Ishe Komborera Africa

Ishe Komborera Africa

God Bless Africa ( _sn. "Ishe Komborera Africa") was formerly the national anthem of Zimbabwe until it was replaced by _sn. "Kalibusiswe Ilizwe leZimbabwe" in 1994. The music is by Enoch Sontonga and it was adopted upon independence in 1980. It is basically a translation of " _xh. Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika" - part of the South African national anthem.

hona Words

: _sn. Ishekomborera Africa
Ngaisimudzirwe zita rayo
Inzwai miteuro yedu
Ishe komborera,
Isu, mhuri yayo.
Huya mweya
Huya mweya komborera

"(repeat previous two lines)"
_sn. Huya mweya
Huya mweya woutsvene
Uti komborere
Isu mhuri yayo.

English Words

:God bless Africa,
Let her fame spread far and wide!
Hear our prayer,
May God bless us!
Come, Spirit, come!
Come! Holy Spirit!
Come and bless us, her children!

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