Dutch Society for Sexual Reform

Dutch Society for Sexual Reform
Dutch Society for Sexual Reform
Formation 1946
Purpose/focus Further the sexual emancipation of individuals and the improvement of sexual conditions in society
Region served Flag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands
Official languages Dutch

The Dutch Society for Sexual Reform is a Dutch organization known by the acronym NVSH (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Seksuele Hervorming). The NVSH was founded in 1946, as the successor of the Dutch Neo-Malthusian League, a birth control organisation which opened the first birth control clinic in the world in 1881, in Amsterdam. The NVSH was once the only source of condoms in the Netherlands.

Up to the 1960s, a great deal of energy went into building up the organisation, which in its heyday ran over 60 birth control clinics in The Netherlands. Much work in those early years was put into improving the quality and availability of contraceptives (condom, diaphragm and spermicidal jelly). In 1966 the society reached a membership of 220,000. Contraceptives were officially legalized in 1970, after which membership began to fall. In 2002, the number was about 1500[1] and late 2008 about 700.[2]

According to its website, the NVSH aims at what it calls the sexual emancipation of individuals and the improvement of sexual conditions in society, including:[3]

  • Equality for men and women
  • Availability of good contraception and abortion services
  • Informative sex education at all levels of education
  • Training of sex teachers and researchers at university level
  • No restraints on pornography
  • Criticism of marriage and the family
  • No discrimination against any form of voluntary sex
  • Critical concern about population growth

The NVSH website states that they advocate acceptance of all forms of human sexuality, including those forms that are commonly labeled "abnormal". The website states that NVSH considers the use of the label "normal" to be "problematic," with regard to sexual practices such as premarital sex, adultery, homosexuality, masterbation [sic], oral and anal sex, zoophilia and pedophilia.[4][5]

See also


  1. ^ NVSH website - history of the organization - translated by Google
  2. ^ NVSH Newsletter, November 2009 (Dutch): "Het aantal leden van de vereniging blijft dalen. Eind november [2008] werd aan 705 leden een acceptgiro verzonden."
  3. ^ Who we are & what we want - position statement on NVSH website
  4. ^ Normal & abnormal sex NVSH website
  5. ^ Paedophilia NVSH website
  • Gé Nabrink, Seksuele Hervorming in Nederland, 1881–1971, SUN, Nijmegen, 1978.
  • The sexual system

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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