List of fictional elephants

List of fictional elephants

Fictional elephants

* Airawat is a mythological elephant. Various Indian mythological stories describe Airawat as the mightiest of all elephants. Airawat is the carrier of Lord Indra, the King of Gods.
* Alan, protagonist of Alan and Morris.
* Aloysius, Mrs. Tusk, N'Dugu from "My Gym Partner's a Monkey"
* Androthon is a fictional beast from the computer role-playing game "Xyphus".
* Aurunculeia in the novel "The House of the Four Winds" by John Buchan
* Babar, an elephant prince from the books by Jean de Brunhoff
* Berilia, Tubul, Great T'Phon, and Jerakeen, the four elephants who stand on the back of Great A'Tuin the star turtle, carrying Terry Pratchett's Discworld.
* Bump, an elephant featured in the children's television programme of the same name.
* The Circus elephants in Dumbo. Clannish and gossippy at times, but heroic and magnificent when raising the circus tents under a thunderstorm.
* "Cuatrocientos elefantes", "four hundred elephants". An enormous herd under the orders of the mighty king, Margarita's father, in the poem "Margarita" by Rubén Darío.
* Daniel Rosario, an elephant whose misfortune arises from a lack of bathing, from a well known Indian Fable, entitled "The Elephant, the Frogs, and the Toad".
* Dumbo, a circus elephant who learnt to fly (from the Disney film of the same title).
* Eddie the Elephant in the Maisy books and cartoon series.
* Edward Elephant in the Rupert comic strip, TV cartoons, etc.
* Effervescent Elephant in the song of the same name by Syd Barrett
* Elephant in the German TV show "Die Sendung mit der Maus" (1971)
* Elephant in "South Park" that was cross-bred with a pig.
* Elehung Kimpo is Anthropomorphic elephant female is Transform robot weapon hammer in "Juuken Sentai Gekiranger"
* Elmer Elephant, the titular character of a "Silly Symphonies" short
* Enormous Elephant in the Sweet Pickles book series by Ruth Lerner Perle, Jacquelyn Reinach, and Richard Hefter
* Eugene from Animal Crackers.
* "Goliath II", a tiny but brave elephant in a Disney cartoon.
* Hathi and his three sons in "The Jungle Book" and "The Second Jungle Book" by Rudyard Kipling (renamed Colonel Hathi in the Disney cartoons)
* Horton, the hero of "Horton Hears a Who!" and "Horton Hatches the Egg" by Dr. Seuss
* Johnson, A character in the children's television show "Johnson and Friends"
* Jumbo, a common elephant name. Mother of Dumbo among many others.
* The version of Atom in "Just'a Lotta Animals"
* Kabumpo is the Elegant Elephant of Oz
* Elephanchine the Elephant and other Dancing, bubble blowing, elephants from the Dance of the Hours segment of the film "Fantasia"
* Kala Nag, the working elephant in the short stories "Moti Guj, Mutineer" and "Toomai of the Elephants" by Rudyard Kipling
* Little Blue - a cartoon elephant that broke a fountain pen in two whilst in the bath and stained himself blue (1976)
* Lots-A-Heart in the Care Bears
* Lucy, an architectural folly in Margate, New Jersey
* Mumfie - a puppet from a children's programme called "Here Comes Mumfie" (1975-78). Based on the books by Katherine Tozer published in the 1930s.
* Nellie in the children's cartoon and latterly its theme song of the same name
* White Elephant in The King and I
* Nelson from "64 Zoo Lane".
* Raj from "Camp Lazlo"
* Shep in the "George of the Jungle" cartoons and movie
* Snorky in the "Banana Splits"
* Uncle in J. P. Martin's "Uncle" series
* Stampy in "The Simpsons"
* Tantor, the elephant sidekick of Tarzan
* Vera in the movie "Larger than Life"
* The spotted toy elephant from "Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer"
* Elmer the Patchwork Elephant, character of children's story books written by David McKee
* Bo Tat from Disney's "Operation Dumbo Drop"
* Horatio the Elephant from "Sesame Street"
* Elephants from "Zoo Tycoon"
* Boba the elephant from ""
* Mr. Tusks from "Dinosaur Comics"

Fictional elephant-like creatures

* Aloysius Snuffleupagus and his younger sister Alice in "Sesame Street".
* Fred Fredburger from "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy".
* Gazpacho from Chowder (TV series)
* Heffalumps (honey-eating elephants) in Winnie the Pooh.
* Lumpy the Heffalump from "Pooh's Heffalump Movie"
* Manfred, the mammoth in the movie "Ice Age".
* The Oliphaunt, sung about by Sam Gamgee in J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" (in Peter Jackson's movies ' and ' the oliphaunts (or "Mûmakil") are depicted as huge pachyderms with multiple mammoth-like tusks, whose size makes them ideal for military use).
*Elephantmon from "Digimon
* Eleroo, elephant half kangaroo half "The Wuzzles"
* The Octophantom, a cross between an octopus and an elephant "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers"
* Tough Tusks "Power Rangers Zeo"
* The Elephantian "Power Rangers in Space"
* Elestomp "Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue"
* Denali in "Gumby"
* Mammoth in "Zoo Tycoon"
* Phan Phan, from "Kirby"
* Flame Mammoth, a Maverick in "Mega Man X"
* Phanpy and Donphan in "Pokémon"
* Phil and the other mastodonts from the television series "Cro"
* The Elephander, Elephantus, Twinhorn and Mammoth are mecha from the "Zoids" franchise which are based on elephants or other elephant-like creatures.
* Taj from "Diddy Kong Racing"
* Mammoth Mogul from the "Sonic the Hedgehog comic books
*Pac E. Derm in "Yoshi Story"
* Venusian elephants in the Carson of Venus series by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
*Shellephant. in Crash of the Titans
*Chimera Elephant in "Tokyo Mew Mew"

See also

* List of historical elephants
* List of elephants in mythology and religion
* List of fictional animals
* Elephant

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