constitution/devolution/guidance/dgn10.pdf Devolution Guidance Note 10 (pdf).]
* [http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/business/so/sto-4.htm#9b Chapter 9b of the Scottish Parliament's standing orders.]
* [http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Government/Sewel Scottish Government information on Sewel convention.]
* [http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/business/legConMem/index.htm Scottish Parliament information on Legislative Consent Motions]
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