Pedro V of Portugal

Pedro V of Portugal

Pedro V (pronounced|ˈpedɾu; English: Peter; "Pedro de Alcântara Maria Fernando Miguel Rafael Gonzaga Xavier João António Leopoldo Vítor Francisco de Assis Júlio Amélio de Saxe-Coburgo-Gotha e Bragança"), "the Hopeful" (Port. "o Esperançoso") (September 16, 1837 in Lisbon – November 11, 1861 in Lisbon) was the 31st (or 32nd according to some historians) King of Portugal and the Algarves from 1853 to 1861.

He was the eldest son of Queen Maria II and her jure uxoris co-monarch Ferdinand II and was born after his mother's accession. As heir apparent to the throne he was styled Príncipe Real (Prince Royal), and was also the 19th Duke of Braganza.

Dom Pedro was a conscientious and hard-working monarch who, under the guidance of his father, sought radical modernisation of the Portuguese state and infrastructure. Under his reign, roads, telegraphs, and railways were constructed and improvements in public health advanced. For this he was greatly loved and his popularity further increased when, during the great cholera outbreak he visited hospitals handing out gifts and talking and comforting the sick.

However, this was unable to save the life of the young king who died (along with his brother Ferdinand and other royal family members) of cholera in 1861. He was much loved and his death, along with other relatives, was deemed so unnatural that there were actually revolts when he died. He was married to Princess Stephanie of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, but they had no children and therefore the Portuguese throne passed to his younger brother, Luis I.


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1= 1. Pedro V of Portugal
2= 2. Ferdinand II of Portugal
3= 3. Maria II of Portugal
4= 4. Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, 4th Prince of Kohary
5= 5. Maria Antonia of Koháry
6= 6. Pedro I of Brazil (IV of Portugal)
7= 7. Maria Leopoldina of Austria
8= 8. Francis, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld
9= 9. Augusta Reuss-Ebersdorf
10= 10. Ferenc József, Prince of Koháry
11= 11. Maria Antonia, Countess von Waldstein
12= 12. John VI of Portugal
13= 13. Charlotte of Spain
14= 14. Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor
15= 15. Maria Teresa of the Two Sicilies
16= 16. Ernest Frederick, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld
17= 17. Duchess Sophia Antonia of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
18= 18. Heinrich XXIV, Count of Reuss-Ebersdorf
19= 19. Karoline Ernestine of Erbach-Schönberg
20= 20. Ignaz II József Csabragi, Count of Koháry
21= 21. Maria Gabriela, Countess of Cavriani
22= 22. Georg Christian, Count von Waldstein
23= 23. Marie Elisabeth, Countess von Ulfeldt
24= 24. Peter III of Portugal
25= 25. Maria I of Portugal
26= 26. Charles IV of Spain
27= 27. Maria Luisa of Parma
28= 28. Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor
29= 29. Maria Louisa of Spain
30= 30. Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
31= 31. Marie Caroline of Austria

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