- Scouts of Greece
Scouts of Greece or Soma Hellinon Proskopon (Σώμα Ελληνων Προσκόπων, ΣΕΠ) is the national
Scouting association ofGreece . Scouting in Greece started in 1910 and was among the charter members of theWorld Organization of the Scout Movement in 1922. The association has 17,685 members (as of 2008).cite web |title=Triennial Report 2005-2008 |url=http://scout.org/en/content/download/11615/94838/file/Triennial_Report_EN.pdf |publisher=World Organization of the Scout Movement |accessdate=2008-07-13] The majority of members belong to the Christian Orthodox Church. However, boys and girls of all religions and ethnic groups, residents of Greece, are welcome to become members.During the
1908 Summer Olympics , inLondon ,Athanasios Lefkaditis , a young physical education teacher, observed with interest the British Scouts' service and activities at the Games. He met withRobert Baden-Powell and shortly after, introduced Scouting in Greece in 1910. Ever since, Scouts of Greece has been active in social welfare and relief activities during natural disasters such as great fires and earthquakes.Program
The Scouts of Greece program is based on the
Scout method principles that children can more easily acquire skills through experience than through structured training. They young people plan their own progressive development by choosing from a great variety of programs and activities according to their needs and interests.Ideals
cout Motto
Scout Motto ("Προσκοπικό ρητό") is Έσo έτοιμος, "Be Prepared" in Greek.Scout Promise (Υπόσχεση του Προσκόπου)Υπόσχομαι στην τιμή μου να εκτελώ το καθήκον μου στο Θεό και την Πατρίδα να βοηθώ κάθε άνθρωπο σε κάθε περίσταση και να τηρώ το Νόμο του Προσκόπου.
"I promise upon my honour "to perform my duty towards God and my Country "to help any person at any occasion "and uphold the Scout Law.
Scout Law (Νόμος του Προσκόπου)# Ο Πρόσκοπος λέει την αλήθεια και κρατά το λόγο του. "A Scout speaks the truth and keeps his word.
# Ο Πρόσκοπος είναι δίκαιος, άξιος να τον εμπιστεύονται, ξέρει να πειθαρχεί και να τηρεί τους Νόμους. "A Scout is just, trustworthy, knows how to discipline and uphold the Laws.
# Ο Πρόσκοπος είναι χρήσιμος στην οικογένειά του και την κοινωνία. "A Scout is useful to his family and society.
# Ο Πρόσκοπος είναι φίλος κι ευγενής προς όλους κι αδελφός με κάθε Πρόσκοπο. "A Scout is friendly and polite towards everyone and a brother to each Scout.
# Ο Πρόσκοπος σέβεται τον εαυτό του και τους άλλους, προσέχει τα λόγια και τις πράξεις του. "A Scout respects himself and others, minds his words and actions.
# Ο Πρόσκοπος αγαπά τη φύση και προστατεύει το περιβάλλον. "A Scout loves nature and protects the environment.
# Ο Πρόσκοπος είναι εύθυμος και αισιόδοξος. "A Scout is cheerful and optimistic.
# Ο Πρόσκοπος είναι οικονόμος και φροντίζει για την καλή χρήση του χρόνου. "A Scout is provident and takes care to make good use of time.
# Ο Πρόσκοπος είναι εργατικός και προοδεύει με τις ικανότητές του. "A Scout is hard-working and progresses with his own abilities.
# Ο Πρόσκοπος είναι αποφασιστικός, έχει θάρρος και αυτοπεποίθηση κι αναλαμβάνει την ευθύνη των πράξεών του. "A Scout is decisive, courageous and confident and takes responsibility of his actions.Emblem
The Scout emblem incorporates a phoenix, the mythic
bird symbolizingrebirth , allegory to the creation of the modern Greek nation.Distinguished members
A. E. Benakis was a member of theWorld Scout Committee of theWorld Organization of the Scout Movement from 1949 until 1951, andDemetrios Alexatos served on the Committee from 1957 to 1963. In 1963, Alexatos was awarded theBronze Wolf , the only distinction of theWorld Organization of the Scout Movement , awarded by the World Scout Committee for exceptional services to world Scouting. Other Scouts Association of Greece recipients includeDemetrios A. Macrides in 1967,Leonidas J. Skyrianidis in 1974,Christos Lygeros andCostas Tsantilis in 2005.Greek Scouting abroad
Scouts of Greece is also active in
Australia ,Canada ,Saudi Arabia ,South Africa and theUnited Kingdom .cite web |url=http://www.sep.org.gr/domi/program_sunedrio.pdf |title=Programme of the 6th Greek Scout Leaders' Conference |publisher=Scouts of Greece |accessdate=2007-02-24] These groups form a special region within Scouts of Greece's structures.References
ee also
Soma Hellinidon Odigon External links
* [http://www.sep.org.gr/ Scouts of Greece Homepage]
* http://www.pinetreeweb.com/left4-7.htm
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.