

Nabopolassar (Akkadian:Nabû-apal-usur) (c.658 BC - 605 BC) was the king of the Babylonia and played a key role in the demise of the Assyrian Empire following the death of the last powerful Assyrian king, Ashurbanipal.[1] He ruled over Babylon for 20 years (625 - 605 BC).


Rise to Power

Nabopolassar rose in revolt against the Assyrian Empire (which had ruled Babylon for the previous 200 years), after the last effective Assyrian king, Ashurbanipal died some time between 631 BC and 627 BC. Following his successful revolt, he took on the title of King of Babylonia.

Destruction of Assyria

Assyria, weakened by internal strife and ineffectual rule following the death of Ashurbanipal, was unable to resist the alliance of Chaldeans and Medes, who combined to sack the Assyrian capital of Nineveh in 612 BC, following the Battle of Nineveh which involved a prolonged siege of the city. Nabopolassar was left in control of Nineveh. His army and its allies destroyed the remnants of the Assyrian army at Carchemish in 605 BC.

Other Campaigns

Nabopolassar waged war against Egypt from 610 BC until his death. In 608 BC, Nabopolassar took the Assyrian city of Harran, where Assyrian forces had retreated after the fall of Nineveh. Later that year, his son Nebuchadnezzar fought against the Pharaoh Necho II of Egypt, shortly before Nabopolassar died.

Later years

Once his forces had defeated the Assyrians and their Egyptian allies, Nebopolassar gave up the throne in favour of his son, Nebuchadnezzar II. Within months of his abdication in 605 BC, Nebopolassar died of natural causes. He was about 53 years old.


  1. ^ D. Brendan Nagle, The Ancient World: A Social and Cultural History, 6th ed., Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson, 58.

External links

  • ABC 2: Chronicle Concerning the Early Years of Nabopolassar
  • ABC 3: Chronicle Concerning the Fall of Nineveh
  • ABC 4: Chronicle Concerning the Late Years of Nabopolassar
  • Nabopolassar Cylinder
Preceded by
(possibly Ashurbanipal of Assyria, or else a viceroy)
King of Babylon
626605 BC
Succeeded by
Nebuchadnezzar II

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  • Nabopolassar — Nabopolassar, wurde 625 v. Chr. assyrischer Statthalter von Babylon, stürzte das Assyrische Reich u. st. 604; sein Sohn war Nebukadnezar; s.u. Assyrien …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Nabopolassar — noun Name of the first king of the Neo Babylonian Empire, who lived c.658 605 …   Wiktionary

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