Des Foy

Des Foy

Des Foy (December 29, 1963 - ) was born in Oldham, Lancashire, England and played rugby league in the early Eighties and Nineties for various teams in England and Australia.

He signed for Widnes Vikings at the age of seventeen, he later transferred for an undisclosed fee to Oldham. In 1984, he toured with the British Lions to Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. In 1989 he signed for Newcastle Knights in Australia, and in the same year returned to England to play again for the Roughyeds and for Huddersfield. He retired from club rugby in 1993.

Since then, he has played various international games for the Ireland national rugby league team against such national teams as Scotland and the United States. In 1995, he played for Ireland in the Rugby League Emerging Nations Tournament held in October in northern England. On St. Patrick's Day in 1996 he was on the squad against the USA Rugby League team, at RFK Stadium in Washington, DC. He currently resides in Killarney, Ireland, where he has been an active part in the organization of Rugby League Ireland - an organization aimed at the promotion and development of the sport of rugby league in Ireland.

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