- Grans Brewery
The Grans Brewery (Grans Bryggeri AS) is a
brewery founded in1899 inSandefjord ,Norway . The name was "Sandefjord Bryggeri og Mineralvandfabrik A/S" until 1965. After two generations of Guttorm Gran (senior and junior) in the management, Trygve Christophersen was employed as CEO in 2001.The brewery was not a member of "Norwegian Brewers & Soft Drink Association" from 1965 to 1996.
*Owners are Guttorm Gran Jr. and
Reitangruppen (50% each)
*57 employees (2005)
*Approximately 18 million litersbeer and 18 million literssoft drink s produced in 2004
*Turnover 151 million NOK (2004)
*Distribution deal with thestore chain REMA 1000 External links
* [http://www.grans.no Home page (Norwegian version)]
* [http://www.bryggeriforeningen.no/sw241.asp Norwegian Brewers & Soft Drink Association]
* [http://www.ratebeer.com/Brewers/grans-bryggeri/2493/ RateBeer]
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