- Robert Merle
Robert Merle (
28 August 1908 -28 March 2004) was a Frenchnovelist .Biography
Born in
Tebessa in French occupied Algeria, he moved to France in 1918. Merle wrote in many styles and won thePrix Goncourt for his novel "Week-end à Zuydcoote ". He has also written a 13 book series of historical novels, "Fortune de France ". Recreating 16th and 17th century France through the eyes of a fictitiousProtestant doctor turned spy, he went so far as to write it in the period's French making it virtually untranslatable.His novels "Un animal doué de la raison" ("A Sentient Animal", 1967), a stark
Cold War satire inspired by John Lilly's studies ofdolphins and theCaribbean Crisis , and "Malevil " (1972), apost-apocalyptic story, were both translated into English and filmed, the former as "Day of the Dolphin". The film "The Day of the Dolphin " bore very little resemblance to Merle's story.He died of a heart attack at his home [http://www.lamalmaison.net La Malmaison] in Grosrouvre near
Paris .Bibliography
* "Week-end à Zuydcoote" (1949) - Published in US as "Week-end at Zuydcoote" (1950)
* "La mort est mon métier" (1952) - Published in UK as "Death is my Trade " (1954)
* "L'île" (1962) - Published in US as "The Island" (1964)
* "Un animal doué de raison" (1967) - Published in US as "The Day of the Dolphin" (1967)
* "Derrière la vitre" (1970) - Published in US as "Behind the Glass" (1972)
* "Malevil " (1972)
* "Les hommes protégés" (1974) - Published in US as "The Virility Factor" (1977)
* "Madrapour" (1976)
* "L'idole" (1987) - Published in US as "The Idol"
* "Le Soleil ne se lève pas pour nous" (1987)
* "Le propre de l'homme" (1989)"Fortune de France" series (1977-2003)
# "Fortune de France" (1977)
# "En nos vertes années" (1979)
# "Paris ma bonne ville" (1980)
# "Le prince que voilà" (1982)
# "La violente amour" (1983)
# "La Pique du jour" (1985)
# "La volte des vertugadins" (1991)
# "L’Enfant-Roi" (1993)
# "Les Roses de la vie" (1995)
# "Le Lys et la Pourpre" (1997)
# "La Gloire et les Périls" (1999)
# "Complots et Cabales" (2001)
# "Le glaive et les amours" (2003)External links
** [http://images.evene.fr/img/celeb/4501.jpgSmall picture]
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