

A quatrain is a poem, or a stanza within a poem, that consists always of four lines. It is the most common of all stanza forms in African poetry. The rhyming patterns include abb, abab, abba, abcb.

In its narrow meaning, the term is restricted to a complete poem consisting of only four lines. In its broader sense, it includes any one of many four-verse stanza forms.

Basic forms


Other forms

*The "heroic stanza" or "elegiac stanza" (iambic pentameter, rhyming ABAB; from Thomas Gray's " [http://www.thomasgray.org/cgi-bin/display.cgi?text=elcc Elegy Written in a Country Church-yard] ") : The Curfew tolls the knell of parting day, : The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea, : The plowman homeward plods his weary way, : And leaves the world to darkness and to me.

*Shairi (also known as Rustavelian Quatrain) is an aaaa rhyming form used mainly in The Knight in the Panther's Skin.

*The [Shichigon-zekku] form used in Chinese and Japanese poetry. Both rhyme and rhythm are key elements, although the former is not restricted to falling at the end of the phrase.

*Ballad meter (The examples from "The Unquiet Grave" and "The Wife of Usher's Well" are both examples of ballad meter.)

*Various hymns employ specific forms, such as the "common meter", "long meter", and "short meter".
*The thirty syllable, Celtic verse form Englyn from the Welsh language is another interesting variation of the quatrain ,and is also now popular in the English language.

ee also

* "Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam", a collection of Persian quatrains written by Omar Khayyám
* Nostradamus, writer of prophetic quatrains

External links

* [http://www.persian.ws/poet/fullnews.php?id=110 Poetic Form of Quatrain] : A Research Note by Dr Manouchehr Saadat Noury.
*Example of an Englyn in its English language form [http://englyn.blogspot.com/]

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  • quatrain — [ katrɛ̃ ] n. m. • 1544; de quatre ♦ Petit poème de quatre vers. ♢ Strophe de quatre vers. Le premier quatrain d un sonnet. ● quatrain nom masculin Strophe composée de quatre vers. quatrain n. m. Poème ou strophe de quatre vers. ⇒QUATRAIN, subst …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • quatrain — 1. (ka trin) s. m. 1°   Petite pièce de poésie de quatre vers. •   Lisez moi comme il faut, au lieu de ces sornettes, Les Quatrains de Pibrac et les doctes Tablettes Du conseiller Mathieu, MOL. Sgan. 1. •   D un caustique quatrain barbouiller mon …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • quatrain — (n.) 1580s, from M.Fr. quatrain four line stanza, from O.Fr. quatre four, from L. quattuor four (see FOUR (Cf. four)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Quatrain — Quat rain, n. [F., fr. quatre four, L. quattuor, quatuor. See {Four}.] (Pros.) A stanza of four lines rhyming alternately. Dryden. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Quatrain — (v. fr., spr. Katräng), 1) Strophe eines Gedichts von vier Zeilen; 2) kleines Gedicht, welches blos aus vier Zeilen besteht; 3) in den Sonetten die je vier in der ersten, aus acht Zeilen bestehenden Abtheilung sich reimenden Zeilen …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • quatrain — Quatrain. s. m. Quelques uns disent, Quadrin. Petite piece qui contient quatre Vers, dont les rimes sont presque tousjours croisées. Les quatrains de Pibrac. Le sonnet est composé de deux quatrains & de deux tercets …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • quatrain — ► NOUN ▪ a stanza of four lines, typically with alternate rhymes. ORIGIN French, from quatre four …   English terms dictionary

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