- RGBA color space
RGBA stands for Red Green Blue Alpha. While it is sometimes described as a color space, it is actually simply a use of the RGB color model, with extra information. The color is
RGB , and may belong to any RGB color space, but an integral alpha value as invented by Catmull and Smith between 1971 and 1972 enablesalpha blending andalpha compositing . The inventors named "alpha" after the Greek letter in the classic linear interpolation formula αA + (1-α)B.The
alpha channel is normally used as an opacity channel. If a pixel has a value of 0% in its alpha channel, it is fully transparent (and, thus, invisible), whereas a value of 100% in the alpha channel gives a fully opaque pixel (traditional digital images). Values between 0% and 100% make it possible for pixels to show through a background like a glass (translucency), an effect not possible with simple binary (transparent or opaque) transparency. It allows easy image compositing. Alpha channel values can be expressed as a percentage, integer, or real number between 0 and 1 like RGB parameters.Sometimes this is referred as ARGB (like RGBA, but first datum is alpha), which is used, for example, in
Macromedia products terminology. For example, 0x80FFFF00 is 50%-transparent yellow, because all parameters are expressed on a 0-to-255 scale. 0x80 is 128, approximately half 255 (alpha 50%); 0xFF is 255, the greatest value a parameter can have (pure red); the second 0xFF is like the previous, but for green; and 0x00 is 0 in decimal (no blue). Red, green, and half transparency mixture are 50% transparent yellow.PNG is an image format that uses RGBA.
ee also
Alpha compositing
*Digital compositing
*RGB (Red Green Blue, with no transparency effects)
*scRGB color space , a high definitioncolor space with alpha channelReferences
Alvy Ray Smith . [http://alvyray.com/Memos/MemosMicrosoft.htm#AlphaHistory Alpha and the History of Digital Compositing] . Microsoft Tech Memo 7. 1995-08-15.External links
* [http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG-DataRep.html#DR.Alpha-channel Alpha transparency] on
W3C PNG specification
* [http://www.css3.info/preview/rgba/ RGBA Colors] Preview page with implementation info on CSS3.info
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.