- Principality of Antioch
Infobox Former Country
native_name =
conventional_long_name = Principality of Antioch
common_name = Principality of Antioch
continent = moved from Category:Asia to the Middle East
region = the Middle East
country = Palestine
era = High Middle Ages
status =
event_start = First Crusade
year_start = 1098
date_start =
event_end = Conquered byBaibars
year_end = 1268
date_end =
p1 = Fatimid Caliphate
flag_p1 = Fatimid flag.svg
s1 = Mamluk
flag_s1 = Mameluke_Flag.svg
image_map_caption = The Principality of Antioch in the context of the other states of theNear East in 1135AD .
capital =Antioch
common_languages =Latin ,Old French , Italian (also Arabic and Greek)
religion =Roman Catholicism ,Greek Orthodoxy ,Syrian Orthodoxy ,Islam ,Judaism
government_type = Monarchy
leader1 =Bohemond I
year_leader1 = 1098-1111
leader2 =Bohemond VI
year_leader2 = 1252-1268
title_leader = Prince
legislature =The Principality of Antioch, including parts of modern-day
Turkey andSyria , was one of thecrusader states created during theFirst Crusade .Foundation
While Baldwin of Boulogne and Tancred headed east from
Asia Minor to set up theCounty of Edessa , the main army of the First Crusade continued south to besiege Antioch. Bohemond of Taranto led the siege, beginning in October,1097 . With over four hundred towers, the city was almost impenetrable. The siege lasted throughout the winter, with much suffering among the Crusaders, who were often forced to eat their own horses, or, as legend has it, the bodies of their fellowChristian s who had not survived.[
Siege of Antioch , from amedieval miniature painting.] However, Bohemond convinced a guard in one of the towers, a former Christian named Firouz, to let the Crusaders enter the city. He did so onJune 3 ,1098 , and a massacre of theMuslim inhabitants followed. Only four days later, a Muslim army fromMosul led byKerbogha arrived to besiege the Crusaders themselves.Alexius I Comnenus , theByzantine emperor , was on his way to assist the Crusaders, but turned back when he heard the city had already been retaken.However, the Crusaders were withstanding the siege, with help from a mystic named
Peter Bartholomew . Peter claimed he had been visited by St. Andrew, who told him that theHoly Lance , which had pierced Christ's side as he was on the cross, was located inAntioch . The cathedral ofSt. Peter was excavated, and the Lance was discovered by Peter himself. Although Peter most likely planted it there himself (even the papal legateAdhemar of Le Puy believed this to be the case), it helped raise the spirits of the Crusaders. With the newly discovered relic at the head of the army, Bohemond marched out to meet Kerbogha, who was miraculously defeated — miraculously, according to the Crusaders, because an army of saints had appeared to help them on the battlefield.There was a lengthy dispute over who should control the city. Bohemond and the other Italian Normans eventually won, and Bohemond named himself prince. Bohemond was already prince (allodial lord) of
Taranto in Italy, and he desired to continue such independence in his new lordship; thus he did not attempt to receive the title of Duke from the Byzantine Emperor (in whose name he had taken an oath to fight), nor any other title with deep feudal obligations, such as count. Meanwhile, an unknown epidemic spread throughout the Crusader camp;Adhemar of Le Puy was one of the victims.Early history
Bohemond was captured in battle with the
Danishmends in1100 , and his nephew Tancred became regent. Tancred expanded the borders of the Principality, taking the cities of Tarsus andLatakia from theByzantine Empire . Those cities along with other territory were lost after theBattle of Harran when Baldwin II was captured. Bohemond was released in1103 , but left Tancred as regent again when he went toItaly to raise more troops in1105 . He used these troops to attack the Byzantines in1107 , and when he was defeated at Dyrrhachium in1108 he was forced by Alexius I to sign theTreaty of Devol , which would make Antioch a vassal state of the Byzantine Empire upon Bohemond's death; Bohemond had actually promised to return any land that was reconquered when the Crusaders passed throughConstantinople in1097 . Bohemond also foughtAleppo with Baldwin and Joscelin of theCounty of Edessa ; when Baldwin and Joscelin were captured, Tancred became regent in Edessa as well. Bohemond left Tancred as regent once more and returned to Italy, where he died in1111 .Alexius wanted Tancred to return the Principality entirely to Byzantium, but Tancred was supported by the
County of Tripoli and theKingdom of Jerusalem ; Tancred, in fact, had been the only Crusade leader who did not swear to return conquered land to Alexius (though none of the other leaders, including Bohemond, kept their oaths anyway). Tancred died in1112 and was succeeded by Bohemond II, under the regency of Tancred's nephewRoger of Salerno , who defeated a Seljuk attack in1113 .However, on
June 27 ,1119 , Roger was killed at the "Ager Sanguinis" (the Field of Blood), and Antioch became a vassal state of Jerusalem with King Baldwin II as regent until1126 (although Baldwin spent much of this time in captivity in Aleppo). Bohemond II, who married Baldwin's daughter Alice, ruled for only four short years, and the Principality was inherited by his young daughter Constance; Baldwin II acted as regent again until his death in1131 , whenFulk of Jerusalem took power. In1136 Constance, still only 10 years old, married Raymond of Poitiers, who was 36.Raymond, like his predecessors, attacked the Byzantine province of
Cilicia . This time, however, EmperorJohn II Comnenus fought back. He arrived in Antioch in1138 and forced Raymond to swear fealty to him, but a riot instigated byJoscelin II of Edessa forced him to leave. John had plans to reconquer all the Crusader states, but he died in1143 .Antioch in the Byzantine Empire
After the fall of Edessa in
1144 , Antioch was attacked byNur ad-Din during theSecond Crusade . Much of the eastern part of the Principality was lost, and Raymond was killed at thebattle of Inab in1149 .Baldwin III of Jerusalem was technically regent for Raymond's widow Constance until1153 when she marriedRaynald of Chatillon . Raynald, too, immediately found himself in conflict with the Byzantines, this time inCyprus ; he made peace withManuel I Comnenus , however, in1158 , and the next year Manuel arrived to take personal control of the Principality. Henceforth, the Principality of Antioch was to be a vassal ofByzantium until Manuel's death in1180 . Although this arrangement meant that the Principality had to provide a contingent for the Byzantine Army (troops from Antioch participated in an attack on theSeljuk Turks in1176 ), it also safeguarded the City againstNur ad-Din at a time when it was in serious danger of being overrun.Raynald was taken prisoner by the Muslims in
1160 , and the regency fell to the Patriarch of Antioch (Raynald was not released until1176 , and never returned to Antioch). Meanwhile, Manuel married Constance's daughter Maria, but as Constance was only nominally in charge of Antioch, she was deposed in1163 and replaced by her son Bohemond III. Bohemond was taken captive by Nur ad-Din the following year at theBattle of Harim , and theOrontes River became the permanent boundary between Antioch and Aleppo. Bohemond returned to Antioch in1165 , and married one of Manuel's nieces; he was also convinced to install a Greek Orthodox patriarch in the city.The Byzantine alliance came to an end with the death of the Emperor Manuel in
1180 . Suddenly, Antioch was deprived of the Empire's protection, which had been enough to frightenNur ad-Din away from intervening in the area for the past twenty years. Nevertheless, with help from the fleets of the Italian city-states Antioch survivedSaladin 's assault on the Kingdom of Jerusalem in1187 . Neither Antioch nor Tripoli participated in theThird Crusade , although the remnants of Frederick Barbarossa's army briefly stopped in Antioch in1190 to bury their king. Bohemond III's son, also named Bohemond, had become count of Tripoli after theBattle of Hattin , and Bohemond III's eldest son Raymond married an Armenian princess in1194 . Bohemond III died in1201 .Bohemond's death resulted in a struggle for control between Antioch, represented by Bohemond of Tripoli, and Armenia, represented by Bohemond III's grandson Raymond-Roupen. Bohemond of Tripoli, as Bohemond IV, took control by
1207 , but Raymond briefly ruled as a rival from1216 to1219 . Bohemond died in1233 , and Antioch, ruled by his son Bohemond V, played no important role in theFifth Crusade , Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II's struggles to take back Jerusalem in theSixth Crusade , orLouis IX of France 'sSeventh Crusade .Fall of the Principality
1254 Bohemond VI married Sibylla, an Armenian princess, ending the power struggle between the two states, although by this point Armenia was the more powerful of the two and Antioch was essentially a vassal state. Both, however, were swept up by the conflict between theMameluks and theMongols . In 1260, under the influence of his father-in-law, the Armenian kingHetoum I ,Bohemond VI submitted to theMongols underHulagu , making Antioch a tributary state of the Mongol Empire. [Jackson, "Mongols and the West", p. 167] Bohemond and Hetoum fought on the side of the Mongols during the conquests of MuslimSyria , taking together the city ofAleppo , and laterDamascus . ["Histoire des Croisades", René Grousset, p581, ISBN 226202569X]When the Mongols were defeated at the
Battle of Ain Jalut in1260 ,Baibars began to threaten Antioch, which (as a vassal of the Armenians) had supported the Mongols. Baibars finally took the city in1268 , and all of northernSyria was quickly lost; twenty-three years later, Acre was taken, and the Crusader states ceased to exist.In the colophons of the Malatia Gospel of 1268 (MS No. 10675), Armenian manuscript illuminator
Toros Roslin described the brutal sack of Antioch by Baibars: "...at this time great Antioch was captured by the wicked king of Egypt, and many were killed and became his prisoners, and a cause of anguish to the holy and famous temples, houses of God, which are in it; the wonderful elegance of the beauty of those which were destroyed by fire is beyond the power of words." [cite book
last = Hazard
first = Harry W.
coauthors = Setton, Kenneth M.
title = A History of the Crusades, Volume IV: The Art and Architecture of the Crusader States
chapter= III: Ecclesiastical Art in the Crusader States in Palestine and Syria
publisher = University of Wisconsin Press
date = September 15, 1977
edition = 1st
pages = p. 137
isbn = 029906820X ] The empty title of "Prince of Antioch" passed, with the extinction of the Counts of Tripoli, to the Kings of Cyprus, and was sometimes granted as a dignity to junior members of the royal house.Geography and demographics
The Principality of Antioch was, even at its greatest extent, much smaller than Edessa and Jerusalem. It extended around the northeastern edge of the
Mediterranean Sea , bordering on the County of Tripoli to the south, Edessa to the east, and the Byzantine Empire or the Kingdom of Armenia to the northwest, depending on the date. It probably had about 20,000 inhabitants in the 12th century, most of whom were Armenians and Greek Orthodox Christians, with a few Muslims outside the city itself. Most of the crusaders who settled there were of Norman origin and/or from southern Italy, as were the first rulers of the principality who surrounded themselves with their own loyal subjects. There were few Roman Catholics apart from the Crusaders who set up the Principality, even though the city was turned into a Latin Patriarchate in1100 .Princes of Antioch, 1098–1268
*Bohemond I
1098 –1111
**"Tancred, Prince of Galilee , regent,1100 –1103 ;1105 –1112 "
*Bohemond II1111 –1130
**"Roger of Salerno , regent,1112 –1119 "
**"Baldwin II of Jerusalem , regent,1119 –1126 ;1130 –1131 "
*Constance1130 –1163
**"Fulk of Jerusalem , regent,1131 –1136 "
*Raymond of Poitiers1136 –1149 (by marriage)
*Raynald of Chatillon 1153 –1160 (by marriage)
*Bohemond III1163 –1201
**Raymond1193 –1194 (regent)
*Bohemond IV1201 –1216
*Raymond-Roupen1216 –1219
*Bohemond IV (restored)1219 –1233
*Bohemond V1233 –1252
*Bohemond VI1252 –1268 Titular Princes of Antioch 1268–1457
*Bohemond VI
1268 –1275
*Bohemond VII1275 –1287
*Lucia1287 –c.1299
*Philip of Toucy c.1299 –1300
*"passes to the Kings of Cyprus and Jerusalem"
*Marguerite de Lusignan, d. 1308, sister of Hugh III, last lady of Tyre
*John I (of Lusignan) bef.1364 –1375 , third son of king Hugh IV
*John II bef.1432 –1456 ? as crown prince of king Janus
*John III (of Coimbra) c.1456 –1457 , husband of the future queen CharlotteFamily tree of the Princes of Antioch
Vassals of Antioch
Lords of Saone
The Lordship of Saone was centered on the castle of Saone, but included the towns of
Sarmada (lost in1134 ) and Balatanos. Saone was captured bySaladin from the last lord, Matthew, in1188 .* Robert "the Leprous" (d.
1119 )
* William (1119–1132 )
* ?
* MatthewGreat Officers of Antioch
:"Main article": "
Officers of the Principality of Antioch "Like Jerusalem, Antioch had its share of great offices, including
constable ,marshal ,butler , Chamberlain, andchancellor .Notes
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