

Infobox_Company | company_name = Allot Communications
company_type = Public (nasdaq|ALLT)
foundation = 1996
industry = Technology
revenue = $34.1 million USD
num_employees = 250
location = Hod Hasharon, Israel
key_people = CEO: Rami Hadar
products = Networking
homepage = [] |

About the Company

Allot Communications (Nasdaq: ALLT), is a provider of intelligent IP service optimization solutions for service providers, carriers and enterprises. Allot solutions use deep packet inspection (DPI) technology to change broadband pipes into smart networks offering complete network visibility, application control and subscriber management. The goal of this is to provide a straight forward way for companies to track and manage subscribers and throttle application usage. Allot offers the following product lines:
*NetEnforcer traffic management devices [AC-400; AC-800; AC-1000 and AC-2500 series] that control network visablilty
*NetXplorer GUI for centralized management of all network traffic and tracking activity
*Service Gateway carrier class, 25 Gbit/s, open DPI-based platform.The Service Gateway can perform filtering of internet packets, Quality of service control, parental control (URL filtering) and collecting records for real-time charging or offline usage-based charging. In addition, the Service Gateway and NetEnforcer can forge TCP RST packets to forcibly terminate P2P connections [Allot Summary (RFP response) [] ] .

*Subscriber Management Platform (SMP) offering per-subscriber visibility and control of broadband services

Allot partners with other companies to provide networking solutions to businesses.

Current Allot partnerships and alliances include:
Alvarion, Amdocs, Aperto Networks, Avaya, Bridgewater Systems, Computer Associates, Citrix, First Network Group Inc., FTS, Extreme Networks, Juniper Networks, Navini Networks, Motorola Canopy, Oracle, RODOPI, Tropos Networks and Trendium.

Current customers using Allot devices to block or filter P2P file sharing include Optus of Australia [ Optus + Skyedge IP [] ] , and Virgin Media of the UK [Virgin Media rubbishes P2P throttling rumours [] ] .

The Allot NetEnforcer is also used to block Skype [Block Skype [] ] .

Shareholder lawsuits are pending against Allot [KGS Announces That a Shareholder Class Action Lawsuit Has Been Filed Against Allot Communications Ltd. [] ] alleging that the officers and directors made misleading statements in the IPO registration statements.

Corporate history

*1996: Michael Shurman and Yigal Jacoby co-founded Allot Communications under the laws of the State of Israel. Today Yigal Jacoby serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
*2006: Rami Hadar appointed President and Chief Executive Officer.
*2006: Allot becomes a public company with shares traded on the Nasdaq Global Market under the ticker symbolALLT”.
*Headquarters: Hod Hasharon, Israel.
*Revenue (2006): $34.1 million US dollars in 2006
*Employees: 250


External links

* [ Allot Communications]
* [ Allot on Yahoo Finance]
* [ "A Question of Priorities" - Allot in an article on The Wallstreet Journal]
* [ "Mobile Carriers Gird to Battle VoIP" - Article on Redherring]
* [ - Allot Unveils DPI-based Service Gateway]
* [ Article on PR Newswire]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • allot — al‧lot [əˈlɒt ǁ əˈlɑːt] verb allotted PTandPP allotting PRESPART [transitive] to decide officially to give something to someone or to use something for a particular purpose: • Each employee was allotted 100 shares in the company. * * * allot UK… …   Financial and business terms

  • allot — allot, assign, apportion, allocate mean to give as one’s share, portion, role, or place. Allot implies more or less arbitrary or haphazard selection and in itself conveys no suggestion of a fair or equal distribution {allotted himself an hour a… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Allot — Al*lot , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Allotted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Allotting}.] [OF. aloter, F. allotir; a (L. ad) + lot lot. See {Lot}.] 1. To distribute by lot. [1913 Webster] 2. To distribute, or parcel out in parts or portions; or to distribute to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • allot — I verb addicere, administer, adsignare, allocate, appoint, apportion, assign, deal, delimit, demarcate, designate, dispense, disperse, dispose, distribuere, distribute, divide, dole, earmark, indicate, measure, mete, mete out, parcel out,… …   Law dictionary

  • allot — [ə lät′] vt. allotted, allotting [OFr aloter < a , to + loter < lot, lot, of Gmc orig.: see LOT] 1. to distribute by lot or in arbitrary shares; apportion 2. to give or assign as one s share [each speaker is allotted five minutes] SYN.… …   English World dictionary

  • Allot — Le nom est notamment porté en Bretagne (56, 22) et dans la Somme. Au moins en Picardie, ce devrait être une variante de Hallot (voir ce nom). A envisager aussi le diminutif d un nom de personne, peut être le prénom féminin Alis (voir ce nom) …   Noms de famille

  • allot — (v.) late 15c., from O.Fr. aloter (Mod.Fr. allotir) to divide by lots, to divide into lots, from à to (see AD (Cf. ad )) + loter lot, a word of Germanic origin (Cf. Goth. hlauts, O.H.G. hloz, O.E. hlot; see LOT (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

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  • allot — ► VERB (allotted, allotting) ▪ apportion or assign to. DERIVATIVES allottee noun. ORIGIN Old French aloter, from Latin loter divide into lots …   English terms dictionary

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