- Regiomontanus
Infobox Scientist
box_width = 300px
name = Regiomontanus
image_width = 150px
caption = Regiomontanus
birth_date =June 6 ,1436
birth_place =Unfinden
death_date =July 6 ,1476
death_place =
residence =
citizenship =
nationality = German
ethnicity =
field =Mathematics
work_institutions =
alma_mater =
doctoral_advisor =Georg von Peuerbach
doctoral_students =
known_for =
author_abbrev_bot =
author_abbrev_zoo =
influences =
influenced =
prizes =
religion =
footnotes =
Johannes Müller von Königsberg (June 6 ,1436 –July 6 ,1476 ), known by hisLatin pseudonym Regiomontanus, was an important Germanmathematician ,astronomer andastrologer .He was born in the
Franconia n village ofUnfinden nearKönigsberg, Bavaria , not in the more famousKönigsberg inEast Prussia .Thus, he is also called Johannes Müller, der Königsberger (Johannes Müller of Königsberg). His full
Latin name was "Joannes de Regio monte", which abbreviated to "Regiomontanus" (from the Latin for "Königsberg"—"King's Mountain").Life
At eleven years of age, he became a student at the university in
Leipzig ,Saxony . Three years later he continued his studies at Alma Mater Rudolfina, the university inVienna ,Austria . There he became a pupil and friend ofGeorg von Peurbach . In 1457 he graduated with a degree of "magister artium" (Master of Arts) and heldlecture s inoptics and ancient literature. He builtastrolabe s forMatthias Corvinus of Hungary andCardinal Bessarion , and in 1465 a portablesundial forPope Paul II . His work with Peurbach brought him to the writings ofNicholas of Cusa (Cusanus), who held aheliocentric view. Regiomontanus, however, remained a geocentrist afterPtolemy . Following Peurbach's death, he continued the translation of Ptolemy'sAlmagest which Peurbach had begun at the initiative ofBasilios Bessarion . From 1461 to 1465 Regiomontanus lived and worked at Cardinal Bessarion's house inRome . He wrote "De Triangulis omnimodus" (1464) and "Epytoma in almagesti Ptolemei". "De Triangulis" (On Triangles) was one of the first textbooks presenting the current state oftrigonometry and included lists of questions for review of individual chapters. In it he wrote::"You who wish to study great and wonderful things, who wonder about the movement of the stars, must read these theorems about triangles. Knowing these ideas will open the door to all of astronomy and to certain geometric problems."
In the "Epytoma" he critiqued the translation, pointing out inaccuracies. Later
Nicolaus Copernicus would refer to this book as an influence on his own work. In 1467 Regiomontanus left Rome to work at the court ofMatthias Corvinus of Hungary . There he calculated extensive astronomical tables and built astronomical instruments.In 1471 he moved to the Free City of
Nuremberg , inFranconia , then one of the Empire's important seats of learning, publication, commerce and art. He associated with the humanist and merchantBernhard Walther who sponsored the observatory and the printing press. Regiomontanus remains famous for having built at Nuremberg the first astronomical observatory in Germany. In 1472 he published the first printed astronomical textbook, the "Theoricae novae Planetarum " of his teacher Georg von Peurbach. Peurbach worked at the Observatory ofGroßwardein (Oradea) inTransylvania , the first inEurope , and established in his "Tabula Varadiensis " this Transylvanian town's observatory as lying on theprime meridian of Earth.In 1475 he went to Rome to work with
Pope Sixtus IV oncalendar reform . On the way he could publish his "Ephemeris" in Venice. Regiomontanus died mysteriously in Rome,July 6 1476 , a month after his fortiethbirthday . Some say he died of plague, others by (more likely)assassin ation.A prolific author, Regiomontanus was internationally famous already in his lifetime. Despite having completed only a quarter of what he had intended to write, he left a substantial body of work.
Domenico Maria Novara da Ferrara , the teacher ofNicolaus Copernicus , referred to Regiomontanus as having been his own teacher.It is not true that he came to be called posthumously after the place of his birth, Königsberg/Bavaria (in Latin, "Regiomontanus"). In Regiomontanus' day it was common for scholars to Latinize their names when publishing.
He is known for having built one of the most famous
automata , the woodeneagle of Regiomontanus, which flew from the city ofKönigsberg to meet the emperor, saluted him, and returned. He also built an iron fly of which it is said it flew out of Regiomontanus's hands at a feast, and taking a round, returned to him.In 1561,
Daniel Santbech compiled a collected edition of the works of Regiomontanus, "De triangulis planis et sphaericis libri quinque" (first published in 1533) and "Compositio tabularum sinum recto", as well as Santbech's own "Problematum astronomicorum et geometricorum sectiones septem". It was published inBasel byHenrich Petri andPetrus Perna .Regiomontanus crater, on the
Moon , is named after him.Astrology
One biographer has claimed to have detected a decline in Regiomontanus' interest in
astrology over his life, and came close to asserting that Regiomontanus had rejected it altogether. But more recent commentators have suggested that the occasional expression ofskepticism aboutastrological prognostication reflected a disquiet about the procedural rigour of the art, not about its underlying principles. It seems plausible that, like some otherastronomers , Regiomontanus concentrated his efforts onmathematical astronomy because he felt thatastrology could not be placed on a sound footing until the celestial motions had been modeled accurately.In his youth, Regiomontanus had cast
horoscopes (natal chart s) for famous patrons. His "Tabulae directionum", completed inHungary , were designed forastrological use and contained a discussion of different ways of determiningastrological houses . The calendars for 1475-1531 which he printed atNuremberg contained only limited astrological information—a method of finding times forbloodletting according to the position of themoon ; subsequent editors added material.But perhaps the works most indicative of Regiomontanus' hopes for an
empirical ly sound astrology were hisalmanac s or ephemerides, produced first inVienna for his own benefit, and printed inNuremberg for the years 1475-1506.Weather prediction s and observations were juxtaposed by Regiomontanus in his manuscript almanacs, and the form of the printed text enabled scholars to enter their own weather observations in order to likewise checkastrological predictions; extant copies reveal that several did so. Regiomontanus' "Ephemeris" would be used in 1504, by aChristopher Columbus stranded onJamaica , to intimidate the natives into continuing to provision him and his crew from their scanty food stocks, when he successfully predicted alunar eclipse forFebruary 29 ,1504 . [Samuel Eliot Morison , "Christopher Columbus, Mariner", 1955, pp. 184–92.]Regiomontanus did not live to produce the special commentary to the ephemerides that he had promised would reveal the advantages the almanacs held for the multifarious activities of
physician s, for human births and the telling of thefuture , forweather forecasting , for the inauguration ofemployment , and for a host of other activities, although this lack was again made good by subsequent editors. Nevertheless Regiomontanus' promise suggests that he either was as convinced of the validity and utility ofastrology as his contemporaries, or was willing to set aside his misgivings for the sake of commercial success.Criticism
Gerolamo Cardano noted that much of the material ofRegiomontanus on spherical trigonometry was plagiarised from the twelfth-century work of theJabir ibn Aflah [ [http://press.princeton.edu/chapters/i8583.html Victor J. Katz-Princeton University Press] ]Notes
* Irmela Bues, "Johannes Regiomontanus (1436-1476)". In: "Fränkische Lebensbilder" 11. Neustadt/Aisch 1984, S. 28 - 43
* Rudolf Mett: "Regiomontanus. Wegbereiter des neuen Weltbildes". Teubner / Vieweg, Stuttgart / Leipzig 1996, ISBN 3-8154-2510-7
* Helmuth Gericke: "Mathematik im Abendland: Von den römischen Feldmessern bis zu Descartes". Springer Verlag, Berlin 1990, ISBN 3-540-51206-3
* Günther Harmann (Hrsg.): "Regiomontanus-Studien". (= Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, Bd. 364; Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Geschichte der Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften und Medizin, Heft 28-30), Wien 1980. ISBN 3-7001-0339-5
*Samuel Eliot Morison , "Christopher Columbus, Mariner", Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1955.External links
*Adam Mosley, [http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/starry/regiomontanus.html Regiomontanus Biography] , web site at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the University of Cambridge (1999).
*MacTutor Biography|id=Regiomontanus
* [http://www.univie.ac.at/hwastro Electronic facsimile-editions of the rare book collection at the Vienna Institute of Astronomy]
* [http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/starry/regiocalen.html Regiomontanus and Calendar Reform]
* [http://www.polybiblio.com/marta/165.html Polybiblio: Regiomontanus, Johannes/Santbech, Daniel, ed. De Triangulis Planis et Sphaericis libri quinque. Basel Henrich Petri & Petrus Perna 1561]
* [http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Regiomontanus.html Engl. Biographie bei MacTutor]
* [http://www.jnul.huji.ac.il/dl/books/html/bk1262728.htm Joannes Regiomontanus: "Calendarium"] , Venedig 1485, Digitalisat
* [http://naa.net/ain/personen/regiomontanus.asp Beitrag bei „Astronomie in Nürnberg“]
* [http://num-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr:8080/view/authors/Regiomontanus,_Johannes.html Digitalisierte Werke von Regiomontanus] - SICD der Universitäten von StrasbourgPersondata
NAME = Regiomontanus
ALTERNATIVE NAMES = Johannes Müller von Königsberg or Joannes de Regio monte (Latin)
SHORT DESCRIPTION = German astronomer, astrologer, and mathematician
DATE OF BIRTH =June 6 ,1436
PLACE OF BIRTH =Unfinden ,Germany
DATE OF DEATH =July 6 ,1476
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