- Rng (algebra)
abstract algebra , a rng (also called a pseudo-ring or non-unital ring) is analgebraic structure satisfying the same properties as a ring, except that multiplication need not have anidentity element . The term "rng" (pronounced "rung") is meant to suggest that it is a "ring" without an "identity element", "i".Many authors do not require rings to have a multiplicative identity, so the concept discussed here is just what these authors call a "ring".
Formal definition
Formally, a rng is a set "R" with two
binary operations (+, ·) called "addition" and "multiplication" such that
*("R", +) is anabelian group ,
*("R", ·) is asemigroup ,
*Multiplication distributes over addition.Homomorphism s between rngs are defined just likering homomorphism s except that the requirement "f"(1) = 1 is dropped. That is, a rng homomorphism is a function "f" : "R" → "S" from one rng to another such that
* "f"("x" + "y") = "f"("x") + "f"("y")
* "f"("x"·"y") = "f"("x")·"f"("y")for all "x" and "y" in "R".Examples
Of course all rings are rngs. A simple example of a rng that is not a ring is given by the even integers with the ordinary addition and multiplication of integers. Another example is given by the set of all 3-by-3 real matrices whose bottom row is zero. Both of these examples are instances of the general fact that every (one- or two-sided) ideal is a rng.
Any abelian group can be made into a rng by taking the multiplication operation to be trivial (i.e. "r"·"s" = 0 for all "r" and "s"). This rng will not have an identity unless it is trivial.
Rngs often appear naturally in
functional analysis whenlinear operator s on infinite-dimensionalvector space s are considered. Take for instance any infinite-dimensional vector space "V" and consider the set of all linear operators "f" : "V" → "V" with finite rank (i.e. dim "f"("V") < ∞). Together with addition and composition of operators, this is a rng, but not a ring. Another example is the rng of all realsequence s that converge to 0, with component-wise operations. Finally, the real-valuedcontinuous function s with compact support defined on sometopological space , together with pointwise addition and multiplication, form a rng; this is not a ring unless the underlying space is compact.Properties
Ideals and
quotient ring s can be defined for rngs in the same manner as for rings. The ideal theory of rngs is complicated by the fact that a rng, unlike a ring, need not contain anymaximal ideal s. Many theorems ofring theory are false for rngs.Adjoining an identity element
Every rng "R" can be turned into a ring "R"^ by adjoining an identity element. The most general way in which to do this is to formally add an identity element 1 and let "R"^ consist of integral linear combinations of 1 and elements of "R". That is, elements of "R"^ are of the form:"n"·1 + "r"where "n" is an
integer and "r" ∈ "R". Multiplication is defined by linearity::("n"1 + "r"1)·("n"2 + "r"2) = "n"1"n"2 + "n"1"r"2 + "n"2"r"1 + "r"1"r"2.More formally, we can take "R"^ to be the
cartesian product Z × "R" and define addition and multiplication by:("n"1, "r"1) + ("n"2, "r"2) = ("n"1 + "n"2, "r"1 + "r"2),:("n"1, "r"1)·("n"2, "r"2) = ("n"1"n"2, "n"1"r"2 + "n"2"r"1 + "r"1"r"2).The multiplicative identity of "R"^ is then (1, 0). There is a natural rng homomorphism "j" : "R" → "R"^ defined by "j"("r") = (0, "r"). This map has the followinguniversal property ::Given any ring "S" and any rng homomorphism "f" : "R" → "S", there exists a unique ring homomorphisms "g" : "R"^ → "S" such that "f" = "gj".The map "g" can be defined by "g"("n", "r") = "n"·1"S" + "f"("r"). In a sense then, "R"^ is "the most general" ring containing "R".There is a natural surjective ring homomorphism "R"^ → Z which sends ("n", "r") to "n". The kernel of this homomorphism is the image of "R" in "R"^. Since "j" is injective, we see that "R" is embedded as a (two-sided) ideal in "R"^ with the
quotient ring "R"^/"R" isomorphic to Z. It follows that:"Every rng is an ideal in some ring, and every ideal of a ring is a rng."Note that "j" is never surjective. So even when "R" already has an identity element the ring "R"^ will be a larger one with a different identity.
The process of adjoining an identity element to a rng can be formulated in the language of
category theory . If we denote thecategory of all rings and ring homomorphisms by Ring and the category of all rngs and rng homomorphisms by Rng, then Ring is a (nonfull)subcategory of Rng. The construction of "R"^ given above yields aleft adjoint to theinclusion functor "I" : Ring → Rng. This means that Ring is areflective subcategory of Rng with reflector "j" : "R" → "R"^.ee also
Rig (algebra)
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