- International Peace Bureau
International Peace Bureau (IPB) ("Bureau international de la paix") is the world's oldest international peace federation. It was founded in 1891, and awarded the
Nobel Peace Prize in 1910.IPB was founded under the name Permanent international peace bureau ("Bureau international permanent de la paix"). From 1912 onward it uses the name International Peace Bureau. Between 1946 and 1961, it was known under the name International Liaison Committee of Organizations for Peace – ILCOP ("Comité de liaison international des organisations de paix – CLIOP").
Early years
The International Peace Bureau (IPB) was founded as a result of the third
Universal Peace Congress inRome , 1891, withFredrik Bajer one of its principal founders and its first president. Established atBern as the central office and executive organ of theInternational Union of Peace Societies "to coordinate the activities of the various peace societies and promote the concept of peaceful settlement of international disputes", the Bureau was, in its early years, virtually synonymous with the popular peace movement of that time - that is to say, with all the peace organizations affiliated with it and with their then homogeneous ideology and program.Figuring prominently in this program were such matters as
arbitration procedures,bilateral peace treaties , the creation of a permanent court of international justice and of some kind of intergovernmental or even supranational body or bodies for cooperation and negotiation between nations. To disseminate and promote these ideas, the Bureau arranged the annual peace congresses, formulated their agenda, and implemented their decisions. It also provided a means of communication between the various individuals and organizations working for peace, and collected and issued information, often through its fortnightly publicationCorrespondance bimensuelle and its yearbookAnnuaire du mouvement pacifiste . Until the Bureau received theNobel Peace Prize in 1910, its funds for these activities were limited (varying each year from 8,000 to 9,000francs ).Along with the
Interparliamentary Union , with which it had a close relationship, the International Peace Bureau was influential in bringing the concern for peace to the attention of both public opinion and politicians, being successful in promoting what eventually took form as theLeague of Nations .World War I
World War I not only hindered the work of the Bureau but brought the International Union of Peace Societies to an end. Consequently, after the war was over, the IPB was not able to keep the same predominant position amongst international organizations and institutions. Since an intergovernmental body existed - tentative and defective though it was - and since the ideas of arbitration, mediation, etc., were accepted by manyGovernment s, it was no longer necessary for anongovernmental organization to focus its own activities on these matters. The international peace movement, furthermore, developed into a more complex and diversified pattern of ideologies, interests, and projects, and it was no longer either possible or even desirable to have only one coordinating body. The IPB, therefore, had to try to find its own image. It concentrated its efforts mainly on attempting to communicate certain ideas and proposals of the peace movement which represented the broad outlines of opinion within nongovernmental organizations concerned with questions of peace andhumanitarian welfare , to those circles responsible for decisions on the governmental and intergovernmental level.In order to facilitate this reconstruction of activity and to work in closer contact with the new League of Nations, the Bureau moved in 1924 to Geneva, which is still the site of its headquarters. It continued to organize annual conferences, build up the library, and publish a periodical.
World War II
World War II , for technical and ideological reasons, the work of the International Peace Bureau came to a halt, and its assets were temporarily placed under the supervision of the Swiss authorities. In 1946 some of its former member organizations met to reestablish the Bureau and its work. The result was a new international organization called International Liaison Committee of Organizations for Peace (ILCOP) which, after several years of negotiations, was recognized onJanuary 20 ,1961 , by theSwiss Federal Council as the legal successor to the old International Union of Peace Societies; the assets of the Bureau were given to the ILCOP and its library deposited with theUnited Nations (UN) in Geneva. Shortly afterwards, ILCOP readopted the name International Peace Bureau which now stands for the international organization as such and for its secretariat in Geneva; administration of its funds was transferred to the newly established Foundation ILCOP which has the character and function of a legal body underSwiss law .Today
Today membership is open to:
*(a) international organizations working primarily for peace and international cooperation;
*(b) national peace councils or other federations coordinating the peace movement of their respective countries;
*(c) international organizations having the promotion of peace and international cooperation as one of their aims;
*(d) national and local organizations working directly for peace and international cooperation, or having the work for peace as one of their aims.Associate membership without voting right is open to organizations and individuals who support the aim of the International Peace Bureau. The present aim of the International Peace Bureau is "to serve the cause of peace by the promotion of international cooperation and nonviolent solution of international conflicts". This is much the same as its original objective, but must now in most cases be interpreted and implemented differently to meet the current international situation. The Bureau still works to facilitate communication between different national and international peace organizations, and between these organizations and governmental and intergovernmental bodies, doing so in accordance with its established principle of non-alignment with such bodies. It still acts as a clearing house for ideas, and it still coordinates the activities of different peace organizations, but only insofar as member groups desire it - it no longer acts as a permanent agent, decision-maker, or spokesman for the peace movement as a whole. It still makes the organization of international conferences the core of its activity, but such conferences are now more "working parties or
seminar s" thancongress es, and they concentrate on the different aspects of one specific subject or project rather than trying to give a general survey of all problems, as former conferences normally did.In recent years the Bureau has adopted four procedural steps in handling these projects: preparation of available documentation in a "Working Paper" the conference itself (often preceded by a smaller preparatory seminar), whose participants are recruited to secure attendance from three categories:
*(1) representatives of governments and governmental bodies,
*(2) peace research workers and other experts in the specific field,
*(3) representatives of peace organizations and other national and international organizations concerned with the specific subject of the conference.The editing, publishing, and distributing of the Conference Report, completed with any further documentation collected; and the final follow-up on the Conference findings and decisions, which in many cases involves transmitting proposals to certain governments or certain intergovernmental bodies.
Ernst Wolf - 1963-1974
*Sean MacBride - 1974-1985
*Bruce Kent - 1985-1992
*Maj Britt Theorin - 1992-2000
*Cora Weiss - 2000- 2006
*Tomas Magnusson 2006 - "present"References
*Gobat, Albert, Développement du Bureau international permanent de la paix. Bern, 1910.
*Herz, Ulrich, The International Peace Bureau: History, Aims, Activities. Geneva, 1969.
*From Nobel Lectures, Peace 1901-1925, Editor Frederick W. Haberman, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1972.See also
Fredrik Bajer
*Elie Ducommun
*Charles Albert Gobat
*Henri La Fontaine External links
* [http://www.ipb.org/ International Peace Bureau homepage]
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