- Velvet whalefish
name = Velvet whalefish
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
superclassis =Osteichthyes
classis =Actinopterygii
subclassis =Neopterygii
infraclassis =Teleostei
superordo =Acanthopterygii
ordo =Cetomimiformes
familia = Barbourisiidae
genus = "Barbourisia"
species = "B. rufa"
binomial = "Barbourisia rufa"
binomial_authority = Parr,1945
synonyms =
*Family-level:Barbourisidae Parr, 1945 ("lapsus")The velvet whalefish, "Barbourisia rufa", is a deep-sea
whalefish , the sole member of its family Barbourisiidae. It is found throughout the tropical and temperate parts of the world's oceans, mainly in thePacific nearJapan andNew Zealand , at depths of 300 to 2,000 m. This species seems very closely related to someflabby whalefish es and it was initially believed to belong into that family by some [E.g. Myers (1946)] . They have been found from 65°N to 40°S in the Atlantic, 50°N to 50°S in the Pacific, and 5–20°S in the Indian OceanPaxton "et al." (2001)] .Like other whalefishes, it has a generally
whale -shaped body, small pectoral and pelvic fins, and dorsal and anal fins set far back. Body and fins are covered with tinyspicule s, resulting in avelvet y feel that inspires the name. Color is an overall vivid geranium red or dark orange. The mouth is large, extending well behind the eyes, has a white interior, and the lower jaw projects beyond the upper jaw. The largest recorded specimen was 34.5 cm; another fairly large specimen weighed 456 grams.Little is known of their habits, but they are believed to feed on
crustacean s. The larvae metamorphosize into the adult form at about 7 mmstandard length . Larvae and immatures inhabit the upper water layers, down to some dozen meters; larvae beforenotochord flexion/metamorphosis in particular can sometimes be found right at the surface. As opposed to adults, they still have a smallswim bladder .Footnotes
* (1946): On a Recently Proposed New Family of Deep-Sea Fishes (Barbourisiidae, Parr, 1945). "
Copeia " 1946(1): 41-42. DOI|10.2307/1438820
* (1945): Barbourisidae, a new family of deep sea fishes. "Copeia " 1945(3): 127-129. DOI|10.2307/1438273 (First page image)
* (2001): Larvae and juveniles of the deepsea "whalefishes" "Barbourisia" and "Rondeletia" (Stephanoberyciformes: Barbourisiidae, Rondeletiidae), with comments on family relationships. "Records of the Australian Museum" 53(3): 407-425. [http://www.amonline.net.au/pdf/publications/1352_complete.pdf PDF fulltext]External links
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