Transportation Alternatives

Transportation Alternatives

Transportation Alternatives is a non-profit organization in New York City. T.A. seeks to change New York City's transportation priorities to encourage and increase non-polluting, quiet, city-friendlyFact|date=October 2008 travel and decrease private car use. They seek a transportation system based on a "Green Transportation Hierarchy," which gives preference to modes of travel based on their benefits and costs to societyFact|date=October 2008. To achieve these goals, T.A. works in five areas: Bicycling, Walking and Traffic Calming, Car-Free Parks, Safe Streets and Sensible TransportationFact|date=October 2008. Promotional activities include large group bicycle rides.


Transportation Alternatives was founded in 1973 during the explosion of environmental consciousness that also produced the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act and the Environmental Protection Agency. Since its founding, T.A. has helped win numerous improvements for cyclists and pedestriansFact|date=October 2008 and has been the leading voice for reducing car use in the city. T.A.'s roots are in cycling in New York City, and many of its members are everyday cyclists. A bicycle friendly city means changing the overall transportation system, which, even in mass transit-centered New York City, means shifting a paradigm dominated by the private automobileFact|date=October 2008.

Past Successes

Since its creation, Transportation Alternatives has achieved goals Fact|date=April 2008 including:
*Pedestrian and bicycling paths on all East River Bridges for the first time in 50 years
*A complete Hudson River Greenway--ten miles of car-free walking and cycling along the Hudson River
*A promise of a Manhattan Waterfront Greenway, a car-free path circling the entirety of Manhattan
*Year-round "Summer Hours" in Prospect Park plus a further increase in car-free hours in the park
*Year round weekday car-free hours in Central Park, plus the reclamation of three motor vehicle entrances as parkland.
*Legal bike access on New York City subways and commuter railroads, including 24/7 access to the NYC subway
*New Manhattan access to the Brooklyn Bridge promenade
*Pedestrian safety improvements on Queens Boulevard
*Pedestrian improvements in Herald Square and Times Square
*The Bronx Safe Routes to School: Pedestrian improvements at 38 Bronx schools
*Creation of NYC DOT citywide Safe Schools Program
*800 speed humps on neighborhood streets
*Numerous new bike lanes throughout NYC
*Bicycle racks on city streets throughout NYC
*Full-time pedestrian and bicycle access to the George Washington Bridge
*Secure bike parking at several midtown garages
*Pedestrian and cyclist access to River Road on the New Jersey Palisades
*Overturn of the 1987 midtown bicycle ban

External links

* [ Transportation Alternatives]

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