Infobox Website
name =

caption =
url = []
commercial = no
type = Copyright violation information site
language = English
registration =
owner =
author = Harald Welte
launch date = 2004
current status =
revenue =
slogan = Let's save the GNU!
alexa =
The is a not-for-profit project founded and led by Harald Welte in 2004. It works to make sure software licensed under the GNU General Public License is not used in ways prohibited by the license.


The goals of the project are, according to its website, to
* Raise public awareness of the infringing use of free software, and thus putting pressure on the infringers.
* Give users who detect or assume GPL-licensed software is being misused a way to report them to the copyright holders
* Assist copyright holders in any action against GPL infringing organizations
* Distribute information on how a commercial entity using GPL licensed software in their products can comply with the license." [ [ About the Project] ]

In May, 2008, and the Free Software Foundation Europe Freedom Task Force announced that they were to deepen their previous cooperation. The FSFE Freedom Task Force will be focusing on educating and informing, while will focus on enforcing the GPL. [ [ and FSFE's Freedom Task Force to work more closely together] ]


The project was founded in 2004 by Harald Welte. Welte was a kernel developer who had been actively enforcing the GPL license on his netfilter/iptables code since late 2003. Since then, other developers have given legal right to represent them. Unlike the similar organization Software Freedom Law Center, does not operate out of the United States, but rather Germany, Welte's home country.

The project has been credited with being the first to prove in court that the GPL is valid and that it will stand up in court.

Project creator Harald Welte received the 2007 FSF Award for the Advancement of Free Software, partly because of his work on

Notable Victories


In 2005, the project uncovered evidence that Fortinet had used GPL code in its products against the terms of the license, and used cryptographic tools to conceal the violation. The violation was alleged to have occurred in the "FortiOS" system, which the project said contained elements of the Linux kernel. In response, a Munich court granted a temporary injunction against the company, preventing it from selling products until they were in compliance with the necessary license terms [ [ project was granted a preliminary injunction against Fortinet UK Ltd] ] ; Fortinet was forced to make their FortiOS available free in compliance with GPL licensing [ [ Fortinet GPL Sources] ] .


On September 6, 2006, the project prevailed in court litigation against D-Link Germany GmbH regarding D-Link's alleged inappropriate and copyright infringing use of parts of the Linux Kernel. [ [ project prevails in court case on GPL violation by D-Link] ] The judgement [ [ German version of the D-Link court judgement] ] [ [ Inofficial English translation of the D-Link court judgement] ] finally provided the on-record, legal precedent that the GPL is valid and that it will stand up in court.

See Also

* Harald Welte
* Software Freedom Law Center
* Free Software Foundation Europe


External links

* [ Official site]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • — Información general URL gpl Eslogan …   Wikipedia Español

  • — Devise : Let s save the GNU! Création 2004 Type Fondation Dirigeant(s) Harald Welte Site Web …   Wikipédia en Français

  • — GPL Violations project est un site internet et une association fondée par Harald Welte en janvier 2004 afin de poursuivre les infractions à la Licence publique générale GNU, principale licence pour les logiciels libres. Parmi les différentes …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • — Das Projekt gpl wurde im Jahr 2004 von Harald Welte gegründet. Seiner Website zufolge will er mit diesem die Aufmerksamkeit der Öffentlichkeit auf Verstöße gegen die GNU General Public License (abk. GPL) und den Missbrauch von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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